I'd go find my next romance. In the unlikely event that you time travelled to 1994
I will rewrite my life story and exclude any mean person . In the unlikely event that you had to switch body with someone
I must talk to that person whose body i got switched with and find a possible solution to turn us back.. if not then, i'll just accept what happened to me... In the unlikely event that you fell in love with your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend
I'd get over it. Friendships form like sibling bonds falling in love is temporary. Oh and true story I got over it, i was even a grooms man at the wedding in the unlikely event that you find your head has slid down your back
I would be freaked out and lock myself in my room! In the unlikely event that you suddenly became 10 years old again
i would write down all i learned in the past 20 years so i don't forget and use the lesson i learn to make the most of the next 20 years in the unlikely event i showed up at your house with a 1 million dollars cash for room and board
I'd say: YOUR HIGHNESS, YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND. in the unlikely event, you woke up then you're in a post apocalyptic era, what would you do?
finally be in my element in the unlikely event you were set upon by zombie dogs
I will give them bones that I kept for years in the unlikely event you were set upon by walkers
I would calm down, find a weapon and methodically circle the bunch taking them one by one, watching out for crawlers in the unlikely event your sleeping self plotted and carried out a successful government take over
I will go back to sleep in unlikely event a rich man give you all of his money because you gave him some gum
I would take it and spend it all!! In the unlikely event that you were walking in the streets and you lost a shoe
i'd try to find it in the unlikely event you were running away from zombies and you lost a shoe
I'll take off the other shoe so I could run well. in the unlikely event you fell in love with a zombie
then you will be in this movie warm heart cold blood... in the unlikely event and there is an animal stampede and your in the middle of it...