I started watching Kdramas about 7 months ago and am now addicted. I have so far watched more than 75 drama series, so I watch an average of 7+ (of a minimum 16 episodes) dramas a month. I used to laugh when my brother and sister-in-law would make sure that their dinner appointments do not clash with the times when their Korean dramas are aired on TV. My daughter is a diehard Kdrama fan for years and now our online chats often are about the dramas we are watching and the actors in them! I have lunch with a group of friends every week and one friend in the group is another Kdrama fan. The two of us will end up talking about Kdramas! 

I often wake up as early as 5am to watch an episode that was aired in Korea the night before (for the subtitles to be added) or when a completed drama is ending! So far I haven't stayed awake throughout the night to watch, thank goodness! I sometimes even have dreams of the shows I'm watching. Wish I see some of favourite *sigh*!

My holiday in Busan last April was more meaningful, especially trying out the food that I see in the dramas and experiencing the way of life in Korea. Now I'm looking forward to another holiday there, hopefully before the end of this year. 

I'm sure there are many fans like me out there. Let's exchange our craziness!!!

As a jdrama-wota, i find this legendary :)
I started on this kland world without realize. A tumblr post introduce me to dramas so I fall totally in love with this!!! I only have a friend in my country who loves kpop (but no dramas) so Is really hard to me talk about kdramas in my daily life. 
Then I found a lot of people in twitter... aaaaaand we made a kakaotalk group and well I can spazz there! haah but everybody live so far away from me!!! T,T

What's really sad in the present, is I met a group of koreans last year and we keep the contact, and we are really good friends, but NONE like dramas like me. So again, I spazz alone... hahahahahahahah 

As anecdote I can say, when i started dramas I couldn't stop saying : aigoo, heol, omo! AT ANY MOMENT, once even at my work T.T but that wasn't the worst. Nooooooooooooooooo, one day I  was just walking with my dog, and I came back at home when my neighbor hold the door (HOOODOR * i had to) hahaha and I DID A Fricking bow. A BOW!! like what!!!! In my country none BOW, NONE. My neighbors really looked at me like a crazy thing in the middle of the street. #nevermore
I talk to myself in a mixture of korean-japanese and german... XDDDD One of the reasons I have to live alone, cause People would find this extremely weird... XDDD Well, my best friends knows though...
This happened when we were living together:
Once I've been watching a Drama, and she came in and talked about something that made her happy... I hit the pause-button and was glaring at her. She paused and waited till I kept on watching... then she started again... XDDD EVIL THING! I was sooo pissed. She just kept doing it.
She is still laughing about that. I am too... "You hit that button really angrily. I did not know anyone could do that."
Gosh... I miss those days.I used to bow to people too--- XDDD Just was implanted it my brain to bow. Reaaallly weird. XDD
for me it was a great transition from anime, to live action. Luv all the subs and drama stories to watch. My fandom has me booking a trip to SK to first hand see the culture and lifestyles. My family/friends thinks I'm weird sometimes. I also can't look Asian guys in the eye while talking, without blushing...it's really lame side effect of watching dramas I guess.
Visited Korea umpteen years ago. Then this year when I started watching Kdramas, went to Busan in April and going to Seoul next week. Maybe hoping to bump into one of favourite actors.....!!!