Thermae Romae MDL Link:

Roman bath house architect Lucius (Hiroshi Abe) travels through time to arrive in modern day Japan and takes inspiration from its bath houses.

Hiroshi Abe
Ueto Aya
Kitamura Kazuki

I want to watch this!
This sounds interesting. I'm gonna add it.
I do too. It looks awesome!
Haha Akai mentioned this the other day, it looks interesting, I wanna see it!
i'll wait for all of you to watch it first..let me know if it's worth a watch ^_^
So he is the full trailer and it looks great.

Hiroshi Abe got a nice body for his age.

LOL It looks really funny. Can't wait for it to come out :D
akai-kitsune wrote: So he is the full trailer and it looks great.

Hiroshi Abe got a nice body for his age.

It actually doesn't look that good now :P
This is so absurd, having a Japanese playing a Roman who speaks Japanese with Italian opera music in the background - and then starts investigating - the look on his face when he investigated the moving toilet seat was priceless! Just the idea of the movie makes me laugh - I am definitely going to watch this!
Szasha wrote: This is so absurd, having a Japanese playing a Roman who speaks Japanese with Italian opera music in the background -
and then starts investigating - the look on his face when he investigated the moving toilet seat was priceless!
Just the idea of the movie makes me laugh - I am definitely going to watch this!

Agree with the Roman speaking Japanese thing...but his movies was funny! It was enjoyable!
This movie disappointed me. Based on the trailer I was expecting to see something epic but ended up seeing old butts :OO
Uhm...I don't know if I should watch this...being Italian myself, I could find it extremely funny or extremely horrifying...
i watched this and just loled so hard LOL but at the same time XD it is one of those movies that have something to teach too, so it is not just an absurb movie that you will laugh at . this is what i believe. LOL the preciousness of lucius crazy ideas was just LOL
this was a solid movie. well done.