why are you holding a timed bomb?? you have a new message
Why are you poking me like that? She's pregnant.
zan wrote: why are you holding a timed bomb??

you have a new message

that's Juniko question

why are you in jail?
Croire wrote: I ate too much food.
why did you let her eat my pasta??!

Juniko wrote: She's pregnant.

I love korea
What are you doing, watching dramas at this hour of the night ? I'm in love
why are you kissing your own foot?! I wish I can fly
Why did you jump down several buildings? I have an exam on wednesday
why are you nice to your mother? I need to cut my hair
What THE HELL are you doing with those scisors ? I'm sick of this orange juice.
Why are you emptying that bottle in the sink ???? You're so funny !
Will you marry me ? You can borrow my pen
LOl should I write a suicide note ? you are my brother
Why can't we be together ????? That's my mother...
OMG XD I need to breath ! is that your dad? I can see you clearly
Are you f*****g bind ???? Lol (that's my answer, deal.^^)