
Slurs as well? Ooof. Blocked and reported!

 W two worlds Season 2 sc:

Obviously, I don't care about what full retards say. You are not only useless but toxic in this world.

Awww triggered? Hope u heal which u obviously won't coz the illness u have & the good for nothing life u are living even this comment sec isn't taking you seriously keep going sweetie ?


It’s important to remember that every individual’s worth is not determined by their marital status, pet ownership, or parental status. People contribute to society in diverse and meaningful ways, often beyond conventional metrics. A person who chooses to live with their pet and engage in hobbies like binge-watching dramas might contribute in ways that are not immediately visible, such as fostering a sense of community through online interactions, pursuing personal growth, or providing support to others in their own unique ways. Everyone's life has value and purpose, and it’s crucial to respect and acknowledge the different ways people contribute to the world around them. Bye

"A person who chooses to live with their pet and engage in hobbies like binge-watching dramas might contribute in ways that are not immediately visible, such as fostering a sense of community through online interactions, pursuing personal growth, or providing support to others in their own unique ways".

I laughed at this statement. Are you for real?

Also, throw me some credible sources instead of strawman arguments. My claim was that the major demographic of drama consumers are SINGLE FEMALES which is right according to these sources done by reputable universities.

I'm sure you can do better than this and I'm not even trying lol.


Awww triggered? Hope u heal which u obviously won't coz the illness u have & the good for nothing life u are living even this comment sec isn't taking you seriously keep going sweetie ?

It's very cliché but common with people like you (multiple examples in the conversation): You need to psychologize it. Like if other people are ill or I don't know what. I prefer to say people they are assholes.

See here, I wasn't even involved in the main discussion, as it's a thematic I don't have a lot to talk about. My only concern is how people today witch-hunt, cancel others, and think they can have a moral ground by simply deleting other people opinion by accusing them of anything. Now speaking about psychological problem: it's really a big one to act like that.


women should just stay in the kitchen, lol. most of the viewers here are single women who can't get a date and have to resort to watching drama to 'live up' to that moment.

What a joke.


Did I say anything about you? The main demographic of people bingeing dramas ARE SINGLE LADIES. These are the people who I have a problem with because they are not contributing to society. I said it's no issue if you are married, look at my above reply.

Proof positive that celibacy, birth control, abortion and choosing to remain childless is the right choice.   Cause THIS child, sure ain't contributing anything positive to society.


Proof positive that celibacy, birth control, abortion and choosing to remain childless is the right choice.   Cause THIS child, sure ain't contributing anything positive to society.

Sure, tell that to your parents lol. See if they'll disown you.

Don't particularly like the idea of lists of people, especially since folks can make their own judgements and block anyone as soon as they see something they don't like -- or call out their nonsense.  Generally speaking, MDL normally is a fairly calm place.

That said, I don't know what rock recently got turned over, but I have never seen such a concentration of males behaving behaving badly on MDL, or the level of rampant misogyny and chauvinism being spewed.  Besides this thread, I encountered 3 misogynistic males posting on three different pages, in the space of two days.  It's baffling, and annoying.


Sure, tell that to your parents lol. See if they'll disown you.

Why would my parents disown me for telling the truth about you?

If my parents need a laugh, I'll tell them about your lack of social skills and arrogance and ludicrous imitation of JD Vance, but otherwise, there's no need for anyone to know of your existence.


Why would my parents disown me for telling the truth about you?

If my parents need a laugh, I'll tell them about your lack of social skills and arrogance and ludicrous imitation of JD Vance, but otherwise, there's no need for anyone to know of your existence.

If you actually looked at the main poster. He/she was the one who rocked the boat, claiming 3 people were misogynists. So none of this would've happened in the first place.

I'm not even from the US (I'm from Singapore) and tbh I don't even watch US politics that much, so I don't know how you make that reference to JD. 

I even quoted 2 sources that stated and proved my point.


If you actually looked at the main poster. He/she was the one who rocked the boat, claiming 3 people were misogynists. So none of this would've happened in the first place.

I'm not even from the US (I'm from Singapore) and tbh I don't even watch US politics that much, so I don't know how you make that reference to JD. 

I even quoted 2 sources that stated and proved my point.

A topic on MDL isn't responsible for the misogyny of world or the chauvinists suddenly spewing nonsense on MDL or your ... odd post passing judgement on people's private choices and circumstances as well as dictating the needs of the global society, as if you were God himself.

I'm not responsible for your ignorance or inability to use Google or a search engine. Though the fact that you know JD Vance is a US political figure makes me believe you actually do understand the reference.


It’s important to remember that every individual’s worth is not determined by their marital status, pet ownership, or parental status. People contribute to society in diverse and meaningful ways, often beyond conventional metrics. A person who chooses to live with their pet and engage in hobbies like binge-watching dramas might contribute in ways that are not immediately visible, such as fostering a sense of community through online interactions, pursuing personal growth, or providing support to others in their own unique ways. Everyone's life has value and purpose, and it’s crucial to respect and acknowledge the different ways people contribute to the world around them. Bye

Thank you for the validation of my existence, not that I needed validation. We need more users on MDL with positive, life-affirming, and critical thinking skills who are able to embrace others. Your first sentence "It's important to remember that every individual's worth is not determined by" should be the only thing needing to be said. Unfortunately, based on this thread, comments in MDL, and comments on other sites, many don't see a human worthy unless they have attributes other than JUST being a human. What they fail to understand is What goes around will eventually come around. None of us are immune to reaping what we've sown with our words and behaviors. To think otherwise is the utmost in arrogance.Thank you, ASTER.


Sure, tell that to your parents lol. See if they'll disown you.

Actually you're right about women just staying in kitchen coz your mom should've just stayed in kitchen but ended up in bed & gave birth to a brainrot like u who's doing nothing but spitting bs in a literal comment sec meant for discussing about kdrama like get a life wtf even you're trying to prove lol it's funny how confidently you're fighting to prove your non-existing point well have a good day tho goodbye 

That's a great initiative. But why do I keep seeing their comment on app even after blocking? 


That's a great initiative. But why do I keep seeing their comment on app even after blocking? 

Block only works on the comment sections of dramas and to prevent both you and the blocked from seeing each others profiles and feeds.


women should just stay in the kitchen, lol. most of the viewers here are single women who can't get a date and have to resort to watching drama to 'live up' to that moment.

What a joke.

I as a single straight man am really offended for being discriminated. I resort to drama to prove her that I have not made anything but watching dramas in the meantime she comes back to me... or not.