
Re: Kiseki Chapter 2 

Yeah it got better as I continued it

And I don’t hate the soft-core porn ;) but I was indeed very surprised coz it was so sudden

Like they went from awkward shy to hot n spicy in like minutes :0 curious to know what happens next now 

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 3 - Favourite Couple

Okay since it is difficult to pick and I am always talking about my favourites as it relates to more recent series for the rest of this challenge I am going back to my favourites from back in the day as much as possible.

Favourite Couple: 

TeeFuse (Boom & Peak) - Make It Right 

curious to know what happens next now 

The suspense has me in choke-hold because I would love to see how they go from here.  

 American Fan:
RE: WE ARE - I've read in a few places that the US & Canada won't see it on YT :-(

I could see it on iQ when it posts. Whenever that is.

Hi! :-) I've read in the comment section of the drama profile of We Are that it should be available today for the US & Canada on iQ. And for other regions on YT. Maybe you can see it now an iQ ? 


The suspense has me in choke-hold because I would love to see how they go from here.  

Fr tho I wanna see if the fact that they were drunk when it happened is gonna affect anything 


Hi! :-) I've read in the comment section of the drama profile of We Are that it should be available today for the US & Canada on iQ. And for other regions on YT. Maybe you can see it now an iQ ? 

Oh, you are right! I went back to iQ and there it is. So maybe I do see it when everyone else does. It's Wednesday here but still fairly early morning. Thank you. <3

April BL Drama Challenge

Day 3 - Favorite Couple

This one is so hard and I don't want to talk about the same couples I always talk about (*coughs* WinTeam), so this time around we are going to go with Mizuki and Yoh from Taikan Yoho. Is this controversial? This might be controversial.  These two are characters that make me feel like they were written for each other (obviously they were, but hear me out!). I truly believe that despite both their shortcomings, Mizuki and Yoh will always gravitate towards each other, in this universe, or any other. 

Taikan Yoho.

TBH, I'm kinda slinking around here with all the talk about Taikan Yoho, cuz I dropped this one after 2 EPS. I didn't rate it. This is one I was looking forward to but actually watching it did nothing for me at all. I remember asking someone if it got better overall. By that I mean less gloomy, more expressive (especially the ML), maybe a little lighter overall.  Less "slave-like". I wasn't given a lot of hope.

It wasn't too hard to let go of since Japanese dramas generally aren't my favorite for several reasons. BLs yes, but I guess not this one. :-(

Should I try it again? Does it get more upbeat and positive?

 American Fan:
Should I try it again? Does it get more upbeat and positive?

I would say, yes it gets less toxic and more a love story. But don't force yourself if it's just not your thing.

 American Fan:
TBH, I'm kinda slinking around here with all the talk about Taikan Yoho,

Same. I did finish it and rate it (of course its me lol). I rated it 6.5. I understood it on a psychological level and how the miscommunication shaped their dynamic. I also enjoyed the thought provoking  nature of it has it stimulated my mind in deciphering the hidden meanings and symbols from their actions and omissions rather than the dialogue. What fell off for me is that it showed a minute amount of progress as if we started off with them in miscommunication situation and by the end of it only some more clarity is implied but not expressed. That was my problem I could not track the progress because it was so cloaked that it was almost left to subjective interpretation.  

 American Fan:
It wasn't too hard to let go of since Japanese dramas generally aren't my favorite for several reasons. BLs yes, but I guess not this one. :-(

This is my problem with Japanese BLs. They are my least anticipated series because they often have reluctant characters that drag right until the very end while being utterly clueless and infuriating. Another reason is the lack of expression (maybe that is just the culture though), the lack of physical affection, again it maybe the culture, but I find it hard to watch a romance series and to have to interpret or perhaps I should say find the deeper affectionate meanings from the characters' almost platonic/brotherly actions. I really think that it is a culture thing because here in the "West" love and affection is outwardly expressed through direct words and physical touch, it may not be so in Japan. Hence I have reached a place where when I watch Japanese BLs I mainly watch for the always original and intriguing story-line and try my best to just put the romance aspect to the back or out of my mind; to just see it as consequential. 

Maybe you can see it now an iQ ? 

Grrrr, I hate how iQiyi geo-blocks so much stuff in Europe, or at least in Germany. And even my high-quality VPN doesn't help, so I assume iQiyi geo-locates me based on my account/subscription data. 

Here's an incomplete list of  BLs that are geo-blocked for me: We Are, Jazz for Two, VIP Only, Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun, Kiseki: Dear to Me, Unintentional Love Story, Love for Love's Sake, Pit Babe, Breeze of Love, Love in Translation.  Other than "Breeze of Love", I think all are also available on Youtube, Viki or Gaga, so it's not disastrous  - but still very irritating after I've paid my money.

With hindsight, I really wish I had created my account and subscribed while on VPN to the U.S. Maybe I'll switch at my next renewal. If others in Europe are considering a iQiyi subscription, this might be something to think about. You can test iQiyi geo-blocking in your country by typing in some of these titles.

 American Fan:
Should I try it again? Does it get more upbeat and positive?

It does become less "dark", specially after the ep where they show us how the two met, but if you don't really like Japanese dramas, this one is probably not for you. The style of the show is consistent, but there is a shift from the first few episodes where everything is shown from Yoh's lens, to a fuller picture as the show progresses.

 American Fan:
Oh, you are right! I went back to iQ and there it is. So maybe I do see it when everyone else does. It's Wednesday here but still fairly early morning. Thank you. <3

Great, I am happy! :-* 

Soo, my appointment has been cancelled, I am back at home and I've just watched the first episode of We Are. I am ready for talking about it. :D 

Grrrr, I hate how iQiyi geo-blocks so much stuff in Europe, or at least in Germany. And even my high-quality VPN doesn't help, so I assume iQiyi geo-locates me based on my account/subscription data. 

Ah, oh... That's sad, that although you've paid for it, there is still geoblocking. Hm. :-( I appreciate it a lot if a drama/ show/ whatever is available worldwide. It's nicer for a community feeling when everyone can watch at the same time. But maybe that's just naive and I know that there are license regulatories. 

Please put your 'We Are' spoilers under the spoiler thingy, I'm at work for 7 more hours *sobbing on the clock*

Soo, my appointment has been cancelled, I am back at home and I've just watched the first episode of We Are. I am ready for talking about it. :D 

We watched it at the same time! I just finished, but I'm happy to wait for others.