So I'm looking for feel good  quirky dramas or movies like the following
Train Man
Swing Girls
Water Boys
Ping Pong
Linda Linda Linda
Kamikaze Girls
Shonen Merikensack
Turtles are surprisingly fast swimmers

Also looking for sad dramas or movies like the following...
Josie the Tiger and the Fish
1 Liter of Tears
Beautiful Life
Hours of my Life

For the first a quirky movie maybe Hula Girls (japanese), Sunny (korean) and You are the apple of my eye (taiwan)

For a sad movie/drama, maybe Scent of a woman, memory and Thousand Days promise. And the movie Miracle of cell no7 (though this one is both quirky, heartwarming but a little on the bitter sweet sad side)

for quirky comedies you can check some on my list

just comedies


some tv series by yuichi fukuda

Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro (2011)

mr nietzsche in the convenience store (2016)


KudoKan is the name  if you into comedy dorama and movie  - wheter he did screen writng (like in ping pong) or also directed it (shonen merickensack) 

there more of it -as you can in the list above -but  for dorama

gomenne seishun!

unubore deka

Amachan (2013)


some more, not typically~heavily comedy

welcome to the quiet romm (2007)

the story of yonosuke (2013) 

the taste of tea (2004)

I've seen most of these but I'll look into the ones that I haven't seen, thanks for the recommendations.


I've seen most of these but I'll look into the ones that I haven't seen, thanks for the recommendations.

similar to 1litre