I have the issue where I cannot download torrents uploaded within 1 week because I am a newbie and all the older torrents do not get downloaded often enough for me to maintain my ratio and break out of the newbie status. Paying is obviously the way out but I don't want to do it.


I have the issue where I cannot download torrents uploaded within 1 week because I am a newbie and all the older torrents do not get downloaded often enough for me to maintain my ratio and break out of the newbie status. Paying is obviously the way out but I don't want to do it.

yeah don't worry about it too much mate.

good way to break from that rank is just downloading one of the most all time popular shows on this site and just have it sit, afterwards just download new seasons as soon as they get uploaded to build ratio fast


I have the issue where I cannot download torrents uploaded within 1 week because I am a newbie and all the older torrents do not get downloaded often enough for me to maintain my ratio and break out of the newbie status. Paying is obviously the way out but I don't want to do it.

I've never paid. My suggestion to increase your upload quota is to go to the torrents section, then to the Advanced tab, select "Free downloads", and then hit the Search button. Sort the list by most leeches, and download few of them. Keep seeding these torrents.

Additionally, you'll also collect "Bonus Points" that you can exchange to increase your upload quota. Check the Bonus Points page as well.

Personally, I've never had any issue with the ratio. If one of my downloaded torrent's ratio is bad, I'll just keep seeding for a while to avoid the Hit & Run status, and then I'll eventually spend my Bonus Points that I'll receive by just seeding.