What's the best female lead for you? In my opinion, for example, I think the best leads are:

  •  Jang Hye Sun from I Hear Your Voice - I admit at first I didn't quite like her personality, but as the episodes went by I started to like her prickly yet adorable and determined personality,
  • Jo Kang from Angry Mom - Seriously, give an award of mother of the year for this woman. She's strong physically and mentally, the perfect combo.
  • Mi Ho from My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - Okay, I admit this comes more from the fact that I just find her really cute, but she also has her own qualities and develops through the drama. Also, kudos for her being only one of the few that openly admits she loves the male lead (although in a clingy way) from early and doens't give up or let her insecurities bother her much.
  • Go Bok Shil from Shopping King Louis - She's one of the few that is a strong, independent woman while still keeping a somewhat naive and optimist view on life. 
  • Ji Hyun's roles in You Who Came From The Stars and The Legend of The Blue Sea - Two of the most hilarious female leads of all time. 
  • Choon Hyang from Delightful Girl, Choon Hyang - I just love her spunky and stubborn way. She's so refreshing and cute, like the title says she's very delightful/sassy and I just love my female leads with sass.

There are others, but to keep you from reading too much I'll stop at that. 

Here are my listt and why, as to the best female lead:

▪Saran from New Tales of a Gisaeng - i love the fact that she not like the usual female leads in kdramaland, the helpless martyred damsel in distress. She has the strength to be offended by the misogynistic actions/words of the male lead and She calls him for those bullshit. 

▪Dahyun from 1% of something - many things to love about Dada but mostof all is she can fight her own battles and can puther love rival in her place. When the 2nd lead came to intimidate her, she just states that if the 2nd lead can get the guy from her then for her to go ahead, and if she has some issues with her relationship with the guy then take it up on the guy and not her, cause she could not care less. And when the male lead arrives and the girl tries to escape, she holds her in her seat and ask the guy to choose between the. Epic! Waaaay better than any smackdown ive seen between female leads ever.

▪Mucheng from Autumn Concerto - i love the inner strength and conviction to follow thru with her choices. She is physically and finanvially weak but the way she sta ds by her decisions are awesome. 

▪Songyi from You Who Came from the Stars - yup, she is definitely hilarious but more than thatshe knows her strength and weaknesses. And when problems arise and knocks her to her feet, she has the flare to shout to the world that she is Songyi, the superstar and stand with as much confidence as ever.

▪Samsoon in My Name is kim samsoon - she is simply badass

Cheon Song Yi from YWCFTS and Kim Jung Hye from Avengers Social Club. I’m a bit biased since they are the two characters I can relate to most, but I think they are fantastic.