Can someone please tell me the process of verification of my drama list, since I cant seem to complete the ongoing process smoothly at all. In spite of repeatedly clicking the link that is getting sent at my mail, the notification to verify is not getting  removed. Someone please help me.

A lot of stuff just has to be ignored until it goes away. There are only a couple of people who write code for this site and sometimes things just don't work. As long as you can log in, you are fine.

Ah, I totally get where you're coming from! Keeping track of what you've watched can be a bit tricky, especially when you're a fan of multiple genres or series. Personally, I rely heavily on online platforms like MyAnimeList or Letterboxd, where I can not only keep track of what I've watched but also rate and review shows. It's pretty convenient because these free youtube to mp3 converter  platforms often have comprehensive databases, so I can easily search for the title and check it off my list once I've watched it.