2018 Watch Challenge Discussion

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@YanFaisal I will go with Perfect Couple. At least the men will have hair :') 

I have the same problem with Qing Dynasty dramas. But if they are funny, i still watch. I dont focus with many people have the same visuals.


I have the same problem with Qing Dynasty dramas. But if they are funny, i still watch. I dont focus with many people have the same visuals.

Good you can still enjoy them. For me it's not just the hair (ok mostly the hair XD) but also quality. I guess I got more picky recently, after NIF and now Tribes and Empires. Such beautiful  dramas. 


I was wondering how specific we need to be about the genre/tags. For instance,I was thinking of Lion Pride for career(teacher) category. The synopsis says they are teachers but it is a mystery. I don't know how much will be about teaching exactly,but that is their profession. Also mother,hokuto or byakuyaku for psychological(trauma) i woukd consider child abuse as trauma,but none of these have that tag..  kounodori could go under pregnancy,career(doctor or musician) if we are not being too picky,ect...  if it fits enough is it all good,or should we ask to make sure?

I also added Lion Pride to the career/teacher category. And  if you think a drama fits in a certain category, you can edit the page of the drama and add the tags yourself. It can help those who are looking for the same tag too. At least, that's what I've been doing with a few dramas ;)


Good you can still enjoy them. For me it's not just the hair (ok mostly the hair XD) but also quality. I guess I got more picky recently, after NIF and now Tribes and Empires. Such beautiful  dramas. 

Tribes and Empires is my fantasy drama in mywatchlist. That drama will give me several points LOL. 

But yes. Most of Qing Dynasty dramas have weak plots. With comedy, at least, i can laugh of the drama.


Tribes and Empires is my fantasy drama in mywatchlist. That drama will give me several points LOL. 

But yes. Most of Qing Dynasty dramas have weak plots. With comedy, at least, i can laugh of the drama.

Wow good thing you just started it! I started before 2018 *cries* Haha yeah that will give you so many points.  

I guess entertainment can somewhat depend on expectations. I usually watch historical for intensity,martial arts,fantasy and plot,but maybe being more open  to something new can help to enjoy it more.

would "My Father is Strange (2017)” be considered as a drama that is revolved around a big family or not????

how do we let you know when we have finished/completed the challenge?

does it count if  I include drama or movie that I have watched and completed before 2018, but are rewatching again this year?

Hessa Volunteer Staff

would "My Father is Strange (2017)” be considered as a drama that is revolved around a big family or not????



how do we let you know when we have finished/completed the challenge?

You post the turn-in form.

 Bo Yee Chen:

does it count if  I include drama or movie that I have watched and completed before 2018, but are rewatching again this year?



I have the same problem with Qing Dynasty dramas. But if they are funny, i still watch. I dont focus with many people have the same visuals.

They might have the same hairstyle but Qing and Qin is very very different.


Qing Dynasty: Royal Tramp/The Deer and The Cauldron (both dramas are about the early reign of Kangxi Emperor with a touch of comedy), Rule the World

Ming Dynasty: Perfect Couple (Wallace Huo and Tiffany Tang with wonderful chemistry),  My Bratty Princess


@YanFaisal Thank you so much!

I would be very careful about this Yanfaisal recs. 

he/she doesnt know the difference between Qin and Qing, I'm not sure if he/she can make any proper recommendations... 


I would be very careful about this Yanfaisal recs. 

he/she doesnt know the difference between Qin and Qing, I'm not sure if he/she can make any proper recommendations... 

I know about the dynasties.
But we talked about the challenges, and we dont have Qin and Han Dynasties dramas in there
If we talked about Qin, the first dynasty, i would recomend King's Woman with Dilraba and Zhang Vin.

I was sure that @jubies33 talked about the last one, QING, so i dont even bothered asking if was mispelled.


They might have the same hairstyle but Qing and Qin is very very different.

I know.
I was sure that @jubies33 mispelled. If you check my posts i always said QING as reference. 


I know about the dynasties.
But we talked about the challenges, and we dont have Qin and Han Dynasties dramas in there
If we talked about Qin, the first dynasty, i would recomend King's Woman with Dilraba and Zhang Vin.

I was sure that @jubies33 talked about the last one, QING, so i dont even bothered asking if was mispelled.

The challenge is Ming or Qin. 

  1. ( ) Watch a drama/movie set during the Ming or Qin dynasty.

But okay. as long as you know the difference between Qing and Qin! I was worried that the recs would be misleading if its a completely different dynasty. 

Good job


can anyone recommend something that aired in 1950s, drama only not movie? any country is fine.

I tried "rare and old doramas" but the oldest thing they have is from 1960s, other sites was not of any help :(

I wanted to restrict myself by watching dramas only, but I doubt there'll be any drama as old as 1950s, but let me know if you guys have any recommendation.