Aug 10, 2012

Found out

They are going to know for sure this time that Kang To is Bridal Mask or how would anyone know about the girls.

Ok...I'm thinking that Kang To could just quit the police force and Ra Ra could feed him information. I know she has Stockholm syndrom, but maybe her love for Kang To will win out.

I hate Koiso. Just had to throw that out there.

I can't believe we have to wait a week.
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Messed up

Things are getting messed up because of Chi Soo's father :/ Although I like him much more than other characters' parents because he really has a likeable side too, he's still interfering too much. I guess they had to add conflict somehow.

And even though I wasn't supporting Kang Hyuk/Eun Bi I still feel bad for the guy... Eun Bi is gradually getting further and further away from him. What pisses me off the most though is that he's just letting her go. He's keeping all the frustration to himself. He doesn't try to stop Chi Soo in any way. He's letting him go to her. Ok, I get it, he's a good guy. He's nice, he's got a pure soul. But how much can you take when it comes to the person you love? I wish he could open up to her more. He sort of did in one scene in the beginning; he finally let a bit of his feelings out to her. But I still feel a wall between them.

I think he's going to accept Chi Soo's father's plans after all, to break these two up, but in the end he'll probably repent and stop it. Let's see if it's that predictable...

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Aug 10, 2012

the situation is really messed up!!! poor Lee Kang To!

every time i watch Bridal Mask i get so much into it that i can't control my emotions. I really pity Lee KangTo he's being so much humiliated by Jap Bastards that i can't stand him. he's in a really fuckin' messed up situation. and whats more important_RaRa. i really came to like her. she's strong character and a really charming woman. it would be better if lee KangTo loved her, but of course that's not possible. well, yeah, i can't 100% support MokDan, to add it all i don't really like her, to be more exact she pisses me off, but Lee Kang To loves her so it's obvious it can't be no one but Oh Mok Dan.

Lee Kang To is really in a big trouble. almost everyone knows that he's Gaksital and shunji... waah, he became truly evil, till now i could see that old kind teacher in him, but not anymore. till now i was able to put p with his actions but know he crossed the board. i hate shunji!!!

i'm looking forward to the next episode, i bet there'll be nothing good for Lee Kang To... poor him..

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Aug 10, 2012

Bad things keep occuring!

Okay now i really am fed up with the Japan Government! They humilate Kang To all the time and now this situation is getting worse! I feel sorry for Kang To and i think that Japs would worth more Gaksital! He should leave his officer life now and live as Gaksital since they suspect that he's Gaksital.. It's very dangerous for him! It won't end well at all if he stays there.. i'm sooo angry at those Japs who hit Mok Dan.. -.-

In my perspective it seems like Ra Ra is going to help Kang To. I think i start to like him a bit.
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Aug 10, 2012

Satisfied... But still a bit unsettled.

So I guess I was a Seok Hyun - Yeol Mae shipper all along. I actually was rooting for this couple in the end. I honestly didn't want her to end up with Ji Hoon. Don't get me wrong I love Ji Hoon but he isn't the right person for Yeol Mae. Yeol Mae changed entirely because of Ji Hoon. I know Seok Hyun says that she changed because of him in this episode, but really she changed because of Ji Hoon, which still gets on my nerves. It got on my nerves when it was happening when she started dating Ji Hoon and it still did when she acted not like herself after she broke up with him. I don't mind change, it's just that she changed her whole personality. Which is why I'm glad that by the end she bounces back to her old self. So I'm satisfied in that way.

But what I'm still unsettled about is the whole Ji Hoon plot... Yeol Mae seemed heart-broken over breaking up with him, which indicated she still loved him, but she still stubbornly stuck with Seok Hyun. How much did she love Ji Hoon? And how did she grow to love him so much in such a short while? I guess it may be because I'm still a bit inexperienced when it comes to these things, but other than Yeol Mae learning how important Seok Hyun is to her, I don't really understand Ji Hoon's role in this drama. What did he do for the plot that couldn't have been done if he wasn't there?

But I love the ending, so I guess its ok. All three couples are totally adorable!! I want to have a future like that. Maybe get married a little younger than them, but I want to have 2 best friends in my future that I've grown with since the beginning of our youths.

By far my favorite character in this drama was Jae Kyung, I love her story line. During her scene when she tells Jung Min to go with her to Paris, it was the first time I actually felt emotional during this episode. (The second time was when Seok Hyun was naming all the times he loved Yeol Mae... it got to me man... it touched my heart.) But its funny, I hated her character at first but now she is my favorite.

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Aug 10, 2012

I Have a Bad Feeling.

So I didn't really like this episode as much as the others. I have a really bad feeling that this drama is going to end badly and not explain things well. I mean right now even I'm confused. Does Yeol Mae love SH or is she just staying by his side out of pity? I get that she realizes that he was important to her and she never really got exactly how important he was to her, but what does that really mean for their relationship? She seems pretty heart-broken over Ji Hoon as well, and to be honest... I'm not sure why. They date for like what a month? She's been with Seok Hyun for most of her life. Looking back, I don't really get how she suddenly goes from being crazy for Seok Hyun to suddenly just not liking him anymore. I guess I was just too blinded by the all the hot men in this drama to actually stop and think about the logic. But now I'm just confused as hell.

On a side note, I absolutely love the side plots with Ji Hee and Jae Kyung and I almost kinda wish that the last episode is a lot more of them and a little less of Yeol Mae's story.

Ji Hee and Mr. Nosy have got to be one of the cutest couples ever!! Just looking at them together I was like AWWWW!! But Ji Hee needs to get off her high horse, she's the one who wanted to have a different kind of relationship, Mr. Nosy is trying to do that, but suddenly she wants a typical relationship... Sometimes I don't get my gender.

Jae Kyung seems to be the only sane one, I get why she wouldn't live with Jung Min. She wanted to get to know herself without a man, she didn't want to have to depend on a man anymore to support herself. She's totally real and isn't afraid to show who she really is. Plus she has no trouble sorting out her feelings. And it looks like her and Jung Min are going to make up which is great!!

So right now the only storyline that is making sense to me is Jae Kyung's. Hopefully the final episode will make me less confused.

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Aug 10, 2012


yeah great start of episode 1 of Hana Kimi. my favorite character is Oscar. he is hilarious and i love kyo-san as Oscar. on with the next episode
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Aug 10, 2012

He's Falling.

Aw we can see Souhei falling for Miku bit by bit in this episode. The last scene was precious!! But I feel so bad for Hayato. I love Hayato. He's good-looking, sweet and he's SMART!!! Wow I was amazed to learn that Hayato is actually really smart!! Made me fall for him even more.

Miyuki... you... I don't have words for you. You love Souhei but when you're upset you hug another guy. A guy you clearly know likes Miku. Plus you she claims Miku to be her friend, but why would she hug her friend's "boy". Though Hayato isn't technically Miku's, she knows that Souhei is trying to set them together. Miyuki's bad side is coming out... finally.

The only part I didn't like about this episode was the bridge scene between Souhei and Miyuki. It was too sappy and cheesy. I'm a sucker for sappy and a bit of cheese but that scene had me pffting and scoffing the whole time. UGH.

I keep saying this and I'll say it again, the music in this drama is AMAZING!! Even if this drama goes bad, I think I'll keep watching for the music, its that good. At least that's my opinion :)

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Aug 10, 2012

Can't Decide!

At first I was supporting Mok Dan with Kang To but after this episode, I really can't decide! I love both Ra Ra and Mok Dan now, they're each strong in their own ways and they both fight for what they believe in. I can see Ra Ra's emotions clearly and now I feel devastated because I know that Ra Ra will be heartbroken, and she already is.

I hope that Ra Ra will support Kang To with only 8 episodes left but I highly doubt that will happen (it only happens in my dreams) I'm REALLY excited to see what happens next!
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Aug 10, 2012


Best episode i love this this is the bridal mask i fell in love with :)

and i gotta say i love the courage of the girl i love she defended her country. she truly an amazing person. and the acting from joo wan im just falling in love with him he is so talented.
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Aug 9, 2012


I'm loving Ra Ra so much!! Her reaction was so much more convincing than Mok Dan's although I didnt mind it!!! I was team neutral before but now I'm wanting Kang To to be with Ra Ra!! I felt so sorry for her cos you can tell how much she loves Kang To yet he was using her plus he's her enemy!

I love the romantic scenes with Mok Dan and Kang To intimate and full of concern for each other! When he held her hand after Shunji hugging her...was so touching! I'm loving all this romance!

Only 8 more episodes! I'm wondering what Shunji will do when he's confirmed gaksital really is Kang To....!
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Aug 9, 2012

I agree...

The only thing keeping me going on this show is Jae Joong's character. And I'm really wondering how they're going to tie up all the loose ends in just one more episode.
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Aug 9, 2012


...yet so satisfying! Episode 5 totally delivered. I mean, we knew Asahina was bad, but to break your own foot in order to put a manipulation scheme in play...hardcore. What is his motivation for ruining Hyuga?

No more Yoko/Tohru please. She annoys me--she's supposed to be this chef who doesn't care what others think, yet she clings to Tohru like shrink wrap.

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Aug 9, 2012


what happened in this ep!!! totally unpredictible!!!! he was jealous or something.... we know that asahina is crazy he broke his own feet!!!omg poor tooru.... and asahinais gonna hug to makoto.... whyyyy
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Aug 9, 2012

Why did I cry?

The mud fight was a heavenly scene... I was weeping, not because I was sad, but because it was one of the most beautiful scenes ever shot...

I could have punched the girl for hanging up on him and for 'selling herself so cheep' ugh~ I hope she starts her progress already... she's so empty with her empty dreams and goals...
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