The RANT Thread Part Deux: Back with a vengeance

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jeanie65jh wrote: Kawaii is right...sometimes if you say you have sales experience they will sometimes ask specifically about a sales experience and how you affected the company's sales numbers. Obviously the reason for this is to mark your sales ability...

For example, When I update my resume I site the fact that the account I work on (NYC Schools) is worth almost 3Mil of our company's sales to show that my work effects those numbers... (I am customer service and "sales support" at my company) does that makes sense?

it makes sense. i see what u're saying and what rain is saying too. rain's saying make anything that u've have done in ur life work for u (even if u have to embellish a simple thing as a lemonade stand when u were 10). and rain has a point. the 1st point of entry is the resume and u have to try to wow them with that. the problem is that u're not the only one applying and resumes/cv's can be kinda generic. if u've seen one u've seen them all. u have to make ur's stand out. a little emblishment here or there is not going hurt u. don't lie and say u have experience if u don't but even simple things can count and it's all in the presentation. in an interview it's even easier cuz u can explain those things to the interviewers. like a friend/co worker likes to say "I have a BS in bs and in my interviews i used it well." using the example of a lemonade stand it's not hard to turn smtng like that into smtng that could impress interviewers on multiple points. unfortunately or fortunately (depending on ur point of view) it all depends on how confidently u can bullsh*t.
This is why I haven't been able to say that I've got sales experience. I did have a job, but it only lasted for a week for reasons unknown because they never told me when they fired me on my day off, so I can't put it on my resume/CV because they'll ask me how long I've been there for, and then if I'm still there, and I can't make up how long I've been there (like say I was there for a month, or a year) because they'll call them...

It's bull crap and I just can't take how shallow some people are. They're head of these companies, sure, but come on you obviously started at the bottom like everyone else and it's really embarrassing when I go in for an interview and they ask if I've had experience before and I say no and then they tell me that they need someone with experience... you've read my CV! You should know!
I have another thing I'd like to complain about.

I spend 24/7 locked up in my room. Hell, half the time i don't even know what sun is anymore (and I know that's really unhealthy!) anyway, so my mom is always telling me off for not going anywhere, that i don't do anything all day, but when she has a day off, she and my sister end up sneaking off sometime while I'm locked in my room and don't come home all day then tell me they went shopping, or visiting someone!

It pisses me off because she, and everyone else in my family, are telling me I need to go out and do something to get me outta the house but when SHE goes out she doesn't even TELL me until hours later when I call her! It's no wonder I'm having break downs, panic attacks, and everything under the sun!

Ugh! I'm so pissed I don't even know what to say. I have a screwed up life and screwed up family. Shoot me v.v
kamz wrote: I second that... can take him with you..just in case

aw khumao kamzy i wish i could i would be happy no matter where i was then :D
& double thanks for NOT posting a pic of Park Shin Hye hahaha

Kawaikochan wrote: Just be careful if you make up sales experience. If the interviewer is good, they'll ask for details and concrete numbers.

I dont advocate lying outright i said embellish on experience you do have to show them you have the requisite sales skills. Obviously if they want/ask for specific numbers/targets then ur stuck.
Aww Rain! did you just need a place to scream?
v.v our stove keeps turning itself off - it's gas. We can't make food because we turn it on and then randomly it turns itself off. We've changed the gas tanks five times... :(
jeanie65jh wrote: Aww Rain! did you just need a place to scream?

yep i was just having a "moment" lol

Alright Kdama website...I couldn't be more grateful that I found a place to watch kdramas and you have tons of great shows to choose from. But you seriously piss me off sometimes because 1) I know that you've grown so much over the last two years there is no way you can't afford better subbers for the shows you are simulcasting. 2) Don't say you are going to release a drama on such and such date and then two days later it is still not available. Just...keep to the schedule you've set or ...don't set one at all! under promise and over deliver! Sheesh! Rant over and now I'm back to being grateful. thanks.
I swear I think there should be an extensive training period/ exam before people are allowed to procreate. I had one customer take the bag that I put their purchase in and set it on their infant in the cart, then start to argue with each other. Meanwhile, the infant is chewing/gumming the plastic bag! She could have got a piece of plastic in her windpipe and choked to death! I once witnessed a father give his son an empty plastic bag to play with in order to get him to shut up. The little toddler then proceeded to put the bag over his head and smash it against his face while giggling. The father(who was watching him do this by the way) was laughing too in encouragement. Yeah I'm sure you'll find it hilarious when your child suffocates to death and your ass is in jail for child neglect!
So it's shaping up to be a very depressing holiday season for me. I just found out last night that I probably won't be able to spend time with my Step-dad and his side of the family or my sister and brother-in law. I definitely won't be able to see them Christmas. And it's looking like I won't be able to see them for Thanksgiving either. It all depends on whether my sister can come get me, and so far she's making it difficult. This is the only time of year that I actually get to spend time with the fam, and I won't be able to do it this year.
Sleepninja wrote: So it's shaping up to be a very depressing holiday season for me. I just found out last night that I probably won't be able to spend time with my Step-dad and his side of the family or my sister and brother-in law. I definitely won't be able to see them Christmas. And it's looking like I won't be able to see them for Thanksgiving either. It all depends on whether my sister can come get me, and so far she's making it difficult. This is the only time of year that I actually get to spend time with the fam, and I won't be able to do it this year.

Awwww I'm sorry :/ I know how that is, after a big family blowup last year we're not even going down to see my mom's side of the family anymore, it's just going to be my mom and I for Thanksgiving, too. The holidays should be spent with your family, sorry it's not looking like a good holiday season for you :/
Crazy4You wrote: Awwww I'm sorry :/ I know how that is, after a big family blowup last year we're not even going down to see my mom's side of the family anymore, it's just going to be my mom and I for Thanksgiving, too. The holidays should be spent with your family, sorry it's not looking like a good holiday season for you :/

Yeah I was really bummed last night. And I'm still upset today, but I'm working through it. haha Watching dramas always seems to help my mood, so I guess that's what I'll be doing a lot of. And I'm sorry that you won't be seeing much of your family either. :(
They should make a law that you can't have children unless you meet certain guidelines... Found out a few hours ago that I am going to be an Aunt again, which would be great, if it weren't my sister having the kid. She has 2 already, and barely, and I do mean barely, takes care of them like she should. She should have had her tubes tied after the 2nd one and been done with it.. but noooo her reasoning: "Well, if me and **** split up and I get with someone else who wants kids, I want to be able to give him kids." They have been over here every day this past week for either 1. Free Food 2. No Mess to clean up 3. Internet 4. Someone else to pay attention to the kids. My nephew who is only a year old LOVES everyone around here because he gets attention, how sad is that? There should also be laws against stupidity...
in my line of work i see scary/unfit parents and tho it's unethical i think doctors should tie the tubes of women who have kids and have proven themselves unfit mothers. if u have 1 and u suck at being a mother, u can't provide basic needs for the child or even provide a loving, nurturing environment for that 1st child why should u go on to have children #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and ur circumstances have not changed at all, nor are u trying to improve it. honestly some ppl want to better themselves and u see them working at it but they have a never ending stream of bad luck, i can sympathize with those but there are some who don't give a crap and keep making children. and all i keep thinking is jeez ever thought to use a condom. every condom used will prevent a child from ending up at my work place and it will be a good day when there are no more unfit parents and there will not be a need for children's homes.