Forget him and break all ties

ITUE that watching Dramas is illegal
i would become a criminal

in the unlikely event that one day you woke up and your legs were tentacles, what would you do?
I would fuck anime characters.

ITUE that you posted next, what would you do? (because I don't care enough to think of an unlikely event).
scold you for being lazy.

in the unlikely event that your nose disappeared, what would you do?
audition for the role of voldemort 

ITUE  you find me crying what would you do? 
I would ask why and try to console you

Inthe unlikely event that you had to stay with a very rude person , what would you do? 
I would be rude right back at said person.

ITUE that you would find yourself in a dark enclosed space w/ no escape... what would you do?
calmly think of and sing it till i cant sing no more

ITUE your sex changes tommorow, the first thing you honest
I would rape my oppas (yaoi way).

ITUE that you become a human, what would you do?


ITUE you're about to poop but you're in a public vehicle
if i can stand i will do that and clench my ass a pray to god to protect my dignity

ITUE i seriously have nothing better answer the same question above
@educto1: I'll try to think about something else cos if I overthink it, then it's just going to make it harder for me. And if I can't hold it
any longer, I'll simply ask if they could please stop somewhere, then I'll find a place that I can use a bathroom.
It's completely natural and nothing to be ashamed of.

ITUE you discover that your father is gay, what would you do?
no problem simply accept it his sexuality got nothing to do with me loving my dad

ITUE you grow a tail
Start whacking my cat in the face with it to see how he likes it!

ITUE you found out you were a distant relative of your favorite actor/idol?
I would be super duper happy & try to contact him:))
itue you take the wrong flight?