VioletSakura wrote: I did, the omake (pre-story) ones, right?
Which picture do you mean? Could you name the Volume or the Chapter?
SO you like Ouran too? haha~
Give me a sec ^^

I'm not sure the volume or chapter for that one...i think it's closer to the end though.
I like the Kayashima cute.
I am a huge Ouran fan...
yankumicho wrote: I'm not sure the volume or chapter for that one...i think it's closer to the end though.
I like the Kayashima cute.
I am a huge Ouran fan...

I don't think I've read that one *runs to check*
Here you go Ouran~ (all except for the last one are from anime)

EDIT: I went and checked... of course I had read it... ^^ love-love-love this manga~
So beautiful! The anime is how I got introduced to the manga. :D
yankumicho wrote: So beautiful! The anime is how I got introduced to the manga. :D

Me too... and it was so random, I remember I was looking for Pride and Prejudice trailer in YouTube, when suddenly a video of an anime popped up... they had made a video with Ouran parts and put over the sounds of the trailer of new Pride and Prejudice movie on it... it was so random, but as soon as I saw the characters... I fell instantly, and looked for the anime like crazy, at first it really seemed to me it was an anime of P&P, haha~ then I realized it was not~ I read the manga and then enjoyed the anime~
wow..VS-ssi you draw too?!!...multi talented...those are beautiful
KamZ wrote: wow..VS-ssi you draw too?!!...multi talented...those are beautiful

ei~ din't make me blush... thank you :)
WOW!! those are wonderful!! really you are great!! ^^
nadiuz222 wrote: WOW!! those are wonderful!! really you are great!! ^^

:) thank you~ I'm glad you like those, guys ^^
nadiuz222 wrote: really? thank you! ^^
drawing always make me fell so relaxed and happy!

Yes. ^^ Hope to see more of your drawings.
i know what you mean, but i usually just draw when i'm bored.
Sleepninja wrote:

simply amazing!
VioletSakura wrote: I know what you mean, it's so simple and at the same time so complicated... I like it, that I usually don't need to play with the shadows to make a face be emotional and eyes giving a vibe... a simple stroke or a pencil can create the effect...
Well... as Hana Kimi remake is coming up, I thought I'd share more of my Hana Kimi pics... my most fav ones...

UNNI! you draw soooooo nice~!

my drawings not that nice but i did really like to draw xD

NinaJade82 wrote: WOW

Very cool!
Awesome photographer named Tim Tadder. I really like his Water Wigs photos and also his Fish Heads photoshoot. More of his albums here.

Some of my faves:

Qwenty wrote: I loved Gimp :P

Nice <3.