Anyone found that Korean noodle dish yummy like me? What's it called tho?

 Maggie Shannon:

Just a question tho, did anyone else cry the first episode?  

is it even a question T_T

 Who cares:

is it even a question T_T

I didn't cry (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) 

Two days to go till Saturday I can't wait. This weeks' episodes are promising to be so (☉。☉)!


Anyone found that Korean noodle dish yummy like me? What's it called tho?

I think you mean ramen. Sure, ramen's delicious. If you mean a specific kind of ramen though I'm sorry I don't think I can help you because there lots of kinds and I don't know them .

Is it just mean or do you guys constantly think about Koreans meat? 

 Maggie Shannon:

Is it just mean or do you guys constantly think about Koreans meat? 

all their food honestly, when i see ramen or kimchi my mouth waters, they always have really good food shown


Anyone found that Korean noodle dish yummy like me? What's it called tho?

i think what you means is the pine nut kalgutsu? the one HJP eat in the end? it is sure look tasty!

Helloo, I just finished watching Episode 9.

Honestly, who would you want Dal-mi to end up with? I wanna know your thoughts on this. 


Helloo, I just finished watching Episode 9.

Honestly, who would you want Dal-mi to end up with? I wanna know your thoughts on this. 

Tbh at this point I couldn’t care less about who she ends up with anymore hahahhaha. The writing is just too good. Let me just enjoy the writing pls

Ji-Pyeong is better for Dal-Mi because he cares for her in a way that Do San is not able to. He is able to give her advices and will tell her when she’s wrong. Do San is usually the one who is hopelessly in love and will just do whatever that pleases Dal-Mi. Although that is sweet, it is incredibly toxic and unhealthy in the long run.

But...I really cant feel the chemistry between Ji Pyeong and Dal-Mi though... I am not convinced by Ji Pyeong’s feelings for her. And I think they match better as a mentor-mentee rship, or like a brother-sister rship (it doesn’t hurt that he’s kinda like a son to the grandma too lol).

so although JiPyeong is “better” for DalMi, i think it would be really awkward for them to date too... DoSan and DalMi on the other hand is really comfortable with one another, and being together has helped each other grow a lot in terms of their career and just as a person as a whole (Sandbox). So after the truth comes out in ep9, I hope DoSan and DalMi will still be in good terms. I don’t think they should continue to date though, esp not now when DoSan is lowkey toxic and treating DalMi like some manic pixie dream girl. maybe like stay as friends, actually get to know one another as THE REAL PERSON, and perhaps like a ROY ending KEKEKKE where it’s left open-ended? 

Also,,, can the revenge thing be connected to the suicide thing? The one with the white rose where the sandbox CEO stops and stares at? 

What an episode the ninth one was! Kind of like a "FINALLY!". 

Man was the preview from last week misleading though.  At this point I'm not sure what I want to happen. Only that I hope Ji Pyeong doesn't become a selfish jerk and that Do San mans up. Soon. Do San really needs to man up. By man up I mean he needs to start facing things head on. Telling DalMi the truth. Telling his parents.