Jan 26, 2023

Five Stars

Durante el capitulo de a poco se va gestando lo que esperabamos desde el principio, un quiebre en las relaciones (o al menos en una) de los protagonistas.No me pareció (aunque entiendo), el hecho de PMK alargará tanto la conversación con SS, lo más sano para ella hubiera sido haberlo dejado ir antes, pero no podía soltarlo.Los personajes van mostrando sus verdaderos rostros y espero que tal como lo hizo SS, ANY haga lo mismo.
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Jan 26, 2023

that hug on the bridge is worth more then…

that hug on the bridge is worth more then all the weird closed-lip kisses i've seen in BL for a while. and just in the previous ep was wondering if Ichiro return's Shiro's feelings. guess he does, even if he doesn't know it's love. but they time and again show how much they have come to care for each other, and it's so freakin sweet and heartwarming that i want/need more (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) *******************************************************************************************************************************************but having said that, have to say i kinda don't get Shiro's wanting everything behind them so they can just laugh.. i get what he means, but the dude a Yakuza, that's blood in blood out and i guess he can buy himself out. but the price will be hefty. so even after this whole mystery is solved. he won't be home free ¯\(°_o)/¯ **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************btw Yamada not only a badass, he kinda hilarious (or only i though so ) either way guess wasn't wrong about my assumption in the previous ep. just he is the big-boss n not the other dude ordering the Hitwoman. n the only reason Tadashi alive n kicking is cause of his father - like i assumed.

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The Eclipse Episode 5
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Jan 26, 2023

the slap made me piss my pants laughing

I watched the scene where he got slapped five times and every time it got funnier. first of all why did he fly into the lockers like that. That was such a violent slap the sound reverberated through the whole locker room it sounded like a gun was fired. the way he swings his hand is even funnier. The slap scene will go down in history as the most brutal bitch slap in the history of all bitch slaps.
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Jan 26, 2023

virgin penguin, now that's a term i've…

virgin penguin, now that's a term i've never heard lol. but as perusal no matter what goes on in the ep, the end clip is such a balm to the soul, sweet and light ♡ there r times i wish this whole drama just revolved around Ichiro and Shiro, Odd Couple style ********************************************************************************************************************************** but it is what it is and guess my recent guesses were right, everything has something to do with the group of 4 spoilt, rich brats and their fathers covering up their idiocy. guess the one ordering the Hitwoman was a go between Kazuhiko and the rich parents. otherwise how he get all the relevant info to keep Tadashi and his buddies under his thumb for so long?!? ************** and as Tadashi is the son of the Prime Minister and the main cash-cow he still alive - unless that dude was involved in the bombing and has a personal-stake in the matter idk... still got questions (ノω<。)ノ*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** also for someone undercover n dead, wearing black n donning a baseball cap doesn't make u invisible. so why Rion still around, always at her brother's house?!? yeah i really don't like her and wish she disappear back into hiding ╰(‵□′)╯********************************************************************************************************************************************************** back to the mains idk about Ichiro (like am sure he cares very much for Shiro, but about more idk) BUT am 99% sure that Shiro has already fallen for Ichiro. so i know this been called more bromance then BL, even though if u ask me there's not much of a "mance" either. wonder if this will go anywhere in the last few ep's left. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: really worried that the Prime Minister knows that Shiro's been looking into the bombing incident n Shiro is oblivious of this fact. hope we don't lose either of the mains (╬▔皿▔)╯

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Jan 25, 2023

cute ending n all, but this was a frustratingly…

cute ending n all, but this was a frustratingly annoying ep - sorry but i wanna hurt Rion, her explanation was b.s - and her work didn't justify or make-up for the sh*t she put both guys through. she didn't even bother to say sorry. n Shiro telling her she doesn't have to say sorry, just added fuel to the flame of loathing i feel towards this character. *********************************** neither she nor Director Akira r worth sh*t, and them justifying it cause they were thinking of the mission is a cop-out, not forgivable in the least. so seeing Ichiro sitting there eating it up, as if what they have done was ok by any means - just cause they wanna get the bad-guys is infuriating writing. call me petty but i would be breathing fire at the pair. and after everything Rion acting all cute, getting back to old behaviors with both guys was even more angering. i would've tossed her off that roof **************************************************************************************************************************************** anyway about the back-story i guess all 4 teens (20 yrs ago) were involved with the bomb. but only Yukiko felt guilty about all the deaths they cause, and suffered from a nervous break-down and that's why she's not only locked-up 24/7 but under constant surveillance by her ex-school buddies ( ˘︹˘ )(ノω<。)ノ****************************************************************** just don't get who that Hitwoman's boss is and why he more invested in keeping Tadashi and his friends secret so vehemently - where he keeps sending his Hitwoman to get rid of anyone standing to exposé Tadashi's groups secret

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Jan 25, 2023

did he seriously put a sock on his face, so…

did he seriously put a sock on his face, so he won't get cold (^∀^●) men r ridiculous - but they really cute together - like n old married, grumpy couple that r so used to each other, but love to bitch n moan just cause.. it's endearing to watch - they the only bright spot given everything else. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************so the bleedin Director(ノω<。)ノisn't a bad-guy (aish the back n forth has given me whiplash) he just a conceited moron. same goes for Rion who turned-up alive. not shocked as had a feeling she isn't dead. but didn't think it was an undercover op that the Director was in on. **********************************************************************************************************what i do have a major problem with, is her basically manipulating both the leads. she used the phone message to get under Ichiro's skin and baited her brother with her diary. maybe Ichiro didn't endanger himself too much, but her brother (someone she supposedly cared for) she f*cked over utterly. he destroyed his life and did unimaginable things, thinking the ends justify the means. this worse then backstabbing someone - i donno if there is anything she can do the redeem herself, but have a feeling both guys will happily forgive n forget the b*tch (╬▔皿▔)╯ ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note: for a sec there though the guy with the gold ring (the Hitwoman's boss) was Yukiko's father. as the round table of douches always involves the 3 guys, that were Yukiko's classmates. so she is a victim not a perpetrator. but with every ep if it isn't a back n forth about character's, always have new questions for the few answers we do get. well at least it aint boring

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Jan 25, 2023

Ok slowly I get annoyed by the " your…

Ok slowly I get annoyed by the " your sun energy is a contrast to his moon energy so you cant be together" bs from this grandpa and the ML is wounded and weak in every episode after saving FL once an episode for the past 10 episodes ?
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Jan 25, 2023

These first episodes made me laugh so much.…

These first episodes made me laugh so much. Ridiculous situations and so many goofball characters while the biggest of them all is the king. ?I love the comedy and parody aspects but it seems to get into cliche sageuk plot now. Hopefully it wont become too serious but I am preparing for a complete change of tone since thats what kdramas do.?‍?
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Jan 25, 2023

I'm triggered

I hate it when a character is physically impaired and acts like their life is over -_- Bro, you cant use your arm now, it has nothing to do with your friendship. Y u leavin?! Is he becoming monk now? Does he need to live in seclusion bc he is now slightly handicapped?!What a pathetic excuse to move the second male lead out of the picture ?And also, kdrama speading ableism... as always...I was first gonna rant how they just unnecessary and out of nowhere (without even a fight) wanted to kill off the second male lead with this poison dart bc the main ship is full course sailing now but then I got suprised they let him live and felt guilty for judging the writers but then secind layer this shit plot twist.It is truly unnecessary to rant about such a silly and tropy drama but they hit my trigger point. Abelism

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Jan 25, 2023

knew that Director was dirty, guess he always…

knew that Director was dirty, guess he always was. but back to being confused if the guy that got falsely accused of the bombing's 20 yrs ago. in the flash-back Shiro was with Rion and him celebrating his B-Day - why he act like that person was his father? why he act guilt?!? thought they met in the orphanage n Nonomura Kazuhiko was their care-giver. plus if he was with the kids on B-Day wasn't that same day the bomb went off somewhere else or i didn't understand that scene??? ********************************************************************************************************************************************************also guess was wrong n the only guy Shiro meeting up with, in hotel-rooms was Osu Kimiaki - even before he became a Prime Minister. and after everything Shiro said, was that true or a lie just to get close enough to get info out of him?!?. cause yes Rion died/disappeared 3 yrs ago and he not only joined the Yakuza, he also cozied-up to Osu. but from what he said they been together/meeting up for over a 1yr, and he still hasn't gotten anything of importance out of him. so i ask again, is he really into Osu?!? confused ¯\(°_o)/¯ n a bit grossed out i have to admit (ノ_<。)ノ*****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************n what happened 20 yrs ago, how it tie in with the bombing and who is holding something above those 3 guys heads?!? cause even though they might be involved in a hell of a lot it seemed there was a mystery woman with power over the 3 guys. so was i wrong n Yukiko wasn't assaulted by the 3 and it is something much bigger?!? only got Q's 3 ep's in ugh

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Jan 25, 2023


Another great episode. So delightfulwatching two adult men acting soshy and coy around each other. It makes you wonder when they will have their first big test. Will their love survive?
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Jan 25, 2023

so was right in assuming, Shiro became a Yakuza…

so was right in assuming, Shiro became a Yakuza to find out what happened to his sister (who wasn't blood related) surprise surprise, who would've thought, she would move 2 guys that aint related to her so much (now wondering is she really dead?!?) but it also clears up who Shiro was meeting with and why. why a tough-guy, made-man Yakuza was also "hooking"-up with men in hotel rooms (not the director i suspected) but the guy's mentioned in her diary. Prime Minister Osu being the main culprit to date {{{(>_<)}}} must say, i doubt i would go to these lengths for a blood-related sister(⊙_⊙;) *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************still the back n forth is a bit confusing and add the side plot of Nakamura Yuji, Shiro's "aniki" from the yakuza that keeps trying to muddy the waters, cause he jealous or something idk but IMHO adds to the confusion. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************side note - u don't need to be a genius to figure out that Yukiko was raped or assaulted by the other guys in her class - the way she reacted. let alone the other guys father's all being people in powerful positions, there no way this can be anything else. that's the only reason she's being kept in a hospital for so long. cause she might surfer from PTSD a consequence of trauma, but she aint sick

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Jan 25, 2023

Still waiting for improvement

In this episode, the situations are a little more vibrant, the couples move forward...Nice scenes but the script inconsistencies are still there: everyone wonders why Vincent didn't take Huai to the hospital, radio silence from the script then that an explanation could have given more density to the facts. After what happened to him, he doesn't even take off his cold clothes!! We've never seen that. the lack of rhythm of the scenes would have at least won with a visit, even a secret one, from a Doctor. That Hay Yi maintains the secrecy of his identity ok, but it would be interesting to know how he held their jobs and with whom. The contrast of his secret identity investigating his own business would be much more fun when his roommate calls him a slacker. From the beginning, the public should have been put in the confidence, for the suspense and the identification with the characters.

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Jan 25, 2023

Weak plot but nice acting

Always the same non nourrishing script, despite the implication and cuteness of the actors. Fortunetly the second lead couple is deeper than the first one so we can enjoy following the long crush of Vincent to his subordonate. The acting of (another) Anson Chen is subtile and so delicious, you can reload each of his appereances and focus on his acting, his caracter becomes the best one ! The others main leads are good and funny but the punch line of the dialogues is absent, wich waste a part of the public pleisure. No intensity, no suspense.
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Jan 25, 2023

Where is the scriptwritter ?

What happen to this lengendary series of HIStory, one of the best series of BL world ? The 3 ep is close to the secon one, nothing to reproach to the actors and crew, but it's empty as wide ! In this part, Tai Che Ni/Jhonny D keeps tryiing to catch the ex-girlfriend of Hai-Yi but it's absolutlly slow and with no ideas. The public knows Hai-Yi realises his lack of feeling for her the previous episode, and if he want revenge, he can easily see that Johnny is not the right personn for that. The scenes are slow, none true at all, it's a pity for thoses actors whom try their best ! We can understand the mystery maintened for Jonny to Hai-Yi situation but if the public could follow in secret the investigation of the son's boss, it would have been far more sexy and tense ! When will this come ?

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