Hello, I am currently doing a university research project on Korean drama subtitles and would love your input within the next two weeks.

Click the survey link here

Please forward this to anyone else you think might be interested. I need as many responses as I can get.
Thank you, Jill.


I must have taken too long composing some of my answers to questions because the survey timed out on me a couple times. Hopefully that didn't cause my answers to be submitted multiple times. 

Thank you! @CombustibleFireKitty

Nice survey! You know you can actually post it on the Feeds and many members will check it out so you get more responses.

Also a suggestion, maybe you can also figure out which country the respondent is from in the initial demographic questions. That will help a lot more in your insights.

Thank you @Flowing River. That's a good idea.


Thank you @Flowing River. That's a good idea.

You're most welcome ^_^


I hope my response will help!

May I know what course is it that you are studying?