by all means...

ITUE an unexpected visitor came

Super speed clothes changing, Pjs into casual

ITUE you're visiting the White House and they're playing your favorite kpop song
Go with the jam

ITUE you fell in love with your bestfriend's bf

ITUE Lee Kwang Soo falls from the sky with a rose to propose, what would you say?
lol by all means? he's funny so yeah.. lol

ITUE you are so bored with your date
uhmm ill tell my date that my mom texted me to go home already XD

ITUE you are walking home in the dark, you see something move. What would you do? 
Taking my taser out of my bag and and start running 

ITUE you have memory loss at random times
I would write all what happen every hour or every day..

ITUE there is a zombie apocalypse and every person is required to bring only 5 things, what will you bring?
Foods, weapons, binoculars, map, first aid kit

ITUE you had a very hawt professor
I would study very hard and impress him. :)

ITUE that you had to give up something important, what would it be?
I can give up my love for kdrama

ITUE that your favorite character died in a drama what would you do?
The same thing I've done before: compose fanfiction and/or play him/her in an online rp to fix it! ;)

ITUE everything that relied on electricity was suddenly wiped out, what would be the first thing you would do?
I would stare blankly at the wall, not being able to comprehend what just happened. Then I would proceed to freak the heck out!

ITUE it started raining flowers, what would you do?
I'll gather those flowers and will sell it in the market!! 

ITUE tomorrow is your last day on Earth, what would you do?
Reconcile with enemies 

ITUE you fell in love with your cousin (opposite sex)