He's Coming to Me
4 people found this review helpful
Feb 9, 2020
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Disclaimer, this is a super messy review.

This series, by far, has made me cry the most out of any other series with only its 8 episodes. Ohm and Singto's acting were just so perfect that when they cried, I cried. The scene that made me cry the most was when Ohm was conversing with his mom and telling her... well, you know (minor spoiler). I myself have also had the same situation so I know exactly how it felt. Ohm's acting in that scene was just so realistic and so relatable that I just couldn't fight back myself from crying. Even though some of the scenes are very sad, there are just the right amount of sprinkles of comedic relief after the scenes that really made me laugh and be happy again from getting sad emotions. The thing that makes this series unique from many other Thai BLs (plz don't attack me if I'm wrong) is that both Than and Mes are gay and not bisexual. This would mainly attack the BL concept of, "I don't like any other guys, I only like you." This really just doesn't sit well with me (>>OPINION<<). The relationship of Than and Mes is that both of them has had only one relationship (Correct me if I'm wrong). I really just don't like it when any of the main roles in BLs has had many relationships (unpopular opinion) because it feels like it doesn't make the relationship feel special. I understand that it's like, "I've dated many, but none of them have worked out for me in my life until I met you," concept, but I really prefer the, "You are my first love and my love forever," or, "I've dated only once to see if I like girls and when I met you, I realize you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with," (once again, unpopular opinion).
The main plot of the story is so fascinating and so captivating, I was super impressed with how they managed to make the whole thing play out so well. The thing about the very first scene with Singto was just so indescribably sad. The way it starts out with music, him being at peace, and then an abrupt drastic change of the mood that partly explains how he became a ghost. I also can't count how many times I got goosebumps from this whole series because of just how beautiful everything was. The use of special effects was definitely a very big factor in what got me so intruiged that I don't see very commonly used in BLs (probably cuz I haven't really found many of them). Can we take a minute to just think of how precious Ohm and Singto's smiles are? Especially the fact that Singto has those cute dimples that really compliment the look of his smile.
Going on to the rewatch value of the series, the series is so worth rewatching. Many of the scenes just make you wanna rewatch it again and again because of how happy or sad they make you feel. Rewatching sad scenes is fun (in my opinion) because it's nice to test if you can handle the amount of sadness that hits you for the 2nd time (I'm weird like that oop). There is a slight problem however though. It is the fact that the series is in the mystery genre, so once you watch it, you would already know what comes next or why a scene was placed as it is. Rewatching the series for the 2nd time does piece together some parts that you miss however though.
Overall, everything was just perfect and I really wished that there were a few more episodes, but that would just make me greedy because the end was already such a good end. It was only the fact that it leaves the watchers dying to know how their story together continues on. What happens when Mes' 3rd requirement is fulfilled? (you'll know what the "3rd requirement" is if you've watched it). Questions from the seriea that you have no idea if they'll ever be answered will remain in the heart.

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4 people found this review helpful
by SeRose
Dec 3, 2012
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Yay for Pride! It’s a first-rate steamy romance; no wait, it’s a first-rate inspirational sports drama. No wait, it’s a bit of both and somewhere in the combination is a half-hearted attempt to tell a new and unique story… no wait, there’s nothing new or unique. But if you A) Like a decently spun romance, or B) like Japanese hockey, then this is the drama for you.

Pride sets off with some pretty decent story-telling, and a couple of nicely charismatic actors. Initially I was watching this thing for Kimura Takuya, who plays hockey-player extraordinaire Satonaka Halu. He’s your standard rom-com lead, romantic yet insecure, and to cover up his insecurities, he hides behind the ‘Pride of the Iceman.’ I think that has something to do with being awesome on skates, padded up like an Eskimo, and generally being able (and allowed) to bowl over any man who gets in your way.

Equally impressive as an acting force, however, is Takeuchi Yuko playing Murase Aki as the girl left behind… by another guy/jerk introduced halfway through drama. Here’s the rub: Halu was warned never to sincerely love a woman, lest it interfere with his career; Aki is technically still waiting for her boyfriend to return (after a two year hiatus – and these people obviously don’t believe in phones). So in the meantime, to stave off loneliness and generally have fun, they’ve agreed to date until Aki’s boyfriend returns, and then they’ll part amicably as friends. Maybe…

As a sports drama it’s honestly not too bad. Keep in mind, I’m not a huge sports junkie and I’m not generally fond of the genre, but I’m also not completely averse to seeing hot guys working out. Did I have any genuine anxiety that maybe the team wouldn’t play well in the finals, or that every player would become injured and remain crippled? Not really. Were the slow-motion sequences of pucks magically sliding towards the goal net cheesy? Yes, sort of. Did I really care one way or the other? Nope.

As a romance story, it’s above average with a touch of good chemistry, some fairly hot kiss scenes, and then some… And really up through the halfway mark, I had nothing too bad to say about the development of the couple. Unfortunately then we’re hit with your typical dose of angst, stupidity, and a serious lack of communication.

I give a pass on this, ignoring the random bits of ridiculousness. (For a more indepth analysis, you can visit my blog). I watched this mostly for the romance and for Kimura and I was not terribly disappointed with either. I’d also like to see more of this guy in the future, so I think Pride was far from being a waste of time.

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Love Is Not Blind
4 people found this review helpful
May 25, 2013
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers
I think this movie is a good lesson about how to overcome a breakup. The story was funny, and the ending was cute (saying it was cute is not a spoiler, right?) Her friend was really funny (he's so cool!!) and I love the way she evolved through the story.
As for the rewatch value, I wouldn't mind watching it again, personnally I couldn't stop!
Hope you enjoy it :)
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You're My Pet
4 people found this review helpful
by kori
Jun 21, 2014
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
I did not read the manga nor did I watch the drama, so watching this was from a completely neutral point of view. According to what I've read, it's far from it's roots, but as I know nothing of those roots, I'm reviewing this as a stand alone movie.

Regarding the story, it was cute. The movie was extremely rushed, with little explanation for some things, and while there was potential be better, the time constraints really killed it. It was a cute movie overall; it's very lighthearted and good to watch if you just want a rom-com. I found it funny, and it was just plain fluff. But if you're watching for story, don't bother, as it was extremely choppy.

The acting was good, and I thought both of the leads did well. I thinly both Kim Ha Neul and Jang Geun Suk are good actors, so um, yeah.

Music was basically irrelevant, and other than one out-of-the-blue dance and song, there wasn't any music that stood out. Also, for him being a ballet dancer, there really was no dancing involved.

I would rewatch this movie if I was bored. I enjoyed it because it was cute and it was funny, which is good if you're just coming off some romantic tragedies or melodramas.

Overall, it wasn't that good, but it wasn't that bad either. It was fine, in my opinion and judging it as a standalone movie.

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Marriage Contract
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 14, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
I really enjoyed the female lead who showed the diversity of her acting skills in this role. The development of the main characters as it relates to the removial of their layers of complexities in order to heal, grow and love was also poignant. If you're looking for a heart warming love story with some difficult life issues then this is the drama for you.
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4 people found this review helpful
May 14, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers
It's been a while since I've watched a Japanese movie themed with crime investigation and psychological battles but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten to enjoy the genre. What I specifically liked about this film even with its lack or rather non-existent action scenes was how the main character came into being. I marvel at the main lead being an antagonist and protagonist at the same time. Movies like this should be appreciated for the scriptwriter's wit, along with the actor's perfect role execution. Have I mentioned that the main actor Ikuta Toma who acted as Gates is one of my favorite Japanese actors? Well, it’s not that relevant but the guy certainly knows how to act all kinds of character, from a depressed artist to being a stage comedian, he does his roles extremely well. I'm not saying this because he is my bias, but because this is how his portfolio and credentials say so.

Now that being said, I’m going to dive into more details about the film without the spoilers.

The whole story line is about one unfortunate guy who tries to make a difference with the use of the World Wide Web and the perks of anonymity that comes with it. This guy remains anonymous because he wears a newspaper to cover his face while he stirs up the police, the government and most of all the netizens. The film will show some graphic and violent things done in the internet using live streaming and might be disturbing, but don’t let this get too much inside your head because this is not about the rated PG stuff, this is about something more, it is about a message being sent and interpreted by different people. Besides the icky stuff would only last for a couple of seconds in intermittent scenes. The film may seem slow and frustrating at times but the fact that you have to watch it until the end to appreciate whatever is currently happening, makes all 1 hour and 59 minutes of screen time worth it.

Music wise, it wasn’t as memorable to me since I was too engrossed with the story and what was happening for me to mind the background music much. Cinematography wise, there’s nothing much to be appreciated since most of the scenes took place in a room or being projected via the internet. Sub characters though are worth mentioning. I give my kudos to Toda Erika for being such a hard ass detective in this film even though she didn’t do much running or fighting, I still liked her. Heh. The fact that she’s still a tough nut in the middle of a male dominated environment, this did not deter her from doing her job. Then there are these other guys, the friends of the main character. I want to pinpoint my favorite among the three, but I can’t. I liked all guys equally because they had their own charm. Suzuki Ryohei as Kansai with his tall stocky looking body but with a heart of gold, while Arakawa Yoshiyoshi named Metabo is the fat bellied guy who seems too timid when it comes to authority figures but definitely can retaliate when needed and lastly Hamada Gaku as Nobita with his eye glasses and his dream to have girlfriend. I find that dream kind of cute and yet endearing making him the most vulnerable looking guy in the bunch. But overall, I think I liked each of them on the get go.

I recommend this film to those who would want to watch something with a more interesting story line.

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The 100th Love With You
4 people found this review helpful
by TheVid
Mar 16, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
Not a perfect plot, but lovely nonetheless. Leaves you with a bittersweet feeling. The music was really good - not all the songs, but the background soundtracks were all well suited to each scene. Good enough that I'd buy the OST. My one complaint would be that the female lead's acting wasn't consistent and wasn't always natural, as opposed to the male lead. But perhaps, that's how the character was written. Overall, worth a watch. Wouldn't recommend watching it again as it might not convey the same feeling as the first time.
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Cupid's Last Wish
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 24, 2022
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

So glad I decided to watch it

I actually doubted this series in the beginning, I didn't like the body swap idea and I wanted to see earthmix, so I really was doubting watching it. I asked in the comments before I watched it if I should and surprisingly they said yes, so I did. My god did it blow me fucking away, you get a LOT of earthmix and also it has a happy ending for everyone. I thought the sister would create drama but no I actually fell in love with her, a very beautiful person and aaaaa I was so fucking happy she fell in love with P'Non at the end. Plus, you get SO MUCH EARTHMIX. Its crazy, it almost felt like they didn't body swap at all, you knew at the back of your mind that they did but you can tell that Korn was really in love with Win and not Lin, and that Korn only saw Win even with a different body. My goodness the scene in the caves at the last temple had to be my favorite, it was so ethereal and perfect. I held my breathe when they were writing to eachother on the dirt to communicate, and the scene where Win fell into the water to save Korn, aaaaaaaa the cave scenes are my absolute favoriteee. It's such a 10/10 reccomendation and is moving up on my favorites. EarthMix does it again!

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So I Married an Anti-Fan
4 people found this review helpful
Jan 11, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

This drama deserves its anti-fans (and yet I rewatch it repeatedly!)

In a quick summary, this drama is 50% great and 50% awful. Sadly, the awful parts are so bad that it's impossible to recommend watching them - which means that less than half of the drama is actually worth viewing. And yet!

And yet I have re-watched those good parts multiple times because they've hit that sweet spot of "conceited jerk meets bumbling manic pixie dream girl and everyone falls implausibly in love" that I sometimes crave.

I will say that the romance of our main characters is based in nonsense and wildly chaotic, but it has heart-fluttering moments that are grounded in two people who don't really know how to be around people very well but somehow fit each other. Once they start connecting, it's really very charming. Both actors do a great job with some very wacky material, and have a natural feeling connection. I felt that they both grew into functional adults on their own and through their relationship with each other.

However! The second leads, who are central to the MLs backstory and cause mess for the FL, are horrific. Their relationship is so abusive I couldn't handle even their first scene together, let alone the absurd situation they end up in. The character of JJ is beyond awful. The unfortunate SFL is so broken by her circumstances that I just wanted to reach into the screen and take her away from everything she was dealing with. That poor girl made me so sad and angry that people can treat people like that.

Back to the good points, I have to give love to our MLs manager - I adored him and his knowing smiles. Stick with him, our mains, and the FLs besties, and you're in for a good time.

The music is sweet, as befits a story about a pop star. I actually enjoyed several of the songs quite a lot.

Overall, half of this drama was quite good, good enough to rewatch. With aggressive use of the FFW button, it is a fun, lightly melo drama.

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My Fairy Ghost
4 people found this review helpful
by puwupy
Mar 19, 2023
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Beautiful hidden gem

I didn't know what to expect from this short series, but I really enjoyed it more than I thought! There's a lot to love about it.
- Let me start with the obvious: it's a WELL-MADE GL. It's not one of those absurdly pure GL dramas where the two protagonists just seem like two affectionate friends, but it's also not one of the usual lesbian shows that are completely shaped by the male gaze. There's good balance of heart-fluttering, romance, and sensual elements, which made it quite enjoyable to watch.
- The story is simple, but also straightforward. Whoever wrote this was aware of the little screentime they had for everything and used it extremely well. It was definitely more fast-paced than other Japanese dramas I've seen in the past, and while there isn't the usual quantity of character introspection, it compensates with not feeling boring.
- The two protagonists have each their own charm and it shines with their personalities. They also have excellent chemistry with each other! They really seem very fond of each other and their relationship develops naturally without feeling forced.
- The music is also very good, the songs are beautiful and make the important scenes feel even more impactful overall.
- If there's anything I disliked about it was the supernatural side of the story not being explored as much as I wish it was, but there was not enough time for it anyway and I believe that I was given all the necessary elements to follow the plot without being confused.

I found the episodes with English subtitles on YouTube. The series is very short, you can watch all 4 episodes in less than 40 minutes, so I really recommend watching it!

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Renai no Susume
4 people found this review helpful
Jan 16, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Renai no Susume has a sweet message for everyone in all walks of life—it’s okay to fall in love. Although i was able to enjoy this film, i feel like it still has a couple of stuff that bothers me.

I really enjoyed the OSTs. The opening dance is really cute and silly while the ending song sounds really nice. But sometimes the music sounds way too dramatic in serious scenes that it feels … almost ironic?

The acting wasn’t bad at all, just nothing special.

About Ootori’s character, I liked him. He matured and became a more loving person. He’s intriguing enough that you can’t really hate him. He has his faults but you can see he’s trying.

The first couple episodes of the drama were a bore. It felt like typical romcom stuff that didn’t really stand out in any way. It picks up a bit after Ootori accidentally starts a “love liberation” group at his school, which is where the show is less comedic and more sentimental and dramatic.

Now, the main couple.

Hanako and Ootori’s relationship doesn’t make me feel anything, which is my biggest problem with the show.
However, although i understand that the focus of the drama was on Ootori figuring out how to let himself be in love which would ultimately make Hanako not need to be complex, it was a little disappointing. (Basically it was focused more about his feeling of love rather than who he loves.) Yes, love can happen for any reason, no matter how small, and many relationships that seem to spring out of nowhere can last a long time. HOWEVER. This drama could have been enhanced had Hanako been a deeper written character that actually had chemistry with Ootori.

I believe this because having two characters bonding with each other and falling in love will improve the impact in Ootori and Hanako’s love. Romcoms have every right to be silly and not take themselves seriously, but if you’re trying to have sentimental moments in one, it’s hard to feel anything without prior character development.

Hanako should have revealed more about her background and past to Ootori rather than needing Ootori’s friend to just find information for him. He could have connected more with her that would help them understand each other more.

Now…about Ryuzaki…he was one of my favorite characters in the show. Seeing him being rejected was somehow very somber and sweet to watch. Ootori doesn’t tell him straight up. Instead, he acknowledges Ryuzaki’s feelings without dismissing them. I wish he had more screen time so we could know more about him and why he loved Ootori in the first place. His motives were shown through his love. Even after being rejected, he supports Ootori and Hanako. He’s just a really sweet character who was unfortunately robbed of screen time.

I could ramble more but this really covers most of what I want to stay, if not all. I will put out that Hanako’s boyfriend (forgot his name) just easily supports her which makes no sense. They were implied to have talked it out but one talk isn’t realistic enough to budge someone like him. Overall, I enjoyed Renai no Susume. The ending wasn’t an outcome I enjoyed much, but I don’t regret watching this show. Please check out their tiktok page. It’s full of BTS stuff and really cute content if you enjoy Ootori and Ryuzaki fan service (that could almost be mistaken for bl) or just the actors having fun. @drama_stream_tbs

Thank you for reading!!!

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You're My Sky
4 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 3.0
This review may contain spoilers

My Little Pleasant Surprise

I waited to binge-watch You're My Sky because I knew it would be one of those series that would just be better with one sitting, and I wasn't wrong. I went in with little expectations since I wanted to be fully surprised by all aspects, including all of the couples and their circumstances, so I went in without reading the synopsis or understanding the concept of this BL, and my only knowledge was that basketball was involved. And I fucking loved it. I loved this series why more than I thought I was going to, especially with me going into this with little to no idea what it was. But each couple brought about strong on-screen dynamics with perfect combability that their relationship were believable. To add on, the cinematography is by far my favorite of 2022.

Let's Dive In.

The easiest way to describe YMS is by saying it's a uni-story, but one, in particular, that didn't feel the same as the others. We have three completely different couples that go through their own conflicts and by the end, it's a somewhat happy ending for all. What makes this feel so unique in and of itself is simply the cinematography. It reminded me a lot of ITSAY and IPYTM, not in the same aspect of the story, but cinematically wise, it was astounding. The colors used, the way lighting played an important role, and the settings have such a homey feel to them -- it all equaled up to an amazing watch that made the series 10 times more exciting.

Again, I loved the cinematography. Had this series been filmed in the regular Thai-BL style, I don't think I would've liked it nearly as much as I do. There was just a way the story was told that was an absolute joy to watch. I liked the dim lighting that we see throughout the series, it just brings out a central feel that made it feel so authentic. At some point in the series, we see the framing chance so the intensity of a basketball game can be lifted, and I freaking adored it. The settings were so nice, especially the outside basketball court by the river, cause at night, it had a solemn and romantic feel that made Tuphah and Thorn's scenes appear more sensual. Even their first kiss illuminated by the street light and the bit coming from Thorn's house was so sensual and relaxing. I'm not even a big fan of basketball or sport BLs in general, but these scenes were shot to actual perfection. They imitated the feel of the game, and the intensity (even without an audience) in such a way that you find yourself wanting more. It also was a delight to see that the actors were actually playing basketball and doing it decently. Of course, it wasn't perfect, but they rebounded, went for a layup, did cool dribbling moves on the court, showed actual basketball techniques and skills that really impressed me. Same with the track scenes. I adored that we can see the way Vee gets in his head and the use of track to make things feel more elevated. Again, they use actual relay techniques like calling for the baton, practicing the way they hand it off, and everything else that goes with track and field. Production was by far the best thing about YMS, there were plenty of ridiculous product placements, but I'm willing to look pasted that.

Getting into what I loved and didn't like about each couple:

Dome and Vee: I appreciated their dynamic for sure. Vee is kind of a tease who indirectly flirts with Dome and they end up having this strong connection. Dome's actor plays his expressions perfectly in his eyes, and it feels so intense when we see him looking at Vee, whether directly into his eyes or when Vee's not looking. It's very sensual with this couple, and only because that's all it can be since Dome is Vee's sister's boyfriend. The director plays with the impact of touch perfectly. We feel that sense of attractiveness through Dome giving him back rubs, and when Vee is massaging his legs. It's the same attraction when they make sacred eye contact and don't look away, it gives way to such a vibrant aura that it's hard not to want them to be together. While I'm no fan of cheating, I appreciate it in film and tv just because it is a realistic aspect of some relationships, and I can always appreciate realism. Out of every cheating plot I've seen, this one was handled with the utmost respect and delicateness, just because cheating actually never occurs, and is more of a conscious type feel. They don't have any physical intimacy until Dome breaks up with Pan, and while they do admit their feelings for one another before the breakup, it feels more like disloyalty (still not a good thing, but still not cheating). Pan's actor is fantastic, and the scene when she admits to Vee that she saw them kissing was very strong in emotion. It's a heavy topic and of course, she eventually forgives her brother since she can't just never talk to him again. Dome and Vee ended in the most realistic way possible, by keeping things neutral between the both of them, and agreeing to take things one step at a time. I really had no problem with this couple, of course, it's not good to cheat on your girlfriend, especially with her brother, but it was handled in a way that I rarely see in BL and had to be one of the best cheating storylines I've encountered. It's no wonder why this couple was a fan favorite.

Aii and Saen: I'm a sucker for grouchy uke who's either oblivious or ignoring the other's advances towards them, and the overly flirtatious or bubbly Seme who falls first in the relationship (Ex: MingKit, LeonPhob, MeenDuean, GavCai, SkyJao), and these two fit right into that category. I liked how Saen wasn't afraid to flirt and be honest with his feelings for Aii right off the bat. Aii saw it as teasing at first, but eventually, he was on board. The trip to Saen's grandma's house was precious. The delicate way that Saen explains he wants to kiss Aii and Aii being super nervous but allows him to do it. It was perfect, and while I wouldn't have wanted that to be their first time, it was still was really nice. Aii gets the chance to travel to Japan but he debates within himself whether to go or not since he doesn't want to leave Saen and their relationship behind. Which brings me to the point of what kept annoying me with this couple. The problem with the long-distance should've been one singular conflict and been resolved only once. Instead, it is resolved only to be a problem again and it's repeated a few times. Either go or stay, but this shouldn't have to be the repeating disruption in their relationship. I would've also liked it if they had more time to get to know each other, cause I can somewhat believe their feelings for one another, but they get together in such a quick instance that it's difficult to believe they're in love. This couple just needed a few touchups, but for the most part, I enjoyed them. Saen was the freaking cutest and watching Aii just slowly start to fall for him, or when we see him admitting his feelings is the best part of it all.

Tupfah and Torn: This was the best couple out of them all. While they did have plenty of problems, it was still a really good story. I love a good friends-to-lovers trope, and they did perfectly at implementing it. It took Tupfah longer to realize his feelings, but as we see him going through the process of doing so, it's fucking adorable. Their first kiss in front of Torn's house is perfection. They kiss once, and it's very shy as they just go for it, but when Tupfah leans in again, it becomes hot and heavy. And they have a couple other intimate scenes that are planned out accordingly and executed perfectly. I don't mind that at a point, Torn becomes a villain and kind of terrorizes the team because he becomes involved with the bad coach's morals, but it's honestly the best way to show that he was hurting. I think that part of his redemption arc might've been handled too quickly. I wanted to see his action have some actual consequences, but whatever, it's fine with what we get. I agree with others that Tae wasn't the best as Tupfah, but he did okay. There were some times when I wanted him to bring about a stronger performance, but it wasn't so bad that it was unwatchable. He's definitely a lot better than he was in Y-destiny by a longshot. They had the best story, development-wise, and I liked seeing their dynamic as children compared to when they're in college. I love the inside quote of the "go or no go", and it's placed in points in the story that makes it seem more valuable and important. Their chemistry faltered at times, but by the end, it was stellar.

Some other things:

I loved the portrayal of the trans character, and how the director didn't utilize him as a blowoff character, or someone that was to be silly or creepy. He instead helps Tupfah with his feelings, and we get a pretty emotional confession of his feelings and how grateful he was for the team and the coach.

The first time jump was terribly executed. It took a while for me to even realize that a time jump had happened since it's never really said and just implied. There needed to be some indication to the audience that time had passed, or things just got rather confusing.

I think this series could've wrapped up nicely at 10 episodes, and I would've for sure given it a 10 rating, but the extraness that is brought about in the last two is irrelevant. It felt like the screenwriter had ended it at 10, and then forgot they had two episodes left, so they added more and more conflict that was just unnecessary. Like how Aii and Saen's situation was handled just to become a problem again out of the blue when it was already resolved. It's kind of the same with Tupfah and Torn with their little quarrel at the end.


Story: 8 - I really liked the main couple's story. The basketball scenes were done very nicely. The other couples were enjoyable. I'll take two stars off since I firmly believe this could've ended in 10 episodes.

Acting: 9 - Everyone did a really good job. I think that Tae and Tupah's little brother's actor were the weakest links, but it wasn't so bad that it wasn't enjoyable. I'll take one star off for that.

Music: 8.5 - I really liked it. It went well with the tone of the series, and I enjoyed listening to it. I also liked the music choices used throughout this series, like when something bad was happening or about to happen, we hear this booming type of music, and the editors did a perfect job of choosing songs.

Rewatch value: 3: I would for sure go back to rewatch some scenes that gave me butterflies and made me all gushy.

Overall, this is a very nice BL. It seems to be a bit underrated since I don't see it talked about nearly enough, so I hope more people can come around to watching it.

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Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo
4 people found this review helpful
by Reiko
Apr 28, 2020
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I honestly loved this drama so much. I usually don't like to watch Japanese dramas but I saw a short clip on FB to decided to try it out. oh geez oh lordddd.....I LOVED THIS DRAMA SO MUCH!!!!!

The acting I have to say was exceptional. Parts where it needed to be serious was serious, parts that was supposed to be emotional made me cry and most that were supposed to be cringe were cringe as heck but was the type of cringe that made me want to keep watching. The cringe that made me jump up and squeal like crazy. Luved that feeling so much :) Which is one of the main reasons I enjoyed this drama more than other japanese dramas bc other ones are way out of my level of cringe that I can't even watch it lmao. haaaahhah..........

The highlights were definitely the main leads. Nananse.......she honestly suited this role so well. A bubbly and kind nurse who falls for a cold devil, but kindhearted doctor. HAHAAHAH..........but they match each other so well. Tendo honestly nailed his role. I felt like he controlled the whole vibe of the drama. OMG.....especially the cringe scenes........he somehow makes it so......idk how to describe it (this is mainly bc of his incredibly sexy glare...hahaha). If I was to say would be "spicy cringe". A cringe where you jump all over the place, squeal and scream but just wanna keep watching just like when you eat something deliciously spicy. Hahaha.........anyways. love this drama. definitely worth the watch #covoid19times

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4 people found this review helpful
Apr 9, 2013
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
(Read the full review at my review blog,!)

Kaho plays an excellent mysterious creature as Shizuka, and every episode is filled with suspense as the police, all from different divisions, near the truth about Shizuka only to be thwarted at the last minute.

It was a bit puzzling to figure out how all the stories connected back to Shizuka--they all do eventually, and often in excellently creative ways, but the meandering story until it gets to her always felt a little off-kilter. Why, I was asking myself at the beginning of each episode, do we need to see all this monotonous stuff about random people? The cops were especially puzzling--as the ones involved change every episode, it felt like a waste to get to know them the way we do throughout an episode only to ditch them in the end when Shizuka runs again. The episodes could've been tightened up considerably if we focused more on Shizuka's case and less on the monotony that makes up police work. After all, the title of the drama isn't "hitorikeisatsu."

Nevertheless the people who are actually involved in the Shizuka plot are excellently cast, and I was seriously impressed by how things come full circle over the course of the show. It's intriguing, with a mix of both suspense and mystery (there are times when we are privileged to information the police doesn't have--such as what Shizuka is up to), and an extremely satisfying ending. I'm not sure I'd ever rewatch the show--after you know what's going on I'd hate to sit through all the unrelated plots again.

So yes, a slow-paced show with many extraneous details, but carried by a top-notch cast and a tight, intriguing overarching plot. Worth watching the first time, but only so you can learn what the hell is going on at the end.

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Live Up to Your Name
4 people found this review helpful
May 7, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I've been watching a lot of K-Dramas and this one got me , it's AMAZING, please give it a try and don't judge from the first episodes, It's a ( Master Piece ) I could say about this drama. and so I'm writing my first review about it.
I love how touchy it gets with feelings between Characters and how the doctors are so passionate about their work. Love story is also cool and full of humor. The drama is showing some of the hard times which where in Johson back then and how great people came to sacrifice themselves for others.
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