Hi, I usually do enjoy Kdramas the most, but right now I am on a Taiwanese kick. Also I just started my first Thai Drama called The Star Courts the Moon, and it's amazing. Not to say I don't occasionally enjoy a Japanese drama. But the fans of Jdramas are so darn serious it just puts me off the whole thing. :)
Hi I mainly watch korean dramas, but i've also watch taiwanese dramas and even 1/2 chinese dramas but sorry no japanese yet but my sister likes them so i've watched parts of them with her
welcome . not only KDrama I mainly watch English series but lately I'v been watching Asian drama I would watch any interesting drama
Welcome again Dior (: There are many Jdramas lovers in MDL but I don't think most of them are into intense twisted Jdramas like you but they do exist, believe me. The problem is with HKC dramas fans; I do like those dramas but only action, Wuxia genres attract me, I can't relate to others. I agree that they don't get the appropriate intention but it's all because of Kpop wave that's making people go crazy over Korean dramas. The reason I watch Korean dramas a lot even though I prefer Japanese dramas is because Kdramas are more available whether in their amount or their subbers, I run into them a lot that it became very hard to ignore them.
I barely watch K dramas.... I mainly watch JDramas... My first series was Gokusen
Kdramas are really available and easy to get. Their quality is much better and well, their dudes xD. Sadly, the stories are not that different from each other and the main characters tend to have the same personality. After years of watching dramas I still prefer Jdramas because they have more variety in almost everything, and they tend to be more creative. I'm also so familiarized with the actors that sometimes I watch a jdrama cuz I know all the actors and it's more fun that way. In korean dramas I get tired at, exactly, the 12 episode, idkw the story just takes a different direction and sometimes not for the best. Also they are very popular for their romance (again not much difference between stories) and since the japanese don't have many romantic comedies, and also their romance is kinda hard to get for us in the Occident, well they are left behind. Anyways welcome and I hope you stick to our jdorama side ;)!!!!!
Hi Dior and welcome :)! I watch mostly korean and japanese stuff and I don't have a general preference to one side. Depends on the drama/movie and my mood. I also like movies from Hong Kong and China a lot. Like everyone stated, I'm also sure you will find people who share your taste. And I think it's also pretty interesting to talk to people with different taste to see if they can show you dramas you wouldn't have noticed and tried other way. That way you can also discover new and interesting shows and find new aspects about your taste, and I love that :). I wish you a lot of fun here :)!
i have been meaning to get into Hong Kong dramas for a while but idk where to start, so you can always tell me a good one! :)
This year some k-dramas have been pretty good. I watch anything that sounds interesting to me. Been meaning to watch more t-dramas. I think people watch kdramas more is because the subbers are fast and the quality is pretty good. But that's just my theory. :p
There are many Jdramas fans in MDL but HKC dramas fans are too little. I watch Japanese and Taiwanese dramas but not as much as Korean dramas. The main reason for me is that they're much more available with a great quality than other countries dramas.
Hello :). Welcome to MDL!!! While my main focus is Kdramas, I also watch JDramas and Tdramas. I know plenty of people who mainly watch JDramas and some who watch HKdramas. I even know people who watch Thai dramas.
I don't just watch K-dramas, I will admit they have become the majority. It wasn't always like that, my first drama was actually Japanese. K-dramas just seem to have taken over
Not everyone. I think if you look in the Jdrama and Cdrama forums you will see that is not true. I like a mix. I am watching a few Kdramas, Jdramas and a Tdrama right now. I'd say there is a pretty healthy mix you'll discover once you look around a bit.
I've been watching Kdramas too, but recently I realized that I actually like more Taiwan and Japanese dramas. Haven't seen any China or Hong Kong dramas yet. But yeah, I've noticed too, that everyone in here are into Kdramas. But still - when I watch Jdramas I feel more emotions and i like those ones more. :)
I think the term "everyone" is way too broad a statement to make about MDL users and what we all prefer to watch. Clearly... Not "everyone". The majority yes...but look at the responses above. Mostly its a mix.