Mar 25, 2012

Good start!

I already like the characters and hate the valiant, like it's supposed to be.

I'd missed Yoo An-In so much!!! First time watching something with Shin Se-Kyung, and I already like her...

And the other guy... IS... SO... HOT!!!
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Mar 25, 2012

Better, can they improve?

This episode was better than ep. 1 for me. The out of place Joseon "Power Rangers" in the modern times were hilarious. Although, the makjang like modern time storyline, still doesn't convince me and they cannot just fall back on the "people from the past in the present scenario" every time because it will get At least, it will for me.
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Mar 25, 2012

Not sure...

Before the drama started, I wasn't sure if I was going to watch it since I'm not a Yoochun and I am not a fan of his acting, if what I saw in SS could even be called that.

I wasn't 100% in love with this episode. I thought the Joseon era scenes were stronger than the makjang like (and not in a good way) scenes of the modern times. Although, Yoochun's acting did seem to have improved a little.
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Episode One "KPOP- The Ultimate Audition"

So this episode gave me the feeling that the show will have a Dream High/You're Beautiful feel to it. Both are dramas I really love, so I really loved this episode. I think the boys are adorable. Especially Jiwoo. And Go Eun Ah looks so much like Mir it's scary. Oh MBLAQ makes an appearance in this episode so if you like them, you'll be able to see some of their acting skills. Overall I thought this episode was cute, funny, and I want to see more.
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Jejoongwon Episode 1
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 25, 2012

Let's meet the characters.

The first episodes in historical dramas are usually to contextualise the history of the main protagonist This is the case here as well: we meet the lowborn Hwang Jung at his humble beginnings, as a butcher, we see him struggling to help his family, also learning about the idea of western medicine, there is also the hint of future conflicts and Hwang Jung meets his future rival and we see the rivel's interest in medicine. The first episode thus also does a good job of tying in with the background of intrduction of western medicine and some social prejudices against it: we meet Beak Do Yang who wishes to study it, despite the fact it goes against his status and rank- he ends up studying it secretly under the Japanese doctor, Watanabe. We also meet Seok Ran and her parents. The seeds for the basis of the drama are thus planted and theme established as we see Han Jung's background which makes him into as a very sympathetic, struggling character, set to pit his intelligence against social circumstance in which he was brought up and we are led to suspect from the start that he perhaps is meant to achieve great things despite all the setbacks he is likely to encouter. The episode draws together all three main characters, who meet and are presented against their particular backgrounds, foreg5rounding the difficulties they are to face in the course of the story.

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Mar 25, 2012


This drama had a great first episode. Even if in the beggining, I thought it's a bit boring, it turned out to be pretty interesting until the end. And the window scene was wonderful, I loved it!

I like Ha Ji Won's character a lot :D.
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Mar 25, 2012

Too Funny

I thought the 2nd episode was hilarious. It was funny to see the Crown Prince, and his entourage freaking out at the simplest things and devices that we have today. Kudos to the main actors in ep 2. It really seemed like they were seeing things for the first time(The best was the scene with the toilet). I look forward to seeing how the next episode goes.
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Mar 25, 2012

Set The Stage: The Filler

Ep 1 wasn't full of humor, or crazy drama, yet it was there to be the filler episode; the episode that sets the stage for all that is going to happen throughout the season. We were introduced to the characters, and their background stories a bit, and if there wasn't a filler episode, I'm sure we would all be confused about what is going on. So, although ep 1 wasn't the greatest it was needed so the rest of the episodes could become the greatest.
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Mar 25, 2012

super funny

you all should watch this show it is super good :)
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5 days ago

Que atuação magnífica

A atriz que que interpreta a protagonista brilhou muito deste final de episódio com uma cena fortíssima que me arrancou lagrimas.
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5 days ago

Non mi aspettavo nulla di buono, dopo l'ultimo…

Non mi aspettavo nulla di buono, dopo l'ultimo minuto della puntata 10, e invece....bellissimo episodio!All'inizio non parte benissimo: mentre HAE YEONG accusa la madre di egoismo per aver accolto tanti ragazzi e ragazze, bambini e bambine bisognose perché questo le avrebbe impedito di dedicarsi solo a lei, è proprio FL invece ad essere molto egoista, il perfetto clichè della figlia unica che vuole le attenzioni tutte per sè. E se avesse avuto un fratello carnale, allora? Che avrebbe fatto? E che differenza fa tra un fratello carnale e uno affidatario? Poi però alla fine si vede che FL ha preso proprio dalla madre e, senza accorgersene, ha ricalcato le sue orme nei confronti delle due "sorelle" che vivono con lei. Quello che però mi è piaciuto proprio tanto è che le scene drammatiche non si sono protratte a lungo (non amo struggermi) e anche in quelle non sono mancati i momenti comici: epica la lotta tra il padre di JA JEON e GYU HYUN, con le spade e la musica stile STAR WARS ???La delusione, per cui tolgo mezzo punto, è per la terza ragazza: d'altra parte il proverbio dice "chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta", e col suo inno al poliamore cosa ci si può aspettare? Anche se questa serie sarebbe capacissima di trasformarlo ancora in qualcosa di positivo...vedremo nel dodicesimo episodio cosa accadrà!

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6 days ago

Dorama sem desemvolvimemto com final péssimo.

Eu fiquei muito decepcionado um final desse Dorama ele ficava ruim a cada episódio mas o final superou tudo é muito ruim no final Nunca que um casal de verdade tem um final fraco e porco como aquele a protagonista foi arrogante até muito próximo do final extremamente egoísta o protagonista Ainda teve que ir atrás dela mesmo estando certo quando ele poderia muito bem evoluir Sinceramente eu torci mais para esse casal ficar separado no final do que junto porque junto não funciona a protagonista não merece o protagonista ele é muito melhor do que ela em tudo
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6 days ago

O episódio foi bom mas não excelente

Aconteceu algumas coisas interessantes nesse Episódio algumas revelações alguns momentos em que realmente eram necessários porém ainda focaram no casal secundário que eu acho uma perda de tempo e a protagonista continua com frescura em relação ao protagonista que já deveria ter se cansado e indo embora Mas no geral não foi um episódio ruim
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7 days ago

Five Stars

"devo mesmo ser louco por ela" Os pais dele ?Essa cena final meudeus que dor "Luz da vida"
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7 days ago

Five Stars

Mo eum e seok ryu ???? Mesmo a seok ryu querendo polpar todo mundo de se preocupar dela, quando eles soubessem independentemente de quanto tempo tivesse passado todo mundo ia sofrer, porque então estavam com ela em um momento difícil, não apoiaram O seung hyo levando ela pra dizer adeus ao ex ? como pode Por isso que esse drama é incrível pra mim, sou realmente apaixonada.
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