After a brief web search, I only found one list suggesting Asian movies to watch during the holidays, and most of the movies on the list didn’t seem to be directly related to the holidays.

So, I’m hoping that this community of Asian film and drama veterans can recommend a short list of must watch Korean/Chinese/Japanese/Taiwanese movies that are your “go to’s” every holiday season.

Thanks in advance!

I have a list of dramas with general winter themes / snow kisses / some connection to the holidays, but you're right that there aren't many that are directly related to the holidays. 


  • Salut d'amour - its not a holiday per se genre but the family feel/narratice made me think of US movies that depict people coming home foe the holiday
  • Go Brother (movie)  - another family centered movie. It has a drama version which is as fun, but the movie versions feels more of the holiday type drama, whe the drama versiob is more of the youth genre. 
  • Sunny
  • Love 911
  • From Me to You
  • Mood of the Day

I’m actually looking for the same thing so I’ll definitely keep an eye on this thread, but White Christmas is a must! It’s a mystery with psychological thriller aspects so it’s not like your warm holiday drama but it’s pretty much a tradition of mine to rewatch this every Christmas season. Also, try some family dramas? I think the Reply series (especially 1994 which has a bunch of winter season scenes) would do the job of instilling the mood perfectly. 

My Long-Awaited Love Story

I honestly can't think of many Christmas centric dramas. Fuben na Benriya is the one I tend to watch. It's not about Christmas but is very snowy and fits the season.

Thank you for the recommendations, can‘t wait to watch!