why the hell would you take my used tissues ?! ok
How was the waiter? Im sure of it
Humans are hatched... not born? I hate slackers
Why are you so busy? The grass is green
Croire wrote: Humans are hatched... not born?


you just killed your husband and that's his red blood allover the grass why don't you admit it ?

I'm innocent
Will you lock me up? U didn't answer
Why are you still banging on my door? Work. work. work.
what does your husband say when he see you coming? it's mine
Who's baby is this? Stop in the name of the law
Can you think of a slogan for my campaign for class president? Dreams are made of rainbows.
What did you used to think about as a child? I want one too
Did you see that hideous hat she was wearing? Grab a pencil.
what should I do If I though I'm dying? my back hurt
Why did I give shambles a piggyback ride? It was 12 hours long
What happened after you fell off the trampoline? Play some spooky music.