Lady Ashe:

Yall if you are not watching Love in the Air and Roommates of Poongduck 304. Go do it. Such great entertainment. (also if you watch on viki watch with the comments on, people are funny) 

Love in the Air is a bit hit and miss for me but LOVING Poongduck so much. It is so much better than their vampire one. They have such a fun chemistry in this. the KBL's are killing it at the moment..Thailand is shooketh


Love in the Air is my current happy time every week. Roommates I'm about to start. Choco Milk Shake was freaking adorable when I watched it yesterday. Funny funny funny!

Choco Milk Shake is EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also if you like JBL's - Is amazing. It is delightfully Japanese and the characters are all brilliant! Loving it so much. Funny, absurd, touching, is hitting all the high points for me


Have any of you been watching Ghost Host Ghost House? I never watch anything even remotely scary so this is the first time I'm trying out a borderline horror show. Episode 4 went from 0-100 really fast, I thought I had skipped an episode at first. Nevertheless, that had to be the best kiss build up I've ever seen! SO glad I gave this a try, I'm hooked.

Another programme I'll be binge-watching once all episodes are released.

Almost every drama in my watchlist is ongoing.  I am rewatching all the dramas like DBK, not me, thoery of love. Waiting for the last episode of eclipse. Can't wait


Almost every drama in my watchlist is ongoing.  I am rewatching all the dramas like DBK, not me, thoery of love. Waiting for the last episode of eclipse. Can't wait

Same there's 10 that are  airing  and I'm watching  


Also if you like JBL's - Is amazing. It is delightfully Japanese and the characters are all brilliant! Loving it so much. Funny, absurd, touching, is hitting all the high points for me

ahhh i love this one so much !! they are so so cute jbls never miss

OH MY GOD, Episode 2 of Choco Milk Shake was even cuter than the first one! 

 seojoons shoe shiner:

ahhh i love this one so much !! they are so so cute jbls never miss

I knew we were going to get on! lol


Almost every drama in my watchlist is ongoing.  I am rewatching all the dramas like DBK, not me, thoery of love. Waiting for the last episode of eclipse. Can't wait

Same, every single thing on my list is ongoing.

I can't wait until this grouping of series is fully aired so I can enjoy what you are all gushing about!!!  I am taking the down time to re-watch some and try out some of the series I've not been too sure I want to stick with watching.  So far the re-watch I've enjoyed the most is Light On Me, I can't believe I didn't remember how amazing it was for me!  That's what happens when you watch too many shows too fast with my limited memory :D  Wait two months and everything is brand new again! ;)

Any recommendations on what dramas to rewatch. I'm free and on drama watching spree. Suggest some. 


Any recommendations on what dramas to rewatch. I'm free and on drama watching spree. Suggest some. 

What about some not from your Watched list?


Any recommendations on what dramas to rewatch. I'm free and on drama watching spree. Suggest some. 

Like I usually do not like to rewatch and I haven't rewatched any drama but from your list, one drama that I would like to recc to rewatch will be 

Cherry Blossoms After Winter

Btw have anyone completed his man can anyone please summarise me who ended up with whom please in my inbox or here if possible I do not have enough time to watch it do tell me :) ^^