I see the cute little monkey gifs are back hehe i missed them

& Sleep those pics are NOTHING compared to the ones we actually bought our food from this market is only on a wednesday I might go back next week cos the food was yummy!!
msrules92 wrote: Aww, I love your pics RF!!!!

Btw, I've actually been to Malaysia and been to the Petronas Towers. Have you gone inside the building?? If I remember correctly there's a shopping mall on the first 4ish (I'm not sure of the number) floors.

My favorite picture is the one of the lotus flower sculptures in the pond. Such a pretty scene.

Thanks for taking the time to upload them!! :D

Thanks Mary long time no speak! I havent been inside the towers as i wanted to go on the walkway that connects the towers which is at 40th (ish) floor but it has been closed for repairs. I have been inside the mall there.

LisNoir wrote: OMGooooooooseeee..... I wasn't that much into their songs until their last album, but I would go just to drool near them...LOL

Any more pictur

I was wondering if I should go & lurk in the vicinity but im a rubbish fangirl lol
RainFlower wrote: Hope ur feeling better Jeanie & yes I like Malaysia people are more friendly I have already made new friends here.

Much better thank you. I'm glad you are having a blast! You are so much braver than I...Good on you. I was actually a little worried when you were in Singapore. I didn't seem like you were having a very good time and Asia is a far way to go to "not have a good time" !! I love the pics you are posting but secretly glad you are having such a good time you are forgetting to take them! lol... ;)
I'm glad you are feeling better Jeanie.
Sleepninja wrote: I'm glad you are feeling better Jeanie.

Thanks Sleepy!
Hey rain!

sorry i'm late to the party (been mighty sick) but it's been ACE to catch up on your holiday so far. I totally agree with jeanie - I'm so glad you seem to be having more fun in KL than in singapore - and making new friends, that's it absolutely brilliant. Good for you!! well chuffed for ya matey, keep on with our updates so we can have all have a fabulous trip vicariously through you!

stay safe medear!!

ps the raindrop picture of the building is my fave so far ^^
Ohhh. I sure hope you;re having fun, Rain Flower! How exciting! I'm just reading through this thread now as I missed earlier but lots and lots of exciting things for you!
Ohh I'm glad Malaysia turned into a better trip than your Singapore one (: Good that you made some friends and are having fun! :D
loved those photos earlier, the wonders of construction. This is a fascinating read. Do you perhaps blog about it somewhere? Or just here?
Hey Bladey no this thread is my blog i suppose :)

Hey abs sorry to hear you have not been well mate :(

C4U yes deffo enjoying KL more than Singapore which is werid cos before i came out here i thought i would really like Singapore & may even get a job & settle there.

I think having my friend from UK here is a real bonus she helped sort out stuff like getting my phone inlocked, getting me in touch with expat community here etc. Also I have made friends with people here & that really helps. I have been invited to a party at the Islamic University tomorrow, so i guess i will meet a lot more people & make new friends. Some of the people I met yesterday have invited me to nights out & also to excursions so dont feel so much of a Billy No Mates anymore lol

I also made friends with an English guy that i got in touch with when i was looking for accommodation he was really nice & friendly & him & his wife have invited me to their area of town to show me the sights so its all go now!!

Your right Jeanie when i was in Singapore i was thinking WTH have i done but things are looking up now oh & I dont want to jinx myself but it hasnt rained last few days either :)
You know I have a friend with whom I am out of touch these days that went to India alone just with her sister who happenes to have some rather seriousl health problems. So at one point it did cause a problem and they had to go to the hospital even but they managed to overcome it. I think intiailly you;lre just a bit afraid but then you get used to all the travel and what you see, the friends you make and the things you learn, the insights you gain more than compensate for that initial case of jitters or even problems that make you feel like I miss home why did I even come here, I don;t belong here. I felt that way when I came to England in the first place.
Kudos to you, Rain Flower. Being a wanderer, always on the move is actually something that does require some courage because of the constant fluidity and change, rather than stability.

Also, you will probaly be able to make some strikinmg observations after your journey ends and you gain some distance to it all and I wonder what you may come up with then..and memories of some delicious food at some stalls here and themere mhmh hmh :D

So yesterday I was debating which party to go to a party at the Islamic University by some of the students or another one for the ex-pat community here in Malaysia at totally opposites side of the city. In the end i went to both (kind of).

The Uni party had students prepared food & brought it to the student chill out area. The food was a mix of Turkish, Iraqi, Malyasian, Indonesian & Palestinian. I have to say my fave was the Palestine rice/chicken/veg dish its was really delicious. It was lovely meeting people from all over the world & they were so welcoming & hospitable towards me. I also met some of their Professors & hopefully I will be able to go back & help out one of them who is an English Prof (shes Malaysian but is obssessed with Bollywood dramas haha).

After the food there was going to be a play/performance in the auditorium but i decided to leave as I had to get across town to the other party. I then had a manic train/taxi ride to the other place the taxi driver didnt know the destination (& he overcharged me grrrrrr) I started searching on foot couldnt find it anyone I asked hadnt heard of the place. Rang my friend no answer lol i was getting p'ed off I then managed to get wifi access ta coffee shop & download the map & set off to find it on my own, which i did, by the time i got there i was about 2 & half hours late & it was winding down so I left & went for a walk to cool off.

Moral of the story = should have stayed at first place instead of rushing around trying to be everywhere at once!

Im off out now to view an apartment hopefully if i like it i can move out of the hotel (which is b****y expensive) afterwards i am meeting my uni friends & we will explore more of KL :D
How did the apartment viewing go? How much longer is your vacation? It sounds like you are having so much fun there! Did you just asterisk the word bloody? Is that as bad as F***? lol
Haha Jeanie yes i did I dont like swearing in a public forum & i dont think its as bad as the F word but i asterisked just in case.

Well the apartment viewing was a bit of a let doon, i went thinking it would be available form the 1st Dec but the woman who is staying there doesnt want to leave until 23rd Dec which is no good for me so back to square one.

I have some pics which i will try & post if my wifi lets me :D
Aww Well hopefully you can find something else. And I can't wait to see the pics ;)