
She put on a white dress. She's going to die. I bet she's going to die.

I hope none of the others dies, though. They held out so long! Well, nevermind the doctor. Let the police do to him whatever they want.

They suffered enough now. Looks like a Happy End. :)
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Robber Episode 10
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Aug 5, 2013

Everything is nice, but -

- I still can't feel this "great love" chemistry here... I know, I know - both main characters are far past their young, pure, first loves, but I just wished for more "heart bumping" scenes. ^^

Hm... I have a bad feeling that this episode is a beginning of "sad chapter" of this drama...

Let's see it. ;)
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Aug 5, 2013

Holy sh--!

Man, this ep was total badassery!

I love Jin Sook in this episode. Talk about a totally badass female gangsta kingpin. Show them boys how we do, Jin Sook!

As for the rest, wow! This is getting intense! Doc has partially revealed his face to Hyung Min, what will happen now? Will they band together to finally take down Pusan? Somehow I doubt it. Hyung Min is too emotionally attached to the case because of Gyung Mi's death. He's convinced himself Doc murdered her & will not listen to any other explanation. This is going to get messy.

Scale met a very violent end, who's next? Safari? Doc? Soo? Somebody gonna die tonight, that's for sure!

But shit, when Doc gets that look in his eyes you know shit's about to hit the fan. I hope he guts that simpering, backstabbing idiot Ahn like a fish!

Can't really figure out Chief Commissioner Min. Is he still in this for the right reasons or has he gone rogue, and in the process using Doc to carry out his dirty work? I'm not sure. Maybe I missed something. Luckily Doc is as sharp as a whip. He'll figure them all out since he's always one step ahead of Hyung Min & his squad.

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Aug 5, 2013

Ji Hoon the perfect Child, Friend and Lover!

OMG! what an ep!...I was jumping on my seat from the excitement xD and the kiss...totally surprised me because the drama shows their relationship as a mother and child one...I didn't guess that he sees her in this way! but seriously I'd die in peace if I have someone that loyal to me as Ji Hoon is loyal to her
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Aug 5, 2013

Much better

Things moved in this episode and I can say that I am fully into this version right now. They even added some scenes and they felt pretty good.
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Aug 5, 2013

It's cool

The story and the cast are alright and everything but I feel like I am waiting for more developments between Tai Jing and Mei Nan. I am sure it will come around so I just have to be patient.

The episode was good and the actor who's playing Xin Yu is doing a perfect job.
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Aug 5, 2013

Damn Greedy Parents :/

I really almost cried when Hyun Tae got dragged into his father's car, although idk why it took him so long to roll down the window instead of beating on it. I get that Yoo Na never really wanted a divorce but she really has a terrible way of showing Hyun Soo that she loves him (i think). And finally Hyun Soo is sticking to his guns about something, hopefully he keeps it up. I can't wait for the fateful meeting of YooNa and Monghee, and also looking forward to more battles with evil MIL in the next episode
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Aug 5, 2013

I trust general Yeon

He has this great charisma and those beautiful silent moments that are more than amazing.

I am sure he had a deal with Jang, when everyone will think that he died hanged, Jang will take him to general Yeon alive or barely alive. No matter how much he rejects him; he's still his son.

I officially hate the king; he's injust and hateful. I like the princess and the prince, they're so nice but I agree that the prince isn't suited to be a king while Jang does.
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Aug 5, 2013

Strong Start!

Many things happened...it kept me entertained to the most...Ji Sung acting was dazzling the tears in his eyes when he finally caught the guy who framed him with murder when he was a child...it was brilliant!

The character is complicated but still lovely...and the way he cares for this woman...it's amazing!

The female lead seems weak but good...I can't believe the way her mother in law treats her...she's been through a lot in her life...also there's a big age gab between her and the male lead...don't know If there will be any romance between them...over all it's good...hope it stays at the same level :)
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Aug 4, 2013

Some developments

Okay, things started to move a little; but only a little though.

General Yeon is seriously cold hearted but I can’t manage to hate him. As to why, it’s because he’s a silent character who does action instead of talking and I love silent characters the most. At least he acknowledged his son but he doesn’t even care if he will get executed? He even protected him and didn’t tell the king that the one in the play was going to kill the prince and the princess, general Yeon better do something or I will have to hate him.

The king is really dislikeable; not because he decided to behead Yoon Cheong but because he has messed up thoughts.

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Aug 4, 2013

Not much

Well, apparently this is not my favorite part especially where Tai Jian has to accept Mei Nan but at the end it picked up a little. The pace is cool and I got to give credit for the direction. I am not dazzled but I am enjoying it which is good enough for me.

And can I say that I like president Jie? He has a cheerful aura around him that I like.
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Aug 4, 2013


I enjoyed this episode; there weren’t practically any differences from the original so it kind of felt like a replicate but I still enjoyed it. So far the Taiwanese version is alright, not the best version of course but it’s watchable and enjoyable so no regrets.
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Ohh right, her name appeared in the first episode. Okay. I'm so frustrated that they are going to suffer again.. it felt like happy ending. Dx

I hope none of them dies now that they've held out so long. I hope the police somehow got the message and are going to interfere at exactly the right minute..
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I wonder if Chi Hoon is really dead. I guess not, since we didn't see his body. If the Doctor would actually kill one of them, they would be way more obedient.. Not that I want any of them to die.

And poor sad Cameraman. I felt bad for him..

The metaphor was really well-done. The episode could have been a little more fast-paced, though.

Mireu to the rescue!
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So the Doctor is the one who planned it all? That was really surprising. I wonder if there isn't another twist to come.

And why did Chi Hoon smile? That was absolutely unfitting, so there has to be something he's hiding. Well, it seems like he already figured everything out anyway.

I'm glad Mireu is fine! And I love the background music. It reminds me so much of back when I was watching Maou. :)
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