Movie Watch Challenge
Category 1
Watch a film from the 20th century
Watch a film from the early 2000s
Watch a film from the 2010s
Watch a film from the 2020s
0/4 completed
Category 2
Watch a film rated 8.5 or higher
Watch a film with less than 1000 watchers
Watch a documentary
Watch a film with an actor who has 40+ years in the film industry
0/4 completed
Category 3
Watch a film shot in black and white (B&W)
Watch a surrealist/arthouse film
Watch an anthology
Watch a film by a director who has more than 3 shows/movies rated 8.3 or higher
0/4 completed
Edit: After testing out the last item of category 3 and realizing only two movie directors qualified, I adjusted it. Instead of "Watch a film by a director who has more than 5 shows/movies rated 8.5 or higher" it is now "Watch a film by a director who has more than 3 shows/movies rated 8.3 or higher" If you don't want to look up the directors who fit this category, you can find a list of them here.
Thanks to Rien for making badges of this challenge!
Progress so far!~