
@sunset , i know that but when i was creating the asked to choose the genre of the drama i prefer to see here and read about the articled and stuff....i wasnt able to choose the im wondering where can i find the option to choose my preference of drama

click on "Explore" on the top of the page you can see the top/most popular/variety/newest shows. Click on one of those pages, you will see "Genre" on the left side when you scroll down, if you click on that it will expand with a list of genres and there are checkboxes you can click which ones you want. I hope that helps... 

Pure Romance, I just can't stand it lol Some romance is ok, but I need more than that to enjoy the show. 

Also, BL series that have rape or "I'm not gay except for you" bs. I can't deal with those tropes either. 

I also def understand you on depressing shows. I do like dark subject matter though but usually I have to rotate my dramas. One dark drama then a lighter one in-between or else it really is too much. 

Also stuff about cancer is too much for me, hits too close to reality.

@sunset it helped alot!! thank you!!


@sunset it helped alot!! thank you!!

no problem! 

sorry I misunderstood your question earlier, it's just that sometimes I see new people sign up here thinking MDL is an app for watching dramas... 

the button on the top right corner of the site also works too, the one that looks like 3 white lines. 

@sunset at first O okay....but thank you anyways!!!

I am partial to rom-com dramas and they make up the bulk of what I watch, but I'll watch almost any genre.  I try not to look at the tags before I watch a drama/movie as I like things revealed as the creators intended.  I have never been one to skip and read the end of a story no matter how much I am dying to know how things turn out.  This is part of the allure of K-dramas for me, especially historical dramas with their everybody/anybody dies endings.  I know going in that the characters I fall in love with may not make it to the end and by episode 14/16 my heart is in my hands begging the creators to let them live.  It gives that bit of unpredictability not found in most western dramas/movies.      
Thrillers and Horror are my least favourite genre but I will watch them if they have a great story and grip me in the first 3 episodes.  I almost always regret my choice and wish that I had not started but still feel compelled to finish.  
I don't like dramas with the infidelity that is commonplace in most western dramas/movies. Included irrespective of genre, as if it is an acceptable part of life that we must all agree with and accept.  I find it hard to avoid this the way I choose what to watch, so I lean towards Asian dramas that tend to have moral values that I don't find repulsive.

I really don't like cop/ procedural shows BUT I like serial killers and they tend to go hand in hand so I end up watching them anyway. My only real reason for not liking detective shows is because they get portrayed as incompetent and it's so annoying and frustrating. 9/10 I end up rooting for the bad guy -_-

A genre I'm more and more distancing myself from is high school/ youth. As I get older the less I can actually relate; their issues tend to be so trivial when compared to actual adult issues.

Normally I will watch anything that sounds interesting, but there are Genres that I mostly avoid are
Pure fluffy romance - I find them Boring draggy and tedious
Zombies- I find the Genre very samey (but if there are dramas/films that are different I will watch them)
Sitcoms- I dont like my own country's sitcoms so.. and watching high kick caused me pain and not the good kind.
Anything to do with children-  as someone who does not  like children nor want kids of there own  this genre does not appeal to me at all.
High School Romance & Happy youth dramas- Im to old and bitter for these genres.


I really don't like cop/ procedural shows BUT I like serial killers and they tend to go hand in hand so I end up watching them anyway. My only real reason for not liking detective shows is because they get portrayed as incompetent and it's so annoying and frustrating. 9/10 I end up rooting for the bad guy -_-

A genre I'm more and more distancing myself from is high school/ youth. As I get older the less I can actually relate; their issues tend to be so trivial when compared to actual adult issues.

agreed with high school/youth. I guess I prefer watching 20-30+ year old actors around my own age range or older (in general). This is one of the reasons why I prefer My ID is Gangnam Beauty compared to True Beauty, that show felt more toned down with less cringy/forced humor scenes. I kinda feel the same about anime nowadays, can't escape high school characters unless I try to find seinen/josei shows.

I tend to avoid dramas that only have to do with politics, and medical dramas as well. Unless there's something more to it, like if it's also a thriller, action, or romance type of drama, then I might watch it. It all really depends on the plot.

For me, I think it would mainly be most of the historical/war types of dramas. I don't really favor the plot as much as the other categories/topics and some plots in it are kind of erm...Other than that I would say I don't really much like the high school aspect of dramas unless it has a good plot or background to it..then again some high school ones are pure cringe >.<.

Hmm mostly abusive shows they are tagged with slap kiss genre I have actively check before starting (Eg: many thai dramas have slap-kiss as a genre but few of them are downright abusive) .. Some of the shows are really interesting but I do check the ratings before I start. 

Secondly, I dont like draggy plots in romance shows and I drop such shows.. Though many such shows fall in slow burn romance genre, I am not really against the genre but specific shows that do it badly since they focus less on the lead couple and have too many filler plots. 

Fantasy  and occasionally crime  are genres I avoid unless the story and reviews are great.  

I tend to avoid dramas with sad or open endings.

Serial killer, police, law dramas.