8th challenge complete 


I recommend  only-friends (bl) where it focuses on 3 different couples that addiction to substances and abuse will be shown ( personally I found ForceBook story boring)

the-murderer-and-the-toy I recommend it as it looks at student and how his life turned upside down from one mistake he took

 our-school-now(all of us are dead) its horror as it contains zombies but it was done is a realist way on how a group try to survive. The 2 romances were also great. It did a great balance of humor and darkness

Would love a crime or medical drama preferably anywhere but Korea as I want to try to watch dramas from a variety as 90% of dramas I've watched is Korean( don't mind if Korean though)

I accept dr chocolate 


1st Challenge  ||2nd Challenge|| 3rd Challenge || 4th Challenge :D

Recommendation For  Sweetsis_warrior        - Let me know if you can watch one of the following


Recommendation From neriya       -I accept to watch dele.

Status- Completed(8/8)


Thoughts- I forgot to finish this + I'm a mood watcher. This was actually really good. I liked it a lot.


Heyo Saygo! The majority of shows that I've watched are from Korea, but I have mixed in some Japanese dramas as well in the following:

1. 18 Again - amazing acting from the one and only lee do hyun. the character dynamics between the main character and his children were the best part. so heartwarming and comedic, though a bit on the slower side. (16ep x 70m)

2. Sutekina Sen Taxi - a time-travelling taxi drama. lighthearted and funny storylines, but it heavily relies on "japanese" humour, so jokes may fly over your head at times. (10 ep x 55m)

3. dele - it's about a unique occupation where the main characters' jobs are to delete all digital records of a client after they die. each ep focuses on a different client, where us viewers get to know more and more about the client's life when the mcs unravel their digital records. an engaging main duo with some unexpected twists. (8ep x 50m)

No historical dramas please! I'd prefer if it's either Korean or Japanese as well.

I accept dearuto's recommendation of The Story of Park's Marriage Contract. I love time-travel & fake dating/marriage of convenience plots, and you convinced me with their apparent chemistry! :)

Status: Completed
Rating: 10

Thoughts: Wow, I did not expect to find a new favourite, especially in a romance drama. I always thought it was plain BS that people were giggling and kicking their feet while watching romance shows, but this happened to me. Multiple times. I had to stop and squeal for a few seconds before clicking play, that's how adorable the two leads were together. I didn't even mind the plotholes in the story because I was too focused on all the fun characters. 

I'm not the biggest fan of historical dramas as evidenced by my tastes, but I loved all the sageuk elements here. It just goes to show how even your least favourite genres/tags can be great. Thank you for the rec dearuto, I enjoyed it immensely :)

7th Challenge completed here

Hi neriya! I recommend you to watch either:

  • A Shop for Killers (8 episodes) 
    • Story was fast paced and v action packed... I binge watched everything at one shot LOL. Ending makes me really excited for Season 2!!!
  • The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (12 episodes)  
    • A cute rom-com featuring Bae Inhyuk and Lee Seyoung. A couple whose chemistry was so good the nation actually thought they were REALLY dating. Plot also left some confusion but I guess it cannot be helped with time travelling dramas. Overall still a good drama!

  •  The Day of Becoming You (26 episodes)
    • Not a K/J drama but I thought to provide it as an option as well since it's on your PTW. This is a rather underrated drama but I quite enjoyed it! The acting by both Liangjie and Zhang Xincheng were TOO GOOD I had such a good laugh when they were acting as each other! Though the plot weakens towards the end, I still enjoyed the drama overall because of the comedic elements

Open for recs! Preferably C/K-dramas :))

I accept Jojo77's recommendation to watch Exclusive Fairytale! Was honestly torn between MLN and EF but... I need motivation to complete EF so... EF it is :D 

Status: Completed - 7/10 

Decent watch, a cute rom-com to pass time :) 

1st Challenge|| 2nd Challenge||  3rd Challenge || 4th Challenge  || 5th Challenge :

Hi dearuto 

Here are few reommendations. Let me know if you prefer something else -

  1.  My Liberation Notes : A slice of life drama. The story is very realistic & simple supported by fantastic cast and acting to justify it. 
  2. Exclusive Fairytale  :  A teenage love story - Absolutely fresh and hilarious (Fluff Fluff Alert xD) 
  3. Pinocchio : Not your cliche story. Has bit of everything. The twists doesn't come out of blue , the chemistry between leads is good as well.

Accepted recc from Jenn - Something in the Rain.

( Thank you for the reccs. I have always heard similarities between SITR and OST. I loved One spring night so thought of giving SITR a watch.)

Status: Completed
Rating: 8.5

Thank you for the recommendation. This was a beautiful watch! 

The chemistry was great between the actors and the slow burn romance was portrayed beautifully. It was very realistic.I enjoyed the first 10 episodes of the drama thoroughly especially their honeymoon phase. 

This drama also tackles the harassment issue women face at a workplace and how FL finally takes a stand for herself and overcomes it is satisfactory.

The ML's acting was impressive. It made me believe he really loved the FL. I may be biased here as I am his fan from OSN! xD

I saw reviews comparing it to One spring night and though the setting and ML are similar I kinda disagree. 

This drama for me fell short because of the below or it would have been a solid 10!

- When the female lead was still indecisive about the ML after him reassuring her and then breaking up without having a proper conversation didn't sit well with me.

- Her mother kind of became too overbearing for me. I understand the Asian household theme they were trying to portray but I wish FL drew a line and took a stand.

OSN had the similar theme but the FL kinda woke up on time!

But again a pretty wonderful watch. 

16th Challenge | 17th Challenge | 18th Challenge | 19th Challenge | 20th Challenge: 

Hi Jojo77 ,

After looking at your rates and completed list here are my following recommendations for you:

 1.   Move to Heaven - K Drama.  Cho Sang Gu, the uncle of the ML ( Han Geu Roo)  moves in with him after Geu Roo's father dies.  Sang Gu plans on making a quick buck from being Geu Roo's guardian but as the characters start to live with each other they both begin to see each other in a new light. AMAZING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. 

2.   Something in the Rain  -  K drama.  I noticed you rated One Spring Night a 10 and this drama is very similar. They both have pretty much the same atmosphere; have an older FL with a younger ML and the same director created it. I loved both these dramas (One Spring Night and Something in the Rain) because I felt like they managed to discuss certain issues that normally don't get addressed in shows.

3.  Hi Bye Mama!   - K Drama. It is more of a Melodrama type of series and tells the story of a family whose life continues to move forward after losing a loved one. The mother reincarnates while the husband begins to deal with their daughter, new wife, and now reincarnated wife.

Open for recommendations but no horror or dark themes. Also no longer than 16 eps.

Hello Elisheva , I love dramas so much but yes -- Thai, Korean, and Taiwanese shows dominate my Completed List.

I accept your rec for Sweet Sensory,  because it looks cute (basing this off the cover picture) but will be adding the other ones to my list as well. 

Status: Completed
Started: 04.02.24
Finished: 04.03.24

Rate: 8
I loved the friendship between all the characters. It was a very wholesome series but after thinking about it, I can't seem to rate it higher.  I cannot put my finger on it exactly but I felt like we didn't go depth with all the characters and it was very surface level unless it was the main characters.  I liked it and would recommend it to someone else if they want a steady paced wholesome show but I guess for me it needed a little more. 

Hello Jenn, I've been waiting for someone who is open to Thai series. I think you might like

Sweet Sensory, Thai PBS, link in the Comments or I can help. Through her new job, a blind woman starts a cooking class and becomes close friends with the teacher and the other students in the class. It's a lovely series about friends helping friends with care and respect.

55:15 Never Too Late  Five 55 year olds wake up as their 15 year old selves. There's humour as they learn how to negotiate 2020 life as teenagers, poignancy as they look at their lives, mistakes and regrets, and some stellar acting - the time frames are intertwined in the story telling and the young actors are great at embodying their characters' older selves.

My Fairy Ghost VERY short but very good and worth watching more than once IMO as there are many interconnections in meaning. Gentle love story between two women, emphasising how the support of another can help you find confidence in yourself. It reminds me of He's Coming to Me - not just in similarities between the stories but they're two of the kindest, warmest series.

For myself, I'ld prefer something Japanese or Thai, or another country that's less talked about here. Or if it's Korean or Chinese, something on the gentler side rather than the usual K- or C- stress rollercoasters :)  Not too long, under 16 or so episodes please. Open to films, short series, youth/coming of age. Mentioning that because they don't get talked about as much but maybe someone has one that they love.

Looks like I broke the thread. Apologies for that. Just rec me anything so it can get started again. Use it as a chance to talk about your favourites. Very sorry.

Thanks for the reassurance and recommendations jenn. Can the photo above be made to work for a badge or are their faces too far apart? I can rewatch to look for a suitable screen shot instead.

I accept your recommendation of Triage. Will start tomorrow because it seems a bit intense for this late in the evening :D

Status: Completed

Started: 4/4/24

Finished: 10/4/24

Rating: 5/10  I don't know, maybe I got stuck in a 3rd alternate reality time loop and watched a different series from everyone who loves it. They're certainly in the majority.

16th Challenge | 17th Challenge | 18th Challenge | 19th Challenge | 20th Challenge | 21st Challenge:

Hi Elisheva ,

You did not break the thread at all. Sometimes it takes a while to get a recommendation because people are finishing up the show they got recommended to move forward, people drop the challenge, or they may wait for the next challenge as a break. Stating a preference is okay since it gives the recommender an idea of what you may like.  

I hope you don't mind me being your recommender. I noticed you watch a lot of BL and I tried to see if you have seen my ultimate favorites and it seems like you have seen some so that being said I am recommending the following:

1. Triage - BL; Thai. 13 episodes and around 44 minutes each ep. it is one of my favorites. it is a time loop series so if you don't like that -- I  recommend you give it a shot because I am not a time loop plot kind of person but this was executed so well. Anyway, its about a Dr. Tin entering a time loop and his mission is to save Tol, a college student he has never met before

2. About Youth - BL; Taiwanese. Very short and cute fluff show about high students making new friends and developing feelings.

3.  Last Twilight - BL; Thai - This is another great drama IMO. Mohk is the "bad boy" who ends up being a caregiver for Day, who is partially blind and as their relationship as patient and caregiver commences so does their friendship and even more

*P.S. don't forget to put your favorite picture for Sweet Sensory so you can get a badge for it*
**the picture you provided is totally fine**

Open for recommendations but no horror or dark themes. Also no longer than 16 eps.

Once again, hi Sweetsis ,

 I am willing to give zombie-100 a try. Also, I love Eiji so why not.
 I have already seen Mr. Cinderalla and I was a fan! I have probably seen all the BL Vietnamese series that exist. 

Status: Completed.
Started: 04.03.24
Finished: 04.03.24

Rate: 7.5 - 8
Ngl it was really good. despite all the blood and zombies. it was amusing. I did close my eyes for some parts LOL 

9 th drama complete 


I recommend zombie-100 (movie) hear me out I know you don't want any horror but it focuses more on an employee that learns to stand up for himself gaining true friendship along the way

a-bear-s-little-thing (English name higuma) if you manage to get the past that he thinks he is a bear it has cute sweet moments plus you can binge watch it in 1 day as it is 10 episodes of 5 minutes 

Mr Cinderella (Vietnamese bl) it was a slow burn romance that was really beautiful 

I need an intriguing  drama that talks about major issues in society 

I accept miracle of Teddy bear 


21st Challenge | 22nd Challenge: 

Hello Sweetsis ,

Thank you for your movie recommendation. I recommend the following:

1. Like in the Movies - BL; Filipino. I feel like the dialogue between the characters is what makes this series special. Its cute but they talk/address their sexuality in different forms.

2. The Miracle of Teddy Bear - BL; thai. Now this one has one of my FAVORITE dialogues when it comes to sexuality and exploitation of it. However, it is portrayed in a more fantasy/mystery style, so paying more attention to the dialogue is important. Plus this does have some TW domestic abuse, attempted murder, self-harm, death, and abusive parent so proceed with caution. This one amazed me because the synopsis is pretty ridiculous once you read it.

3. One Spring Night - Korean Drama; It is 32 episodes but its 30 -35 minutes each so technically 16 hours ( so kinda like 16 episodes). this one is more of a slow-burn but addresses important issues common in the culture and the general stigma toward other issues. It is an amazing drama but have to be in the mood to watch.

Open for recommendations but no horror or dark themes. Also no longer than 16 eps. Right now preferring fluff shows if possible

I accept Jojo77's recommendation for Dali and the Cocky Prince 

Status: Completed.
Started: 04.04.24
Finished: 04.05.24

Rate: 8.5
I hesitated to watch this drama due to the comment section and how many people disliked the FL. I am glad I still gave it a shot because I loved it!! The FL was great and so was the ML. I loved the banter between the FL's brother and the ML. Very cute. Big fan.

1st Challenge|| 2nd Challenge||  3rd Challenge || 4th Challenge  || 5th Challenge || 6th Challenge :

Hi Jenn

It was a challenge for me to choose for you as you have watched so many. xD But here are few recommendations for you -

1. Encounter - A 16 episode drama. Its a romantic slow burn drama. I personally love this drama. 

2. Fight For my Way - A 16 episode romcom. The chemistry between the leads is nice. For me it kind of dramatically potrayed the struggle of growing up and  achieving  you dream.

3. Dali and the Cocky Prince - A 16 episode drama. Again a romantic genre with a bit of comedy. Alot of cliché troops here but I enjoyed it.

My apologies for the bad descriptions of the dramas. Let me know if you prefer something else. :))

Open for reccs. I genreally watch k& c dramas but won't mind romantic/romcom thai dramas.

Accepted Recommendation From dearuto - Mr. Queen

Hi Again Dearuto! xD Thank you for the recc! Was honestly torn between You are my Hero and Mr. Queen but had mood for romcom . So Mr. Queen it is. 

Status: Completed

Rating :  9

A perfect romcom for me! The comedy in the drama shines out for me. It is not forced and it actually makes you laugh! Though there is comedy, there are also twists and turn that keeps you hooked for 20 episodes. The acting by both the leads was phenomenal. The chemistry is undeniable. I couldn't find a flaw in FL's acting. Was seriously impressed.Overall an amazing romcom drama with a strong story line, amazing acting and beautiful OST's.

8th Challenge completed here

Hi jojo I hope you don't mind it's me again HAHA we're taking turns to give recommendations to each other. Here is my recommendation list this time!

  • You Are My Hero 
    • Romance drama with chemistry SO NATURAL istg half their scenes together are adlibs! Xiao Bai looks so good as a SWAT officer so that's basically the plot. jk. This is def one of my comfort dramas, the leads are lovable and the relationships with their friends and families are natural
  • Love Me, Love My Voice 
    • A pure, no-drama romance drama between a voice actor and online singer :) Based on a novel by MBFB! This is one of my favorite novel-to-drama adaptations and I even think the drama did better than the novel itself. I love the characters and I love how the director had a good understanding of the VA scene and tried his best to potray it from the set-ups to the casting (e.g casting actual cosers as cosplayers)
  • Mr. Queen 
    • A fun drama that involves transmigration and swapping of bodies with the opposite sex! As a person who time travelled to the past, you can expect the Moderner DID NOT adapt well to the new situation well. I had an extremely good laugh because Shin Hyesun is amazing at her role! The plot stirs towards politcs at the end but it is still a good watch!

  • Our Beloved Summer
    • I think most people would rate this as a drama they aren't able to get over ((me included)). Wooshik and Dami's potrayal of the characters made me laugh and cry as I watched. It's a story that contains warmth and growth of the characters from 10 years ago till the them of today. 

Hi neriya! I'm so happy that you enjoyed SOPMC as much as I did! I'll happily accept your recommendation to watch Death's Game Part 1 & 2  :) I've heard so many good things about this drama so I'm ready to start!

Status: Complete, overall 7/10 for Part 1 & 2 

Not gonna lie I was quite bored earlier on despite how action packed and fast paced the drama is at the beginning... not sure if it's because I had such high expectations for the drama or... whichever the case may be, I think the show did make up for it in the latter half! I enjoyed the revenge plot and also the ending where he slowly realized that his "harmless" unaliving did actually impact other people. I teared up so much in the last two episodes about his mother TT 


Hello dearuto! I hope you'll love one of these recommendations as much as I loved yours :)

1. If You Wish Upon Me - a healing drama with incredible acting, especially from ji chang wook and a new face, won ji an. an entertaining watch if you prefer character development and relationships over plot. the drama answers the question of how to really live life. (16ep x 70m)

2. Death's Game Part 1 & 2 - a fast-paced drama where you're not even able to take a breather. check out the first part to see if you're interested, but i promise you, after the ending of part 1, you'll be wanting more. (8ep x 55m)

3. Move to Heaven - centers around an autistic trauma cleaner, someone who cleans up the aftermath of a death scene to remove blood, potential infections, other fluids, and more. the drama can get you in your feels, but the main reason why this drama is so good is because of the bond and dynamic of the main trio. (10ep x 50m)

4. Vigilante - a drama that showcases the duality of nam joo hyuk's acting. it's thrilling, suspenseful, and dark, but beware of over-the-top and annoying characters. (8ep x 45m)

No historical or horror dramas please! Any country of origin is fine, but for c-dramas, I'd prefer the drama to be exceptional as I've never watched one before! If possible, I'd like it if the recommended drama(s) not be on my plan to watch list, as I want to watch something completely new and unexpected.

I accept jenn's recommendation of Bokura no Shokutaku. It's been on my ptw ever since it was announced and I've been craving some sweet and fluffy romance as of late :D

Status: Completed
Rating: 8.0

Thoughts: This was such a feel-good drama that I didn't want to end, so I deliberately watched it pretty slowly. Personally, the main protagonist did not interest me even with his backstory, but Minoru and Tane's personality made me invested :)

Thanks for the rec jenn!

21st Challenge | 22nd Challenge | 23rd Challenge:

hello neriya 

I know you want some that are not on your plan-to-watch list but I was one and I felt like you needed to watch soon and that is

1. Bokura no Shokutaku - it is short and honestly I think it's so wholesome.

2. Your Name Engraved Herein - it's a movie. It takes place after martial law was lifted in Taiwan in 1987 and the friendship of two boys, who discover more about themselves. It's my ultimate favorite movie due to the dialogue.

3. Triage - BL; Thai. 13 episodes and around 44 minutes each ep. it is one of my favorites. it is a time loop series so if you don't like that -- I  recommend you give it a shot because I am not a time loop plot kind of person but this was executed so well. Anyway, its about a Dr. Tin entering a time loop and his mission is to save Tol, a college student he has never met before

Open for recommendations but no horror or dark themes. Also no longer than 16 eps. Right now preferring fluff shows if possible

Hi once again,

ooof, you really gave me some difficult ones. I want to watch Moon Lovers but cannot find it anywhere , even now. I am stuck between two, daily dose and a piece of your mind.  I heard daily is a bit depressing and a piece of your mind sounds depressing based off the synopsis. LOL I might message you in a bit to ask a bit more about it

Winner: Fight For my Way  (this one is the one that seems the lightest) 

Status: Completed
Started: 04.24.24
Finished: 04.29.24

Rate: 8.5
I FUCKING LOVED IT. However, I did get annoyed at certain points with the second couple, which made my rate drop from a 9 to 8.5. I actually enjoyed the whole best friends to lovers , which is a trope I normally don't go for.

1st Challenge|| 2nd Challenge||  3rd Challenge || 4th Challenge  || 5th Challenge || 6th Challenege || 7th Challenge :

Hi Jenn 

Hope you would mind recommendations from me again. xD Let me know if you prefer something else -

1.  Fight For my Way  Or

2. Daily Dose of Sunshine Or

3. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Or

4. A Piece of Your Mind

Open for reccs. I genreally watch k& c dramas.

Accepted Recommendation From Sweetsis - Blood

Status: Completed

Rating :  7/10 

I was very intrigued by the medical-supernatural theme drama (both being my favourite troops ) and the premise was  promising. I really liked how they tried to scientifically and medically justify the vampire-ishness rather than the same old sparkling in the sun. 

Acting was convincing for me.  Ahn Jae-hyun was a broody vampire with goofiness here and there. FL was overbearing at times but entertaining. Tbh I loved the bond between ML and his friend more than I liked ML and FL. Villains were strong.

But after episode 5/6 , I felt the plot changed. The doctor stopped treating patients. He was here and there all the time. It felt a bit draggy at times. The ending has a lot of unanswered questions which was a real disappointment for me.

Overall a strong plot with a lot of potential weakened with mediocre writing in the middle leading to a weak ending.