Dropped 7/8
Jun & Jun
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
7 of 8 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


The Finale is almost upon us all and I must say Jun and Jun delivers a well balanced rom-com BL series. Like any other Korean BL that I've already reviewed, Korean BLs are like Pizzas, you cannot NOT like it and it's always good (no pineapples please LOL). I mean, who doesn't like Pizza right? It fills you and satisfies your hunger, korean BL always offers just the right amount of love, comedy and drama.
Can we stop and acknowledge how Hot Ki Hyun Woo (JUN) and Park Hyeong Seop (Simeon) are?? I mean that right there is a manifestation of a "boyfriend material". In episode 7, I just love when Jun and Simeon fight Over Lee Jun, Choi Jun's possessiveness is so adorable.
I just hope and i know the last episode will end well, I just feel it in my bones.

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A Thousand Goodnights
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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"Beauty co-exists with its wounds"

If a person wrote a love letter to Taiwan extolling its people, land, food, and history it might look like A Thousand Goodnights. An adopted daughter sought to finish her father's rail trip of exploration and found an unfinished story needing reconciliation. Later in the drama the journey diverted off the main itinerary into melodramatic territory stranding passengers hoping for more scenic destinations yet still continued the search for meaning between generations and what constituted home.

Kindly Station Master Tai Chia He took an abandoned little girl, Tai Tien Ching, home and raised her as his own along with his daughter, Tai Tien Yu. On the day of his retirement, Cheng No, a young man he had corresponded with through the years returned to Taiwan. Chia He set out the next day on his long awaited rail journey complete with itinerary in hand. When Chia He unexpectedly died Tien Ching and Cheng No decided to finish his trip for him. Along the way they discovered relationships that needed healing-a first love, a birding club, an old friend's birthday party gathering, and a child who needed a family and desired to be a station master.

New friends were made and new family members discovered and romance blossomed along the way. The drama dealt with healing the sins of the past and the problems of the present. It covered a multitude of issues-infidelity, lost parents, dementia, plagiarism, gambling and the trials of becoming an idol. The older generation learned from the younger generation as the younger generation learned from the older generation.

I loved seeing the beauty of Taiwan and learning about some of its history. The rail travels were my favorite part. The healing message and reconciliations were heartwarming if a little too simple. As one character said, "I really miss those days when we traveled together." Me, too, buddy. The story lost some of its magic when it veered off course.

The biggest problem I had was the female lead, Tien Ching. As one character asked her, "Were you born to be exploited?" She was terribly bland and being an artist could not be used as a substitute for actual interesting characteristics. She mumbled quite often and had trouble standing up for herself which led to people taking advantage of her. The actress who played her was limited to pursing her lips and darting her eyes around to convey emotion. Her every movement looked staged and awkward and very rigid in comparison to some of the more natural performances around her.

Overall, A Thousand Goodnights conveyed the value of handing down our stories from generation to generation as well as expanding the friendships to the next generation. Most family and friendship problems were handled respectfully and with compassion. The characters also found the value in home and family and not letting past family heartaches determine how they would treat each other in the present. This charming drama showed not only the beauty of Taiwan and her people, but also how we are all tied to the earth and to each other.


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Why R U?
9 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

don’t waste your time…

first! it is 0,5 because there is no 0 optio! it is terribly boring, actors are rookies, the story is a mass!!! slow, dumb, boring, predictable! Dropped!! if you want to be confirmed about who is who and who’s in love in who than give it a try.
secondly: it has nothing to do with the original Thai story. this is not an adaptation! not even close!

Korea have a lot of good Bl actors, why r u is a great story and has a history already! making this version is basically a crime! bad acting, bad story!

also! if there is an option for rating 0,5, why cannot? why should be between 1-10??? this one doesn’t even worst 1

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Love by Chance 2: A Chance to Love
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

alla gente non va mai bene nulla

una volta ho letto una recensione che cominciava come: l’utente di my drama list è come quello di Reddit, non gli va mai bene nulla. e lì per li non capivo (anche perché non uso Reddit), però uso MDL e finalemte ho capito. la storia non è la più grande piece teatrale della storia dei BL, però voglio dire, non fa così schifo come ho visto molti commentare. ripeto, Ae è un po’ una lagna (che io lo capisco che è triste e tutto, però praticamente tutta la sua storia gira attorno a questo e io lo capisco che Perth non voleva che venisse sostituito Saint, però forse ne avrebbe giovato), ad una certa comincia a piacerti anche Tul, ha e non comprendi come Tum e Tar che nel primo sembravano tutto forché fratelli di sangue si trasformano in tali. ecco, ora non è male, certo c’è di meglio, ma è molto lontano dalla cosa peggiore che ho visto. Mean e Plan hanno una discreta chimica e le scene di loro a letto post sex sono molto dolci (e Tin ha almeno un terzo dei complessi in meno nella prima parte quindi te lo rendono leggermente più piacevole) solo che non comprendo come sia possibile che due persona che hanno così tanta chimica in tutte le scene non ne abbiano quando si baciano. a me comunque non interessa, non sono quella che cerca il bacio in ogni episodio e non me ne può fregar di meno se la serie è piena di scene NC meno. sono contenta che abbiano parlato dei problemi delle scene di Kengla e Techno e come al solito, appena vedo una scena di Mark mi sono ritrovata n volte a dire “mamma come mi piace come attore” (però questi sono problemi miei). detta la cosa di Tum e Tar e detta quella di Tul (che come per magia si riscopre anche lui appartenere al mondo dei BL, anche se già lo sapevo perché alcune cose delle storia già le sapevo) e sottolineato che amo Perth, ma il suo personaggio era un po’ una lagna, devo dire, c’è di peggio e che se si vuole vedere la continuazione delle coppie del primo (tranne Tin e Can che secondo me hanno giovato del riscoperto protagonismo) merita anche perché Tin e Can hanno una caratteristica che mi piace come coppia: si parlano (o almeno Can lo fa) e I misunderstanding durano molto poco. quindi Kudos per questo. poi già la prima stagione non era la cosa migliore del mondo (quindi uno non si aspetta che lo sia anche la seconda) però c’è as always molto peggio.

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Crash Course in Romance
2 people found this review helpful
by Ria Ma
Aug 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Captivating show - well done.

I've went into this show with little expectations since I haven't really found any good shows with middle aged leads. I was clearly wrong since this show quickly became one that I would recommend to many. It was well written, quite funny, enjoyable and not boring at all.

Whenever you see MANY side stories in a drama it is really easy to get bored. However it wasn't the case. We had VARIETY with both the adult leads, all 4 teenagers, the suspense regarding the murderer and so on. It was captivating and easy to catch on.

We had all kind of moments you would want... beautiful, sad, funny and so on. We've seen great CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and the bond between Hae-yi and Haeng-seon was really beautiful.

So yes, this is drama is pretty enjoyable. And TMI it is quite FAMILY friendly I'd say, ofc except some kiss scenes.

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You Are Desire
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

Best example of "How to ruin a drama"

I had better expectations. Everyone had, I guess. I first saw Yi Ran in Falling into your smile, and after watching him as Zhang Lu Rang in WIFTY, i wanted to try this one out .
Initial couple of episodes were so freaking good , thati thought to myself " wow! Thismight surpass WIFTY".
But alas! Ever since they got together, the way the script writer butchered the story and a perfectly good chemistry between the leads leaves me with just one word: Terrible

I felt that the drama had its plotlines spanning 30 eps, spread haywire. Its like they reach to conclusion on one issue, and then they begin with next one. I think, this approach to the story didn't work out very well.
For example, initial couple of episodes, they were exclusively fixed on silvershop and ML's uncle, then their relationship and after they got together, they set in another direction with Shen Juan's shooting career (which was pretty much everything in the second half of the drama). The FL' s mom getting crazy & then sick .... ughhh
Next, after he did achieve something professionally, they introduced the jealous outburst of Xi (his uncle's apprentice). Near the end they diverted the story again towards wan Yi Yang 's career.
And in the end Lin Yu Jing got some job away from him, for which they didn't show them communicating, or talking it out. And what a horrible way toend the drama? What ? They graduated.. the end ?seriously. What about herjob , what did she decide on.
This felt like watching Avengers Infinity war. The story just ended midway.

On the contrary, if you compare this with HL, they had the basic framework planned very well, and as the story progressed, they wove a beautiful story by the end.
Same goes with WIFTY. Where nothing came out of the blue, every transition was gradual, and hence worked out very well.

Every story has its highlights, & this one had some too. I gave this an initial rating of 9 based on 1st half of the show, and due to the above stated reasons, brought it down to 7.5

I loved the strong and independent female lead, who's qualities are much more than just being cute and following around ML, like a puppy. The ML on the other hand hashis qualities as well. He's got cute smile (and oh! those dimples), he has his flaws and is ready to accept and work on them (the wasy he talked to FL's mom when she was sick, Shen Juan won my heart). He was cool, he worked hard, he fought & won his battles. Shen Juan is a strong character . It was a pleasure watching the 1st half drama. It would've been better had they ended it at 20 episodes max. Because the last 10 eps are useless.

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The Devil Judge
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers


From the beginning I wasn’t sure if I was going to love this show but when I got to ep 7 I got hooked. The way this show manipulated you in so many ways omg. They try to make u believe it is Yohan who is behind the fire and suhyeon death when it was the Professor and the chairwoman all this time. The twist of Elijah being the one that started the fire without her knowing blew me away honestly. I also loved how complex the characters are cuz it made the show unpredictable and fun to watch. The acting was all on top.
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Exclusive Fairytale
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

Fun to watch, if you have plenty of time

It is just an ordinary coming of age drama that was not leaving a big impression for me. I laugh a lot because of Miaoyi's acting. She really delivered well.

Aside from that, nothing is special. But really, Miaoyi's acting is so fun to watch that I finally finished the whole episodes.

If you want to waste your time, it is really a good choice because it doesn't have any specific conflicts and as expected, a romcom that is so funny with a bunch of silly things around.

Thanks to this I finally recognize When I Fly Towards You. Because I am not a cdrama enjoyer, only a casual kpop listener then I found Jun having his drama aired and when I want to follow the hype, I discovered another gem. I have to be grateful to everyone who recommend me this drama afterall.

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Wifi Society: Gray Secret
1 people found this review helpful
by Giuca
Aug 31, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Other people's secrets....

...are not ours to tell! The moral of the story! Do not force your world view on others! It can seriously backfire!

Frame and Earth are close university friends. Earth is dating a 42 yr old man, Non, who is helping him finance his university expenses. The three of them often eat and drink together with Frame often taking faceless photos of the couple celebrating their love. Until one day Frame discovers that Earth's boyfriend is one of his university friend's father. He wants to tell it to Earth because he fears he'd be really hurt. Eventually, Frame realizes that Earth knows the truth already and is OK with it.

WiFi Society is a 2015 anthology series by GMM one and consisting of 27 different stories. There are unfortunately only two I managed to find subbed (in french) and they are BLs.

This story deals with secrets. Everyone seems to be keeping secrets from everyone else: closeted father, sugar daddy role, righteous conceited Frame, profiteering Earth. Secrets are meant not to be told because secrets can seriously hurt people. The father is keeping his homosexuality a secret from his family by dating a guy half his age. Earth does not care about his boyfriend's secrets as long as he continues helping him. Frame feels that the father's family is too big a secret to be kept from Earth not realizing that his friend is very much down to earth and realistic person: get what you can, when you can!

When you have secrets that can change your life if they are known, you have to accept the consequences of those secrets. Because, as we all know, secrets never stay secret for very long and there is always a "kind" soul willing to "help" by telling the secret out loud at the most inopportune moment of course. What Non is doing, leading a double life like he is, is bound to come out eventually and if he does nothing to sort it out beforehand, his whole life risks to be radically changed. Or maybe not! We never know how a person will react once they find the secret out: close their eyes and pretend they did not hear it or go ballistic!

Nous ne pouvons pas attendre que tout se passe comme nous le voulons. La seule chose que nous pouvons contrôler est notre esprit. Parfois la seule chose à faire, c'est arrêter de forcer. Et que les choses doivent rester comme elles sont censées être. Lâcher ne signifie pas que nous devons cesser de nous inquieter. Mais c'est comme ça que nous commençons à comprendre. Certaines vérités ne sont pas bonnes à dire, elles nous blessent quand nous les savons. Certaines vérités sont bonnes à dire, elles nous donnent de leçons quand nous les découvrons. Et certaines vérités ne sont ni bonnes ni mauvaises, elles sont si nuancées qu'elles doivent être gardées comme un...secret.

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Dinosaur Love
8 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
10 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers


From the first episode I already knew that this series would suck, not because of the casting but mainly because of lack of acting experience and also the story line is so weak.
Pepper and Kong is obviously great together, I'm not gonna lie about their chemistry, at one point i had this feeling that they really are a couple (BF). The bed scenes made a concrete manifestation of their chemistry and it's the only thing that's interesting. Not being a pervert but romantic scenes is BL shows are also a crucial thing in determining the story line.
From the title itself 'Dinosaur Love", in all episodes Dino is showing how much he cares and love Rak and i like that they are true in the title of the series. We can all agree that the main problem on this series is the acting, setting and PLOT although I've said earlier that they area being true to the title but that's not enough to convince and engage people in all the characters.

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It's Okay to Not Be Okay
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
I admit it, watched it because of few edits that seemed interesting. But then I simply binged the show. The approach to shoot and tell the story in this show seems peculiar. Although you could say that it very much like other stories, we have a working place romance and they also come to her house at one point, with the difference that the working place is a mental hospital and her living place is a huge mansion where she plays a role of a princess in a high tower.

My first surprise came from two things, Mun Young's antisocial personality disorder and Sang Tae's autism. For America it must be pretty old news, I bet there people don't realize that in other countries mental health might either not be a thing or treated very differently. I'm not from the US, so I can relate a bit to Korea on the subject. After all mental disorders are rarely talked about there, mental health issues seem to be often swept under the rug, shunned or treated with scorn, maybe people don't even believe in it. Here we don't really shy away from mental health problems, but therapists themselves are not in favor (they all act as if they have problems themselves))). So seeing them putting such things on the screen felt like a step. More than that, Sang Tae's character wasn't glorified (imo). And also Mun Young wasn't your typical FL.. more like she was the opposite at first glance.

I consider this a healing drama and to me actually Sang Tae's character represented the process. No really, just for Oh Jung Se's acting I wouldn't give this show low rating, I found his acting and his character simply amazing. The acting of others also should be praised btw, everyone did a very good job. It's just that Oh Jung Se stood out for me.
And I'll be honest here, I had never had a chance to experience for myself what it's like to know a person with autism, everything I've seen was only in different TV series and some don't glorify the image. I found myself thinking when watching Kang Tae taking care of Sang Tae - damn, this is hard, it's as if you don't belong to yourself, but belong to the other person. It felt like a heavy boulder weighed on your shoulders when you simply can't even communicate properly and often times adapt to the other person. So changes by the end in Sang Tae were more obvious. It doesn't mean that he lost his autism, but things changed.
As for Kang Tae and Mun Young.. I must admit they chose a really handsome pair. Soo Hyun is really handsome and Yae Ji is the epitome of what the say about melon seed face in the description (don't ask, I read a ton of Chinese novels and they always describe small faces as such) and has tiniest waist. She was really loud, rude and capricious, but I still liked her. Also unlike other Fls I know they really dolled her up, she didn't wear clothes, she wore money.
In general no one from the trio was completely an okay person. But it's okay to not be okay. Gotch ya.

The main part of the storyline was actually the past that weighed down on all three. So getting some answers, coming to terms with ourselves, finding ourselves being changed thanks to the other person was part of the process.

When finishing it was obvious that this show might not be for others. I wasn't part of the hype, since I'm seeeing this show basically years later, so I have no idea if the show was heavily advertised, but I can say without people shoving something to you, I chose this drama for myself and enjoyed watching it.

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Mask Girl
2 people found this review helpful
by koo
Aug 31, 2023
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers


I wasn’t expecting much from this show but holy shit it did not disappoint!

Each episode was filled with something new and interesting, the plotwists they would end each episode with made you want to continue immediately!

I’m in awe and i’m so sad that it only had 7 episodes.

I wasn’t rooting for anyone in the show until Mimo came. I’m so glad they connected a mother daughter relationship into the plot, it mended so well with the flow. Shows how strong mothers love can truly be.

I cannot feel angry at any of the characters in there, the grandma who hunted down Mimo was also a mother who was filled with grief and pain, Momi was no different. She wanted to protect her daughter just like she said in the car when she was fleeing.

Momi’s mother sacrificing herself in the end was so heart wrenching as well. She was painted as a heartless monster who didn’t care but a mother’s instinct and love can never truly go away.

I cried in the end, i’m really happy Mimo had her best friend with her in the end. And if the show ever did a sequel I would definitely watch!

I also wonder what happened to the daughter who needed that kidney donated…Hm!

Overall, amazing show! Great acting from everyone and great pacing. Must watch and it’s quick watch as well! 10/10!!

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Doctor Cha
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

Decent Show with Good Acting

No Spoilers, just some pros and cons.

The acting was very good. I would call out Kim Kyung-Chul for his portrayal of Sea In-Ho, the jerk husband. Of course we don’t like his character, but he did a truly superb job of navigating jerkiness and having regret. I would also call out Jo Adam for her role as Jeon So-Ra. It looks like she does not have a lot of acting experience, but the way she portrayed a cranky, domineering personality was quite subtle and skillful.

I liked the storyline and the message they were trying to communicate.

Everything that happened in the story was believable, even if unlikely.

Somehow the series did not draw my wife and I in as much as our favorite KDramas. Despite some touching scenes, we were not too emotionally invested in the characters.

The ending was O.K., and I think sent a nice message, but again we were sort of just, “Oh, it’s over. What will we watch next?” Rather than feeling like we would miss the story and characters. The story just sputtered to a halt. There a number of things they could have done to tie everything up to a greater extent.

So overall, not bad, but not great. So a 7 ranking.

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Laws of Attraction
25 people found this review helpful
by Aaku
Aug 31, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Laws of Attraction!!

'Laws of Attraction' is an interesting drama that gets you invested right from the very start. It has action, attractions, an interesting plot and to add up a great cast. I admit JamFilm were the sole reason I started this series in the first place for I loved them in 'To sir with love' and trust me I don't love them any less here, but along the way I fell in love with the other characters too starting from Tonkhao to Grandmother to Rose to Maya to Thee and Thaethai to Nawin. I loved each one of them.

Talking about Charn, I won't lie I couldn't trust him fully even until half of the series. I loved him, his sassy attitude, the way he didn't leave any chance when it came to flirting with Tinn, the way he used his brain in a smart yet cunning way. I loved everything about him but I still just couldn't trust him. However, that didn't lessen my love for him. Then we have Tinn, his struggles felt so real. He is righteous and he wants justice for his niece but he doesn't bend to unruly ways. He stands his ground even in front of Charn. And may I add the chemistry between Tinn and Charn was cute. It was so freaking crystal clear how they both wanted each other ever since they laid their eyes on each other. The tension felt so real and watching them not so subtly flirt was an absolute delight to see.

Moving on to Thaethai, damn I can't believe I went from hating Thaethai to loving him so much. He is a vulnerable kid with a trash dad. He deserves nothing but happiness. He looked like an absolute spoiled kid in the starting but as I watched more of him, he grew on me. And Thee this guys world revolved around Thaethai ever since the starting. He was the only one who saw Thaethai for who he is. Thee and Thaethai I was really cheering for them. They are so cute mahn.

Then we have Rose and Maya, oh lord this girls have my heart. They were badass and it was so enjoyable to see them tease Charn. Also, Tin's grandmother she is the most understanding character. Damn I wish I had a grandma like her.

Overall a really good series with a good plot. The suspense and romance element is well balanced and the plot is well executed. I won't say it's perfect, it had it's own share of plot holes but it was enjoyable. So, recommended!!

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Stay with Me
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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I should read the comment below first. Haha...

Ugh where should I start this.... This is one maybe the most implicit BL drama that come out China that I've ever watch. And I love every bit of this. Unfortunately this drama leave bitter sweet taste in my mouth with the closing curtain. What do I mean?? Well.... If you already read the comment below you'll know what I mean, if not just be prepared cause I'm gonna scream... Just a warning this gonna be BIG SPOILER ALERT!!! If you don't wanna know just stop reading my review then...


Well if you read the comment below, you gonna find video from the director that tell they gonna continue this drama. But with BL or anything second season is just mean nothing guarantee & we just need to wait patiently for the announcement or the airing of the 2nd season. But for you who doesn't have patient, like me, to wait for 2nd season, you can find the book (Are You Addicted) and read for yourself. And I've read some of the first chapter, and got a bad feeling this will not gonna be continue. Still finger cross that my prediction is wrong & we can still enjoy the continuity of this drama.

The first question that comes to my mind after finished watching this, of course beside how come the director torturing us with such ending, is how come this passed the censorship??? But once again the comment just help answering "Released internationally only. Many censorship rules don't apply." With the biggest question in my head already been answered let we talk about what I like and don't like from this drama then...

What I like:
+ Oh I really like the chemistry of our boys Wu Bi & Su Yu. From curious to getting to know each other & to life time 'friendship' is played well... Haha... Really funny how they behave like little kids with prank and revenge to each other. And how they friendship finally bloom into something more. Haha... Really like the take on "I Love You... Ocean". Really one brave line from C-drama land.
+ What is family.... The lonely boy found the family in the place that he never expected
+ The cute Duo Duo. Haha... This little smart kids, really brighten the story.

What I don't really like:
- The mystery surround Wu Bi's mom a little not too clear. Yeah I know this not really about her story or Wu Bi family in the matter of fact. But with leaving the thread like that for me is not enough.
- The relationship between Wu Bi and his dad still not too good. Wonder how will the director take the direction from the book. Where the plot gonna be steer.
- Nothing more that just glance or subtle kiss on the cheek (still surprise by this) can be happen on our screen. Because you know... this is c-drama. Need to wait how Thai adaptation gonna take the relationship... Haha....

Overall I really like this drama. Even with such cliffhanger I still can't bring myself to give this drama lower score. Haha...

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