I like Pocky too but they are small...I don't find them very filling. Hence why I prefer Koala Bears because they are bigger and there's more XDDD I love food so much you can't imagine! But does anyone here like the traditional sweets?
i forget the name now... these things made from rice and green tea, they were like little green marshmallows, very tasty
Alecsa wrote: Did you try fresh ramen or the prepackaged, dry kind? definitely don't judge all japanese food by Top Ramen. It doesn't even taste the same as the ones you can get from the Asian market, which still aren't a good example of japanese food in its entirety.

Tell us a few of the foods that you like and maybe we can suggest a recipe for you to try :)

Kawai, if İ get to japan İ'll try to eat everthing, but the thing is İ can't even eat stuff at a chinese restaurant. İts not because of it being a preprepared Ramen, but its just the spice and the smell.
İ got some of the best and most expensive, but nope. İts just the smell and the spice.

Maybe, İ!m just too used to western style food, with more calories and less spice.
keishanabila wrote: But does anyone here like the traditional sweets?

Wagashi? I never have :( But I soooo want to try. I watched all of Ando Natsu just to look at them, lol. Do you they have any authentic artisans in the US? hmm...maybe in the northwest. In order to get it where I am, I'd imagine I'd have to go to a special event like a tea ceremony or something.
caroline15 wrote: Its just the smell and the spice.

I can definitely think of Japanese foods that don't use much spice at all. Are there any foods you know you don't like? That may be it, like green onions or something? Sometimes its hard to tell what is in Japanese food just by looking at it. Sry if this feels like i'm forcing you to eat. I just wanna share the love, and don't want you to be left out of all the Japanese food yummy goodness, hehehe.
Dango and Mochi are good...if you don't eat too much of it. Just a random thought o__o
That crunchy shrimp sushi at Benihana is soooo good.
Hand-rolled sushi is fun to make xD
I have yet to try natto. I blew off the one chance I had. I was too scared to try it. Smells kinda bad unless you mix it with Kewpie mayonnaise. That mayonnaise is like nothing else. Changed my life. Now I eat mayo with fries. o.o I also have a weird habit of eating seasoned curly fries with ranch sauce. Tastes good and it evens out the spicyness :D
Random thoughts going on in my mind >.>;
I discovered a few days ago that a restaurant we go to during weekends for dining have added a few Japanese dishes to their menu. It initially served Chinese and Thai food (It has the BEST Chinese food as compared to the other restaurants in that locality :P~). So, these are the dishes that they newly added in their menu:
-Yakitori meat balls
-Onigiri rice

To be honest, I never tried Japanese cuisine yet :P The reason being, none of the restaurants near my place serve Japanese food. There are many Chinese and Thai restaurants but Japanese- none. The ones which do are very far off from where I stay ~_~ But fortunately, the restaurant I talked about earlier has made some effort to add a few dishes (though there isn't Sushi >.<) so maybe this weekend I'll go and try them out. Lol jk, not all of them at once but Ramen and Yakitori first most probably xD
My fav Japanese dishes always Spicy Udon & Tempura crunchy & tasty (^_^)b
gosh sushi in japanese restaurants in finland is soooo expensive D:::: i've only had it at 2 restaurants. 1st one had cheaper and A LOT BIGGER sushi and more sushi/portion and second one had really tiny sushi and it was sooooo much more expensive (and tasted worse) than the first one
I am one of the people who neither likes or dislikes natto. It definitely has a distinct taste. I can't eat it alone with sauce, but It tastes fine in an omelet or something. You can get it from the asian market in the refrigerated section. It's super cheap.
more yummy japanese food goodness: my local grocery store now sells handmade mochi at the sushi counter. YAY hehe
i think what i was thinking of is some kind of daifuku or other mochi-based variation except i don't remember it having a filling, and it was made with green tea (macha maybe) so they were green and had a subtle sweet taste. so good. i wonder if i can track some down somehow. i love starchy foods/snacks
i want to try ichigo daifuku sometime too. i've seen the anko ones at an asian mall near toronto, i was tempted to buy a box because they looked so different but at that time i didn't know what they were and they had no english ingredients so i didn't know if they were vegan. if i ever get to go back there i'm buying some and that's all there is to it :p
fist time i ate it in here, my country..
but started to like it when i ate that in japan..-it was totally a different okonomiyaki...really a fake okonomiyaki we have here..lol
i've never had okonomiyaki before. it kinda scares me, hehe. There's just so much piled on and all that sauce. Just seems like a lot could go wrong, lol. I would definitely try it if i were in Japan though.