Amudo I think you're really pretty. You have pretty eyes and your cheeks are cute. :3
Sleepninja wrote: Amudo I think you're really pretty. You have pretty eyes and your cheeks are cute. :3

Ooh... Thank you... You're pretty too.
I'm so suprised to see all of the MDL'ers are good looking! All of you are so funny too, it's always entertaining to read the forum. (^▽^)

I've been creeping around this topic so now I feel obliged to post my photo as well. And hell, I already uploaded some at other places, why would I need to be shy here?
Some of you might, just might, recognize my name, I've also been creeping around some game topics as well, precariously though...

This isn't exactly recent, as you can see. But the most recent photo I have is from a school asignment and in that I'm looking idiotically happy, waving at an imaginary friend... You wouldn't want to see that.
(Ofcourse I have more recent stuff, but in this picture I look like an actress (not sure which, Arimura Kasumi maybe?) so screw that (・`ω´・) )

Things low resultions webcams do to your face. I don't really look like this.
TheWuppie wrote: I'm so suprised to see all of the MDL'ers are good looking! All of you are so funny too, it's always entertaining to read the forum. :)

I've been creeping around this topic so now I feel obliged to post my photo as well. And hell, I already uploaded some at other places, why would I need to be shy here?
Some of you might, just might, recognize my name, I've also been creeping around some game topics as well, precariously though...

This isn't exactly recent, as you can see. But the most recent photo I have is from a school asignment and in that I'm looking idiotically happy, waving at an imaginary friend... You wouldn't want to see that. (Ofcourse I have more recent stuff, but in this picture I look like an actress(not sure which, Arimura Kasumi maybe?) so screw that >:D )

Things low resultions webcams do to your face. I don't really look like that.

I wanna see you waving at an imaginary friend :P And you're pretty good looking yourself.
TheWuppie wrote: I'm so suprised to see all of the MDL'ers are good looking! All of you are so funny too, it's always entertaining to read the forum. :)

I've been creeping around this topic so now I feel obliged to post my photo as well. And hell, I already uploaded some at other places, why would I need to be shy here?
Some of you might, just might, recognize my name, I've also been creeping around some game topics as well, precariously though...

This isn't exactly recent, as you can see. But the most recent photo I have is from a school asignment and in that I'm looking idiotically happy, waving at an imaginary friend... You wouldn't want to see that. (Ofcourse I have more recent stuff, but in this picture I look like an actress(not sure which, Arimura Kasumi maybe?) so screw that >:D )

Things low resultions webcams do to your face. I don't really look like that.

You're really good looking.
I look idiotically happy in most of my photos...
Wuppie You're gawjuss! Love your hair.
TheWuppie wrote:

This isn't exactly recent, as you can see. But the most recent photo I have is from a school asignment and in that I'm looking idiotically happy, waving at an imaginary friend... You wouldn't want to see that.

Sure do now medear! Go on, we wanna wave back!!

And you are v pretty. ^^
Dojemi10 VIPCommunity Manager
TheWuppie is pretty n_n <3
@ Skye: I also look totally different, you sure you want to take the risk? You'll be shocked. And thanks! (^▽^)
Will we ever get to see your handsome face? (I think I speak for most of us when I say I've been getting really curious.)

@ Amudo: Thank you! (´▽`) You guys are so sweet. Yeah, I guess we all do, huh... xd
TheWuppie wrote: @ Skye: I also look totally different, you sure you want to take the risk? You'll be shocked. And thanks! (^▽^)
Will we ever get to see your handsome face? (I think I speak for most of us when I say I've been getting really curious.)

I'm curious too...
i like ur bangs @amudobun and that's a pretty pic
Once MDL hits 10 million page views a day i'll show my picture :D
Skye-N-Rain wrote: Once MDL hits 10 million page views a day i'll show my picture :D

wow skye. some how that sounds like an easy out. what number are we at now btw?
boutux wrote: i like ur bangs @amudobun and that's a pretty pic

Thank you~~~
Wow, not looking for a second and there suddenly a dozen of replies.

@ Sleep: Thanks! (^ω^) I like my hair there too, It's longer now, and my bangs are gone too. I really need to get a haircut too...

@ Abs: lol, it's really nothing special y'know xd and thanks (●´▽`●)

@ Dojemi: Thank you, (^////^) Seriously, what's up with you guys, I'm getting shy...

@ Boutux: (bangs was directed at me right?) Thanks! I liked them too (^ - ^) I'm trying to style my hair like Kitagawa Keiko's in Buzzer Beat now. (No succes, still)

Alright, since you keep insisting (It's not even anything special, it's actually one of a series but I can't show you the entire thing because my friend is in it and I can't post her face without asking... I don't think she'd agree after asking either... (゜▽゜; ) )

@ Skye: Now you're giving me something to aim at! (・`ω´・)