How will people know whether a user is genuine or spam?

I opened this post to get some ideas  that  differentiate this thing.

  • not every time we check user profile before talking to them !
  • Users' profiles are 5-6 years old, yet there is no entry.
  • User is one day old and has more than 50 entries in his profile
  • some users have more than one account , one is legit and other for mess with people.
  • Anyone can create an account and communicate with you through threads, comments, or direct messages. friendship request
  • You don't realize it's spam in the first conversation. not always possible.

An interesting question... To me it seems, normal users can't know anything for sure, by looking at another users profile.

If there's an external url link, it's highly suspicious.

I just want to help people like me who are really interested in some drama or movie. Those who feel genuinely happy in sharing such information or thoughts without violating any decorum. 

But sometimes we come across people who have no interest in drama or movies of any kind. Just by creating an account, they start unnecessarily messing with people. Because their life is hollow and they take out their frustration on others through some

Lately I have felt that the MDL management team is on hiatus.

Lately I have felt that the MDL management team is on hiatus.

Since I am only on MDL since this year, I can not speak about the managing of MDL in the past. But I very much agree with the sentiment, that more action by Admins/Mods would make the experience of MDL-users a lot better.

People should be rational, but they aren't. When people are debating or discussing something and are unable to counter the other person's point or defend their point of view, they start attacking them.

When a person deviates from the issue and attacks the debater, it shows its weakness. And you get most angry when a person abuses you and blocks you.  COWARD people 

It is not even easy to know how genuine are one person's opinions in real life, so it is very hard to understand if a person is a troll or a genuine person on internet. However, I believe there are algorithms which differentiate between bots and real persons. There is not much to do against trolls I am afraid. They can only be ignored by not replying since they thrive on chaos and controversy. However, I have to confess that I am not also able to ignore all of the trolls by not replying to them. 

I am not afraid of any kind of troll. I believe in giving respect and taking respect. If you are polite with me then I am polite with you and similarly if you are disrespectful then I am disrespectful with you.

I have never blocked anyone till date, no matter how rude or angry they are with me.Because I think every human emotion is communication. And I never started a fight with anyone.

"Genuine user" is probably not the right word that I used, because those who troll are also users. Instead, I had to use the word "intellectual, civilized users". Those who know the meaning of debate and discussion.

When you are in a debate or discussion, you have 4 options,  1) defend your argument, 2)  surrender to the opponent's argument, 3)  agree on disagreement, 4) ignore.

Who knows that you do not always have to agree with your opposition but you do need to respect every individual. Not like a 4 year old, I am right, I am right and you too have to accept it. otherwise i will abuse you. it's bullying.

I know it's not possible to find out in the first conversation. As long as you don't go against anyone's likes and dislikes, everyone is a decent person.

@Aster, thank you for this topic.  I especially like your  "intellectual, civilized users."  

a very nice thread aster.

some of the observations at forum and measures taken by me.

in my humble opinion -

1. when i was new to MDL forum, i used to ask for the possible explanation whenever i come across some injustice or bullying or someone behaving in unruly manner. Those days somebody ( my well-wisher and i am thankful to that person) told me that, i need not object over all that which is according to me is not correct. people are not always serious here, then why you have to take everything in serious way? and still, if you really want to correct that person, then just write private message.
i followed his/her this advice.

but as aster has put, what if that person blocks.
 so when you are blocked, then you just can not write private message and by force you have to write in the public and wash the linen in the public.

and this is exactly what, the person has blocked you, wants.

remember - "When you get in the mud with a pig, you get dirty and the pig gets happy"

I am not spamming the thread.

2. we all are drama/movie watchers here and discuss the story/ acting/ and all that.

 we all are different and have come from different backgrounds, obviously our views are bound to differ. in this case, we should just respect the other person's views  and behave like a matured level headed person.

attacking a person just because that poor fella has different opinion than you do have?

c'mon, not even school going kids do that anymore .

3. @aster, as you have written these 4 options one does have during a debate.
1) defend your argument,
2)  surrender to the opponent's argument,
3)  agree on disagreement,
4) ignore

my humble views -

1. for defending your argument - i am pro - for defending your argument. one must do this.

2. surrender to the opponent's argument - if the opponent has proven his point how he/she is correct and how your views should have been and if  you are satisfied with the opponent's views and if you realised that your own argument has got some loopholes.

3. agree in disagreement - yes , sometimes we have to take this route too, especially when we reach to dead end without conclusive result. just like a stalemate in the game of  chess.

4. ignore - this is the best strategy when the opponent is not ready to accept that he/she is wrong and not willing to type these words, "i agree that you are correct and i am wrong".
so yup, click on ignore and move ahead.
and just forget that you failed to prove your otherwise correct argument.

4. i do not know whether mention of this is relevant here or not, but somehow i felt like writing this.
i have witnessed quite a many members left visiting forum.
 when being asked, this was their reply -

 "when rules are not followed in the games, playing is no more fun".

i agree with them.

5. about MDL management team - 

 they are doing their best i believe. because whenever i wrote to their support team, i have always got the reply and solution.

and also i think it is our , every individual member's responsibility to keep the environment at MDL, ambience neat and clean and maintain the decorum.