
Tbh I’m surprised XL didn't almost die in that scene where XY was fatally attacked by Mu fei. If she “died” he should have too? Or is it because he has nine lives - but then again he only has one heart

In the novel, XL's heart connection with XY helps her heart to keep beating even when she should've been dead, and (after power is transfused into her by TSJ and CX's people) XL seems to use the heart connection to guide XY into something like a near-death-but-not-totally-dead coma. But all of that is only a temporary solution that wouldn't sustain her in that state forever. She needed to be healed. 

If XY had fully died, I assume that XL would have also died (i.e., lost one of his nine lives).


Chapter 21:

Xiang Liu calmly said “She’s almost out of time.” If it wasn’t for so many powerful people transferring power to Xiao Yao, even by the time Xiang Liu rushed here it would have been too late. It was by Zhuan Xu’s seemingly pointless effort that he managed to secure a lone shred of chance for Xiao Yao.


Chapter 22:

Xiao Yao felt that the last thing she saw before she died was a thick wall of cherry blossoms flying towards her. It wasn’t scary and instead was so beautiful! Such dazzling cherry blossoms wrapped around her body like a cloud and after the sudden sharp pain, as the blood from her body quickly seeped out, everything turned numb.

She could vividly sense her heart slowly weakening, but just as it was about to stop, she heard another heart beating. It was strong and powerful, leading her heart so that it wouldn’t completely stop. It was like a sole flame in the palms of the hand, seemingly about to be extinguished at any moment, but still flickering weakly with life.

Xiao Yao felt that she heard Xiang Liu snarking at her: Just this and you’re going to give up?

Xiao Yao retorted back at him: What do you mean just this? If you’ve been poked so many holes in like a sieve, air passing through both top and bottom, even if I don’t want to give up I have to give up.

She really had no strength left, so that even the weak sole flame that was keeping her heart beating was too much to sustain. Even with another heart guiding her heart, still the heartbeat grew weaker.

Suddenly power coursed through her, unending streams of power that allowed the weak heartbeat to continue beating.

She couldn’t hear it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t even feel it, but she felt sad because the spiritual power was so sad and devastated. Even the power was crying and Xiao Yao couldn’t even imagine how heartbroken the owner of the spiritual power was.

Xiao Yao wanted to see who was so sad but didn’t have the strength. She could only follow the guidance of the other heart and slowly locked herself up. Just like a flower blooming, the reverse process was to return to being a bud, into a seed, back into the soil, laying in the Winter to wait for the Spring to arrive.


One day Xiao Yao suddenly felt something, like a little bit of warmth entered her body from the outside. It slowly took away the icy cold and Xiao Yao greedily clung onto that warmth.

Every so often the warmth would flow into her. Even though the waiting was long, but the warmth always came so even the long wait wasn’t scary anymore.

The warmth entered her time and time again. She didn’t know how much time passed but her heart gradually got stronger. It was like the flickering sole flame had a cover placed over it, so even if the light wasn’t as bright at least the flame was no longer in danger of being extinguished.

One time as the warmth entered her, Xiao Yao felt another heart beating. Her heart soared as if she was encountering an old friend.

Xiao Yao wanted to laugh: Xiang Liu, is it you? I’ve healed you that many times, now it’s finally your turn to repay me.

I don't know if anyone talked about this, but it seems on China Weibo, the full script for Season 2 has been leaked.

Yes, someone mentioned this in the main thread. It sounds like they cut most of the sideplot where TSJ takes XY back to Gao Xing (Haoling) and helps her get closure about her parents, which I'm quite sad about. I heard Yang Zi fought to include an important scene related to her mother, so I'm hoping to see that part at least.

I also heard they changed the person who supported Hou's final plot (and therefore XY's reaction to learning that information), which is a major, major change. 

 AH :

Yes, someone mentioned this in the main thread. It sounds like they cut most of the sideplot where TSJ takes XY back to Gao Xing (Haoling) and helps her get closure about her parents, which I'm quite sad about. I heard Yang Zi fought to include an important scene related to her mother, so I'm hoping to see that part at least.

I also heart they changed the person who supported Hou's final plot (and therefore XY's reaction to learning that information), which is a major, major change. 

Yes, I saw comments about these two supposed changes.  I wanted to see the closure part as it appears in the novel, but I guess if they do include some type of closure, it will be fine just not as dramatic. 

I don't know how they are going to manage changing CX's role in the assassination plot, as this would change other things that depend on him being the mastermind. I am hoping they really didn't change it, but if they did they better make it good.

 AH :

Yes, someone mentioned this in the main thread. It sounds like they cut most of the sideplot where TSJ takes XY back to Gao Xing (Haoling) and helps her get closure about her parents, which I'm quite sad about. I heard Yang Zi fought to include an important scene related to her mother, so I'm hoping to see that part at least.

I also heart they changed the person who supported Hou's final plot (and therefore XY's reaction to learning that information), which is a major, major change. 

This is no good news :'( !!!

 I hope that they wont give some rushed final character arcs. Just wait and see I guess? :'(


In the novel, she also wears her wedding dress and waits for Jing. Someone shared the part in an earlier post.

Ah yeah you are right! Its been a long while since I read the novel so maybe what I thought is new in the script is actually all in the novel already. In which case I really hope the drama follows the script!

I don't know how they are going to manage changing CX's role in the assassination plot, as this would change other things that depend on him being the mastermind.

Right?? Like XY poisoning ZX and herself, leading to XL needing to save her life again, and also having an opportunity to sever the poisonous bug connection. Also putting XY on Jade Mountain and giving her a reason to decide to become the Royal Mother. And later it's a factor in her decision to leave everything behind and wander with TSJ

It sounds like they will be making a few major cuts and some pretty significant changes. 

 AH :

Yes, someone mentioned this in the main thread. It sounds like they cut most of the sideplot where TSJ takes XY back to Gao Xing (Haoling) and helps her get closure about her parents, which I'm quite sad about. I heard Yang Zi fought to include an important scene related to her mother, so I'm hoping to see that part at least.

I also heard they changed the person who supported Hou's final plot (and therefore XY's reaction to learning that information), which is a major, major change. 

Errr I think it's a bad idea if they change Xuan's involvement in killing of TSJ. It was very important for the story.

 AH :

Yes, someone mentioned this in the main thread. It sounds like they cut most of the sideplot where TSJ takes XY back to Gao Xing (Haoling) and helps her get closure about her parents, which I'm quite sad about. I heard Yang Zi fought to include an important scene related to her mother, so I'm hoping to see that part at least.

I also heart they changed the person who supported Hou's final plot (and therefore XY's reaction to learning that information), which is a major, major change. 

Omg noooo! That was such an important scene - and the part where the Emperor, Jing and XY go to the dessert. Are they trying to downplay Jing’s role? I feel like cutting out stuff will make his relationship with XY just rushed and not natural. So many ppl already dont ship them together 😭 

 AH :

Right?? Like XY poisoning ZX and herself, leading to XL needing to save her life again, and also having an opportunity to sever the poisonous bug connection. Also putting XY on Jade Mountain and giving her a reason to decide to become the Royal Mother. And later it's a factor in her decision to leave everything behind and wander with TSJ

It sounds like they will be making a few major cuts and some pretty significant changes. 

It does seem like that, but I saw a video where she is walking around the mountain with the basket of what I think are the poisoned flowers that she uses to weaken CX and end her life with.   There are parts that they can cut and will not really affect the overall story, but this is one of those that needs to stay the same, so I am hoping they kept that plot point. We won't know until airs, so Season 2 needs to air now! 

 AH :

Right?? Like XY poisoning ZX and herself, leading to XL needing to save her life again, and also having an opportunity to sever the poisonous bug connection. Also putting XY on Jade Mountain and giving her a reason to decide to become the Royal Mother. And later it's a factor in her decision to leave everything behind and wander with TSJ

It sounds like they will be making a few major cuts and some pretty significant changes. 

It does seem like that, but I saw a video where she is walking around the mountain with the basket of what I think are the poisoned flowers that she uses to weaken CX and end her life with. So, I am hoping they kept that plot point. We won't know until airs, so Season 2 needs to air now! 

 AH :

Yes, someone mentioned this in the main thread. It sounds like they cut most of the sideplot where TSJ takes XY back to Gao Xing (Haoling) and helps her get closure about her parents, which I'm quite sad about. I heard Yang Zi fought to include an important scene related to her mother, so I'm hoping to see that part at least.

I also heart they changed the person who supported Hou's final plot (and therefore XY's reaction to learning that information), which is a major, major change. 

 Me too I really like that they changed the person who supported Hou's final plot. I think it would have been really tough for anyone to see the person the same way after such an event.

But if the script is true, I really love all the upcoming small sweet moments between XY / Jing:

- Before A Nian gets married to Cang Xuan, XY thinks about how Five Gods Mountain will change after A Nian becomes the new owner (and after their father steps down). Jing says they can build the same garden in Qing Qiu and XY can tell their daughter stories of XY's childhood and her grandfather. XY is embarrassed and says "who wants to have a daughter with you?" and Jing just shamelessly says, "okay, we can have a son instead!" 

 Jing copies medical manuscripts for XY and Miao Pu says Jing's calligraphy is very rare and has become even more precious now that he is the head of the Tushan family, and meanwhile we have boxes and boxes of his calligraphy here. XY says okay lets make sure to keep these manuscripts well in case we need to sell them to raise money in the future. Jing just says she should keep him well instead. XY just jokes that do you want to marry into my family and Jing of course says yes 

- At the XY / Jing reunion, there is no Jade Mother scene just XY talking to her reflection about whether she should accept the Jade Mother position. Jing finds out she was going to take up the position after killing Xinyue to avenge him even when his own family has given up hope of finding him. XY again jokes that "are you touched? if you are so touched then do you want to pledge yourself to marry me?" and again Jing of course says yes. 

Our girl loves to joke in these kind of moments. 

um...I am not so fond of how they will change CX/XX not being mastermind behind Jing's assasination. which is main reason why XY felt so betrayed.

I was looking forward to see this XY shoots the arrow at CX and the scene she poison him. It's so intense and heartbreaking. I could feel cold blood ran through my veins. I want to experience that on screen. lol😅

But then I am also interested how they will make changes to match the title Lost You Forever. 

@ninja_kil is this the leaked script? Sounds like things changed. XY kills Xinyue??? But that doesn’t happen in the novel. Didn’t Xinyue continue being the empress


@ninja_kil is this the leaked script? Sounds like things changed. XY kills Xinyue??? But that doesn’t happen in the novel. Didn’t Xinyue continue being the empress

Yes, she did  stay as the main empress because that's what FengLong asked in last moments. So, I'm wondering how much of the leaked script is true and how much is just to mislead people. Also, wasn't XL hinting to XY that CX was behind JIng's assassination one of the reasons of their major fallout?


@ninja_kil is this the leaked script? Sounds like things changed. XY kills Xinyue??? But that doesn’t happen in the novel. Didn’t Xinyue continue being the empress

No she doesnt actually kill Xinyue. XY just thinks about it and talks to her reflection about killing Xinyue and then becoming the Jade Mother because there is no other place she can go to if she does kill Xinyue.

I feel a bad talking about the leaked script and alarming all you guys.