The RANT Thread Part Deux: Back with a vengeance

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Wow, Boutux. I never thought of doing something like that... I'd like to do it. I'm not sure how Inglot would take it though... They're very pish-posh about things (more than they should be). I've already contacted the husband of the owner, who's like in charge pretty much while she just makes herself look pretty and more nationally famous, but he's ignored me over and over.

My mother also won't let me do something like that - she doesn't even want me to have a part time job because she wants me to have something that'd help myself, and help her. My father, who's in Australia (they're divorced) is a jerk and no matter how much we're struggling, the only thing he can says is, "I'm trying to save up money". He makes (around) $4k a month, and lives with his mom...

When my mom comes home from work, though, I might talk to her about it and see if I could contact Inglot about maybe doing a few hours of "work experience" with them every couple of days - or even everyday, to build up my sales experience (I can't really say makeup experience because I have movies/photography under my belt) and then see if they'd bump me up to fulltime permanent within a few months or even weeks if they see I'm good enough.

Who the hell places a trash can full of cigarette butts and cigarette ashes in front of the dryer? My sock that I just washed fell into it! Unf*****g believable! That is disgusting!
Kisa wrote: Wow, Boutux. I never thought of doing something like that... I'd like to do it. I'm not sure how Inglot would take it though... They're very pish-posh about things (more than they should be). I've already contacted the husband of the owner, who's like in charge pretty much while she just makes herself look pretty and more nationally famous, but he's ignored me over and over.

My mother also won't let me do something like that - she doesn't even want me to have a part time job because she wants me to have something that'd help myself, and help her. My father, who's in Australia (they're divorced) is a jerk and no matter how much we're struggling, the only thing he can says is, "I'm trying to save up money". He makes (around) $4k a month, and lives with his mom...

When my mom comes home from work, though, I might talk to her about it and see if I could contact Inglot about maybe doing a few hours of "work experience" with them every couple of days - or even everyday, to build up my sales experience (I can't really say makeup experience because I have movies/photography under my belt) and then see if they'd bump me up to fulltime permanent within a few months or even weeks if they see I'm good enough.


i'm glad i could help. i hope it works. ur mom sounds like a tough sell. lol. come up with a brilliant proposal show all the pros to this plan and how they out weigh the cons. think of any questions or oppositions she may have and combat them during ur proposal so that she will have as few questions as possible by the time u're done. think of it as a type of interview in itself and if u can wow her then u can wow those ppl at inglot.

:D i have to admit that's the tactic i use to manipulate my dad into agreeing to the things i really allowing me to be supported by him while i quit my job to volunteer for a yr. ganbatte.
I actually talked to my mom about it, and apparently that's what she's been trying to tell me all this time lol. I've already written up a proposal for Inglot, so on Monday I'm going to send them a mass email and try and make sure it gets to the people that need to read it. They have so many different emails. I just hope I don't get ignored.
This is my first time actually posting a rant in this thread - why? because generally I am quite an easygoing happy go lucky gal but not ANYMORE!!!!

I had to check out of my fancy hotel as they didnt have any availability & were fully booked. I booked into this crappy hotel (i wouldnt mind if they werent charging exorbitant rates) I have stayed in cheap & cheerful places before & have been fine with that based on the premise that you get what you pay for. What i dont agree with is charging high prices for crappy rooms! This is just the beginning of my nightmare the room is a box if i stretch my arms out i can touch both walls WTF they are charging nearly $200 for this piece of s***. The bed is so uncomfortable I might as well sleep on the floor.

I tried desperately to find somewhere else but all the decent hotels are fully booked the only ones available are crappy ones like this one finally at my wits end i decided to cut my losses & move on to Malaysia. i have booked flight to Malaysia for this afternoon & booked a hotel in KL for 2 nights only in case its not as on their website!!

This crappy hotel I am at said they would charge me a penalty of one night charges for cancelling i said fine I am ok with that, so I am being charged $400 for spending about 10 hours in this pit. Just now they are saying the refund of 3 nights which i am owed about $600 wont be released to me for 4-6 weeks WTH they shouldn’t have charged my credit card in the first place until i checked out thats what the Pan Pacific did (& nearly every other hotel I have ever stayed at in my life – you get charged when you check out not before !)
i get the feeling they are trying to scam me...but not sure what i can do as they have already processed the payment y/day i think. i emailed my bank & they said they will get back to me in 3 working days – great.

Its things like this which turn an otherwise pleasant experience sour!!
Anyway I am glad I don’t have to spend another night in this place, hopefully I will have better luck with my hotel in Malaysia – fingers crossed
Wow! that's ridiculous. I hope they refund you soon. And hopefully you will have a better experience in Malaysia.
Kisa wrote: I feel like giving up. Living in this country is BAD. I can't even afford to eat right now and my mother is mega struggling. I need a job and I can't find one anywhere because I get this:

Regular stores: "I see you specialise in makeup, you should stick to it instead."

Makeup places: "I see you don't have much sales experience, you need it before we can hire you." -___- it's lose/lose for me!

Kisa mate i feel your anguish! I think the trick is to be a little creative in your CV. If you are dead honest you will get screwed over by people who arent so scrupulous. Trust me I have been there - people tell so many lies in their CVs & interviews & employers will only find out once they are in. I am not saying tell bald faced lies but have u ever sold anything ever...if so embellish it as sales experience it cld be something like part time job u had when at school or helping out at a friends/family members shop anything once you get ur foot in the door you can then wow them with ur skills but sadly most employers wont give you a chance if you say outright i dont have sales experience.

also to gain experience try doing volunteering work..
oops i see boutux already gave you the heads up about volunteering

I did the same thing when i was starting out it was really difficult to get a training contarct with a law firm so i said i would work for free & after a few months my boss realised i was a hard worker & started paying me it was really rubbish wages for the first 2 years but i was living at homewith my parents & could afford to take the risk...i appreciate that things are different fro you kisa.
Rain, I really hope you have a better time in Malaysia.
Thanks Lisy signing off in Singapore now c u guys in Malaysia if the wifi works lol
LisNoir wrote: Rain, I really hope you have a better time in Malaysia.

I second that... can take him with you..just in case
RainFlower wrote: Kisa mate i feel your anguish! I think the trick is to be a little creative in your CV. If you are dead honest you will get screwed over by people who arent so scrupulous. Trust me I have been there - people tell so many lies in their CVs & interviews & employers will only find out once they are in. I am not saying tell bald faced lies but have u ever sold anything ever...if so embellish it as sales experience it cld be something like part time job u had when at school or helping out at a friends/family members shop anything once you get ur foot in the door you can then wow them with ur skills but sadly most employers wont give you a chance if you say outright i dont have sales experience.

Just be careful if you make up sales experience. If the interviewer is good, they'll ask for details and concrete numbers.
Kawaii is right...sometimes if you say you have sales experience they will sometimes ask specifically about a sales experience and how you affected the company's sales numbers. Obviously the reason for this is to mark your sales ability...

For example, When I update my resume I site the fact that the account I work on (NYC Schools) is worth almost 3Mil of our company's sales to show that my work effects those numbers... (I am customer service and "sales support" at my company) does that makes sense?
Ok Why the hell would you put the stuff for dinner next to the stove as an indication that you were going to make it if you were gonna turn around at the last minute and change your mind? I could have already eaten by now! I'm starving and your stupid a** didn't think to inform me that I should go ahead and eat! UGH! And the only things to eat in this house need to be cooked, so now I have to cook my hamburger with an f-ed up wrist. Thanks soooooooooooo much.
Sleepninja wrote: Ok Why the hell would you put the stuff for dinner next to the stove as an indication that you were going to make it if you were gonna turn around at the last minute and change your mind? I could have already eaten by now! I'm starving and your stupid a** didn't think to inform me that I should go ahead and eat! UGH! And the only things to eat in this house need to be cooked, so now I have to cook my hamburger with an f-ed up wrist. Thanks soooooooooooo much.

awwwwww oori sleep-ee...xoxo