Top 3 worst dramas imo...(from my completed list..there are a few on my dropped list but i'm not taking them into account) 1) My Girl 2) Playful Kiss 3) Heartstrings
Oh yes "My Girl" was a bad one too I think I blocked out I watched that if i wasn't for Lee Jun Ki and my hopeless wish he would end up with the main character I wouldn't have finished it. (i'm sure I did some skipping)
GynGyn wrote: Oh yes "My Girl" was a bad one too I think I blocked out I watched that if i wasn't for Lee Jun Ki and my hopeless wish he would end up with the main character I wouldn't have finished it. (i'm sure I did some skipping)

i'm glad ->he didn't end up with her..she didn't deserve him<- lol
blackstar_aria wrote: #1) Boys este was God awful.

OMG I'm not the only person who's seen this drama? lol I agree. I think it could possibly fall into the "so bad I had to keep watching" category for me. Like RH Plus, lol.
I used to watch a lot of Taiwanese dramas, but now after watching a lot of Korean dramas I've come to realize just how bad Taiwanese dramas are. I can't decide which one I think is the worst, so they will be in random order. 1. Hot Shot 2. Sunshine Angel 3. Rolling Love 4. Wish to See You Again 5. Together Sorry, just had to post more than 3 hahaha
I agree!! It started with a kiss was amazing!! Playful kiss just cant compare!!
Sleepninja wrote: See, that's where some people have differing opinions lol I loved It Started With a Kiss :D

I agree it started with a kiss was amazing, altho I didnt hate playful kiss it cant compare to ISWAK
It's sad how people find Playful Kiss, and BOF bad... TT^TT Those two are probably some my favourite >_> But then again I havent seen too many drama's since im always busy with school and all... I would say for me it was Kami No Shizuku --> I love Kame but this one was pretty boring and worthless. Heartstings --> Oh my god, did people actually waste their time writing, filming and paying people for this? I gotta admit it was horrific... and Im one to usually like random things... Usually I like everything -.- Only You --> No comment on that one >_>
PrettyBrown_Eyes wrote: I agree!! It started with a kiss was amazing!! Playful kiss just cant compare!!

High 5!
PrincessNana wrote: I used to watch a lot of Taiwanese dramas, but now after watching a lot of Korean dramas I've come to realize just how bad Taiwanese dramas are.

Dude you are totally right. I am really surprised if a tdrama is watchable, and I am blown away if its good. However no matter how bad tdramas are I find even less cdramas I like :(
I can't say any of the Tdramas i have seen are "good" but something about them keeps me watching, be it the cheesy sound effects, the same 6 actors/actresses in EVERY drama, over the top acting, wearing the same pants in EVER eppy ("Fated to Love You" OMG how can a billionaire NOT own more than 2 pair of pants!!), the over use of the word "OK" at random times. If it wasn't for "Eat Drink Man Woman" I wouldn't take any Taiwanese cinema seriously.
GynGyn wrote: wearing the same pants in EVER eppy ("Fated to Love You" OMG how can a billionaire NOT own more than 2 pair of pants!!),

That made me
GynGyn wrote: wearing the same pants in EVER eppy ("Fated to Love You" OMG how can a billionaire NOT own more than 2 pair of pants!!), the over use of the word "OK" at random times.
they do wear the same clothes!! but sometimes they just repeat every other episode so maybe they are trying idk. hire a wardrobe assistant ppl. (The worst offender i remember was the male lead from lets go watch the meteor shower. To this day I still remember him wearing a blue button down shirt.)
-and u are so right on the ok thing...... or random english words in general. maybe its cool to them but lost in translation for me.
blackstar_aria wrote: I only finished the story because HongKi was in it .(How cute was he speaking Japanese? and no voice over!!!)

Same here, if there was a voice over I wouldn't have finished it, I hated Hayate the Combat Butler because of Park Shin Hye's voice over, worst part of that drama was when her voice over spoke Korean. Not only the voice over was bad in that drama though :/ I barely managed to finish it
Love or Bread Tokyo Juliet Jungle fish 2 I've watched them all because of the actors/actress in it.. but the storylines are meh.