Jun 14, 2012

don't run on high heels

I liked it.

First of all, a female character to my liking. Obviously Kim Sun Ah plays whatever role with such effortless ability, one truly believes it's one side of her personality. But the character is well written too so far. Her stance to problems is hilariously self assured, and I love a woman who can quote literature.

I could have kissed her for the way she treats arrogant customers.

The "morning-after" scene had me laughing out loud, awkward but believable.

Don't know about the guys yet, but - funnily - right now I don't really care. I like to think this drama's about her.

Rejecting a gynecologist by telling him "I have a 50 year old uterus" is pure genius. Not that it really worked, but it's the thought that counts, lol.

oh, beautiful music!

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Jun 14, 2012


i have to say this drama is amazing i cried so much, JOO WAN is soo brilliant his acting just made me feel like i was there and i felt his pain what a great drama.
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Jun 14, 2012


Oh my golly, it's like a drama packed on a drama packed on craziness... Seriously, Bridal Mask has more drama than A LOT of standalone dramas I know! How the hell are they able to keep up with the suspense? I give a standing ovation to my computer screen the geniuses behind this project. Bridal Mask is the kind of drama that makes me firmly believe that my faith in Korean dramas has not been wasted after-all; it just requires a bit of patience . Judging from the 6 episodes thus far, it is much better than some of the 16-24 episode dramas out nowadays. I tell you, quality over quantity.

Ok, so back to episode 6.

We thought that Kang To had it bad when his mother died from that wretched Kenji, but no, the writer(s) want to add more tension. So what do they do? They make Kang To protect the man who killed his mother by killing his own brother who was only trying to protect Kang To. Is that twisted enough? No, let's make it worst! Kang To finds out immediately that his mother is also dead. There must be questions after questions spiraling his mind. Sadly, he didn't even have time to sort out his business. He realizes right away who killed his mother thanks to that guy. He then gets knocked out in a blur. Low and behold, he awakes, and instead of being calmed down, he sees fire set to his house. W.T.H? He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to his mother and brother properly. Now, don't tell me that's not bad enough. It's worst than bad. I used to think the quote, "And yet to every bad, there is a worse" applies to my scenarios, but hell no to Kang To. He has been knocked down to the far pit of hell within a span of a couple of hours. I wanted to hug my screen when I saw his face all like that...

All I can think about is Joo Won's poor face.... his face contortions when he found out about his brother and mother's deaths... GAHH. Heck, when he wore the mask, and did all the bad** moves on Kenji at the station, I was punching the air myself! Shunji also looked so awesome when he pulled out the sword! Shunji vs Kangto made me have goosebumps. That's how much I'm feeling the characters, phewww. I seriously didn't want it to end. This episode flew by too quickly. I didn't even want to blink.

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Jun 14, 2012

Wow... just wow

Joo Won is spectacular that even I'm lost for words. Kang To deserves my utmost thumbs up. He is a truly phenomenal character. Joo Won makes him even better! Without Joo Won, I don't know if this drama would be that awesome. An organized and superb drama requires three things in my book, great characters, great actors, and great storyline.

Originally, I watched episode 5 in raw, and have no clue what the heck they were saying, but Joo Won and Shin Hyun Joon's reactions made me nearly bawl my eyes out. Oh wow... Joo Won's expressions speak a 1000 words. They say that pure acting doesn't account language barrier, let alone require words to emphasize the characters' true intents, and it is during these times that I believe in that saying.

If anyone says Joo Won can't act, then I don't know what acting is then. Man, is he even acting? I can't even tell if this is real or not, since he's so natural in his role .

The way Kang To looks at Mok Dan is deeply touching, especially when he walked in and saw that she was ok. Oh, how he emits tender/loving/caring sentiments at one moment, then lash out in anger at another makes it even more emotional and compelling. I can really feel his pain.

The story is also very unpredictable in many ways. I love how in every episode there's a cliffhanger. Got to hate/love the scriptwriter for that. The twists are also logically laid out.

This drama has it all... it carries heart and soul as well as fulfilling it's action-packed premise.

By far, the most promising drama of 2012 thus far.

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Jun 14, 2012

Hate Da Ran, Love Ma Ri!

pretty much annoyed with the female lead. And because of this, I think its really hard to find the chemistry between the lead. I mean like, how can Kyung Joon fall for someone who's so stupid like that -______-, and his hard effort to keep the secret of apartment key is just doesn't make sense.

the only thing I like from this drama is... its quite funny. Even thou not all the part are funny, but some jokes are so hillarious. And I think the best part is when SUZY in it. LOL. I love suzy! I prefer kyung joon with Ma ri, they're so adorable together !!! (gil da ran is too desperate for kyung joon)
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Jun 14, 2012

secrets revealed

Well, it didn't take long for Kang To to realize that he couldn't stand for Mok Dan to be hurt now that he knows who she is. Good!!!

I think all hell is going to break loose now that they have killed Kang To and Kang San's mom.

Great episode!!!
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Jun 14, 2012


I was having a sickness after King 2 Hearts ended, and this drama is somehow lift my heart and makes me so happy watching it. The last drama that makes me laugh so hard is "Protect the Boss", and I think this drama is using similar style of jokes (maybe the director have similar sense of humor). I really love this drama.

Ji An and Tae Kang interaction is so adorable, maybe their chemistry is not built up really well yet. But I believe the writer will make it happen throughout episodes. I especially love the parents-son and parents-daughter relationship in this drama, because basically this drama is about the moral value between parent and their child. I believe this drama is not only going to be really funny, but also really touching.

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Big Episode 4
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 14, 2012

Kyung Joon is so cool ><

This episode was really interesting.

Gil Da Ran is pretty naive. Im also annoyed at her stubbornness that Yeon Jae was the perfect boyfriend. But I also like it that she is being a fool, because the moment for her to discover what an idiot she has been will come, and I hope she changes from being naive person living in her own fantasy world, to a more mature woman since she is in fact older than Kyung Joon but still very much immature compared to him.

Are Yeon Jae and Kyung Joon brothers? This is getting interesting, because there is an obvious link between them, and in this episode we just got more confusion thrown our way... I want to know!! lol

Im also worried about Kyung Joon's body, will he wake up soon or at the end? If he does, is Yeon Jae going to come back to life? I really hope this is not the case. As much as I love Gong Yoo, I wouldn't want to see that happen. Yeon Jae is dead, whether his soul entered Kyung Joon's sleeping body or not we dont know for sure.

Crossing my fingers for a convincing ending.

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Big Episode 3
4 people found this review helpful
Jun 14, 2012

annoyed but ok

gil da ran is very annoying. she doesnt know that yoon jae is cheating on her cause she was probably too clingy and needy. i like the show so far but she is just annoying calling his name a million times
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Jun 14, 2012


Holy crap! Major twist!
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Jun 14, 2012

I feel dizzy

Wow it's like a freaking roller coaster from start to finish! I'm really excited to see how this plays out, I have a feeling Haruka's going to get the short end of the stick though O_o. Also Please figure out that the pervy teacher is evil, so you stop using her laptop! All in all, great episode :]
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I Do, I Do Episode 5
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 13, 2012


I was really anticipating episode 5, but this episode was not was exciting as I thought it would be. I really wanted Ji-an to announce the news to Tae Kang or something, but that didn't happen. I also thought that the cliff-hanger at the end of the episode was a little awkward and unexciting.Eun Sung was talking and suddenly Ji An starts crying, then the end of the episode. From watching episode 5, it almost seemed like a filler to get ready for the real action and drama in episode 6.
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Big Episode 4
3 people found this review helpful
Jun 13, 2012

Gil Da Ran is starting to annoy me..

I'm enjoying this series a lot so far, but one thing that's really annoying me is how naive Gil Da Ran is. She's so trusting of Yeon Jae and doesn't listen to Kyung Joon.

I feel bad for Kyung Joon for having to deal with his Aunt and Uncle as family, how can they just sell his house when his body is still breathing in the hospital?! After he missed the meeting for buying a new house I thought Gil Da Ran would help him buy his house back but he went and bought it himself. Should've known better, it makes me mad that she didn't think about Kyung Joon's situation, if he hadn't of switched bodies he would still be living in that house. She doesn't think about him at all, only herself and Yeon Jae.

Aside from all of that, it is really funny in parts and I'm thinking there's going to be something going on between Kyung Joon and Gil Da Ran soon. But when is Kyung Joon's body (Yeon Jae) going to wake up? Is he just going to stay in a coma the whole drama?

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Big Episode 3
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 13, 2012

Getting Good

I'm liking this drama more and more. I'm happy that somethings are finally getting explained! But to tell you the truth I hope the teacher and student DON'T get together. I really want things to work out between her and her fiance, and for the kid,,, Well I hope he at least gets his body back (lol).
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Jun 13, 2012

A strong start as to be expected

It wasn't a amazin ep but it matches the expectations of a drama : twists, a strong woman who have faith in her child, This Tak Goo sounds like a promising kid. (even if he still wet his bed ! )

For once, I might not fell in the trap of the second lead syndrome, Joo Won if he follow the young actor lead will be too arrogant for me !

Let's see how dad/ son first meeting will bring us !
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