Hellooo everybody!! \(^o^)/ I'm Yoshi(kunai) and I started watching dramas three or so years ago when I heard that a manga I liked (Gokusen) was a Japanese TV-series(or at least I think that was my first drama?). I usually watch only Japanese dramas because I can use them to study Japanese, but if I find a Korean drama that sounds interesting I'll watch that too! So, nice to meet you! I hope I'll get to know lots of drama-lovers here! :)
Hello Yoshi :) Nice to meet you! I mostly watch J-dramas as well. I hope you have fun here in MDL!
Hi Yoshi! welcome to mdl :)
Hello neighbour ;) Welcome! :)
välkommen ^___^
Hej och välkommen från en annan svensk!

I've seen so many Swedes here recently, that's nice. In real life, I feel like watching j-dramas is such an obscure hobby, nobody even knows it exists. ;) That's why I love MDL.
Hello and welcome!
Hello and welcome! *waves*
Välkommen! Man ser bara fler och fler svenskar här nu för tiden xD haha
Welcome Yoshi! :) I hope you have fun here
Hi....Welcome to MDL!! Have fun and enjoy :D
Hehehe, thank you for all your replies!! :D
Hejsan :D
Kul att se så många svenskar här ^__^