
Hi nice to be back, Lol I honestly haven't watched this yet, but I love DyW  since meteor garden haha and of course my new fave DW ^_^ and I heard the love story of DW and his FL is great so I'll start watching it now, I need lotsa ways to divert my longing for LYF S2 hahaha

I am totally loving this show (although not in depth as LYF)...bromance real hot here..i mean friendship🥰

I find main lead story a bit complicated but they are fine. I am more into Deng and his bird Quigquig. I read some saying his character is abusive in keeping her as servant.  But thats not my case, i find him totally spoil her even with that aloof hard face.🤣🤣🤣 Quigquig is crazy annoying but also very funny too.💞😍

Just got to ch 42 and omg my heart! Poor Jing. He and XY went through so much together, every time they are about to finally have their HE, they are separated again. Hou was so cruel to have tortured Jing yet again - cutting off all his tails (does that mean Jing can never have powers again? Does that make him mortal? - I want him and a XY to live a long life together). The way XY searched for him was truly heartbreaking…she loves him so much, and is left behind by a loved one again. I feel that there is growth and healing on her part since she got back together with Jing (i.e abandonment issues). ofc she is upset to be left behind but I feel that she is able to understand Jing and his intentions/actions for running to save his nephew, understanding that he would put up a fight to buy time and would try to come back. In the past, she would run away but she truly gave her relationship with him a chance and her full effort. The ending of the chapter shows her depth of love for him (if she couldn’t even get over him when they broke up, his death would result in her never letting go for a lifetime).

Xiao Yao looked down, she had been injured before and knew how long it took to stop hurting. To stop hurting she had to forget! But time was like sand, it would cover up everything in the heart.


Jing, I don’t want to!

If the price to pay to not hurt is to forget you, then I would rather be in pain always so that you can live in my heart, until my life reaches its conclusion.

I’ve already put on my wedding dress and said my vows to the moon. From tonight forward, I am your wife!

@Sssnoopyyy I cried buckets when I was reading that chapter. I had to stop multiple times because my vision got blurry because of the tears. 😅😅   And yes, this chapter and the subsequent ones show the depth of her love for Jing. She practically became a ghost bride. A meaningful declaration for someone who hated waiting and was afraid of loneliness.

Yeah, that chapter was definitely something! And I agree, those latter chapters really portray how much XY truly loves Jing and how far her character has come in regards to overcoming her childhood trauma of abandonment/torture, etc. As she says to CX later, as much as she saved/healed Jing, he too saved and healed her. Actually, there's a lot of healing/saving going on throughout the story lol, even with other characters such as XL. It's one of my favorite themes of the novel and drama.

 Winny Aye:

Who ever did this art..thank soo soo much...you are such an amazing person...this is one of my favorite scene ever..❤️😍💞 blushing 🦊

The eyes✨😍😍

 Winny Aye:


Hi nice to be back, Lol I honestly haven't watched this yet, but I love DyW  since meteor garden haha and of course my new fave DW ^_^ and I heard the love story of DW and his FL is great so I'll start watching it now, I need lotsa ways to divert my longing for LYF S2 hahaha

I am totally loving this show (although not in depth as LYF)...bromance real hot here..i mean friendship🥰

I find main lead story a bit complicated but they are fine. I am more into Deng and his bird Quigquig. I read some saying his character is abusive in keeping her as servant.  But thats not my case, i find him totally spoil her even with that aloof hard face.🤣🤣🤣 Quigquig is crazy annoying but also very funny too.💞😍

Interesting, thanks! 💞


@Sssnoopyyy I cried buckets when I was reading that chapter. I had to stop multiple times because my vision got blurry because of the tears. 😅😅   And yes, this chapter and the subsequent ones show the depth of her love for Jing. She practically became a ghost bride. A meaningful declaration for someone who hated waiting and was afraid of loneliness.

Me too 🤧. One of my fave chaps and I recently went over those parts again 😅


Yeah, that chapter was definitely something! And I agree, those latter chapters really portray how much XY truly loves Jing and how far her character has come in regards to overcoming her childhood trauma of abandonment/torture, etc. As she says to CX later, as much as she saved/healed Jing, he too saved and healed her. Actually, there's a lot of healing/saving going on throughout the story lol, even with other characters such as XL. It's one of my favorite themes of the novel and drama.

Yes that's why LYF is recommendable💞


I think what Jing was saying here were his lines...the caption I think sums it all 🦊

Anyway, just feel like sharing 

Hou was so cruel to have tortured Jing yet again - cutting off all his tails (does that mean Jing can never have powers again? Does that make him mortal? - I want him and a XY to live a long life together).

Don't worry. With seven of his nine tails removed, TSJ's powers would be severely depleted (quite like the state of XY's powers actually), but he still has two left and is not mortal.

Evidence that he's not mortal:

When TSJ returns in chapter 50, he is able to ride his crane (I believe that requires a certain amount of power and isn't something that mortals can do). Also, Sir Bi avoids his bows. The text says:

Demon class barriers were strict and the nine-tailed fox was the king of the fox tribe. When Sir Bi was around Jing, he used his strong powers to tamp down the instinct to be subservient to Jing."

So his instincts still recognize TSJ as a nine-tailed fox at that point. 

In chapter 51, the Grand Emperor was sad, but ready to let go, and thought to himself that:

Xiao Yao had the Face Forming Flower inside her and Jing was the descendant of the Nine Tailed Fox. Once they departed, they could disappear forever.

Evidence that his powers would be severely depleted:

In chapter 4, when XY describes the nine-tailed fox that held her captive for 30 years, she said: 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, he wasn’t a nine-tailed fox by then, just an eight tail since he got a tail cut off so his powers were severely depleted."

In chapter 8, Jing Ye says all the power of a nine-tailed fox gathers in his fox tails. 

“This is a doll made from the fox tail of a ten thousand year old nine-tailed fox. It’s extremely rare. The nine-tailed fox is the best at transformation and the tail is where all the power gathers."

In chapter 42:

Hu Ya said to Xiao Yao “This is all Clan Leader’s blood, because his powers were ripped when the nine-tailed fox tails were pulled off, his internal organs were severely injured. He couldn’t even stand so must have collapsed here.”

More about the original nine-tailed fox and his descendants, including TSJ:

The novel isn't great about clearly distinguishing between when the narrative is talking about an original nine-tailed fox (a godly creature and a vicious beast) vs. a descendant of an original nine-tailed fox. 

The original nine-tailed fox was described in chapter 38: 

According to ancient legend, the nine-tailed fox was a godly creature like the phoenix, but it was also a vicious beast that could devour beings. The Tu Shan clan’s god was an ancient ancestor’s spiritual essence keeping watch over its descendants...

In chapter 9, XY told ZX about how she cut off the remaining eight tails of the nine-tailed fox that held her captive, and says he should keep the tail that her mother cut off because her grudge against him has been resolved and:

“The nine-tailed fox is as rare a beast as the phoenix. I can transform myself so this tail has no use for me. You keep it, in the future you can use it to help you transform and break through mystic enchantments.”

In chapter 9, TSJ's lineage is mentioned. 

Zhuan Xu was so angry that the anger even rubbed off on Shi Qi who carried the nine-tailed fox lineage.

And TSJ mentions his lineage himself in chapter 33:

“My powers may not be as high as Xiang Liu, Feng Long and those top warriors in the vast wilderness, but I’m still a descendant of the nine-tailed fox. I learned my powers from childhood so it’s not low." 

In chapter 10, XY thinks to herself: 

If the nine-tailed fox is the King of the fox tribe, then the leader of the Tu Shan clan would be the King of the fox kings.

And that's confirmed in chapter 23:

The two elders placed a white nine-tailed fox lined coat around Jing which represented the king of the foxes and the Tu Shan clan being the ruler of the entire fox kingdom.

In chapter 16, TSJ confirms that the nine-tailed fox who held XY captive was probably a relative of the Tu Shan Clan. 

“The Nine-tailed fox I killed, it wasn’t one of your relatives?”

“He probably was.” The Nine-tailed fox was very rare, and the few existing ones really were all relatives of the Tu Shan clan.


@Sssnoopyyy I cried buckets when I was reading that chapter. I had to stop multiple times because my vision got blurry because of the tears. 😅😅   And yes, this chapter and the subsequent ones show the depth of her love for Jing. She practically became a ghost bride. A meaningful declaration for someone who hated waiting and was afraid of loneliness.

Ikr! Even if I love XL and CX, but considering the obstacles Jing and XY faced, they just deserve to be endgame. There is so much love and devotion there. Their love truly healed each other and they just cannot be apart!

@AH oh thanks for sharing! I was just concerned because Jing’s health was affected as an aftermath to Hou’s torture from years prior, and after this incident, I’m just worried that he won’t live long enough to live with XY. I know they don’t really talk about the couple’s life after marriage but I hope they will live a long life together (would be devastating if he dies before her and she is left alone at an old age). 

I am curious tho, XY was tortured for an even longer period of time and experience  a lot of injuries, yet doesn’t have scars. Jing was tortured for about 3 yrs? But has many scars and a limp. Was it just because Hou used some special water to prevent the wounds from healing? Is there any other reason why Jing doesn’t care to heal his leg (other than because XY doesn’t mind it)?


@AH oh thanks for sharing! I was just concerned because Jing’s health was affected as an aftermath to Hou’s torture from years prior, and after this incident, I’m just worried that he won’t live long enough to live with XY. I know they don’t really talk about the couple’s life after marriage but I hope they will live a long life together (would be devastating if he dies before her and she is left alone at an old age). 

I am curious tho, XY was tortured for an even longer period of time and experience  a lot of injuries, yet doesn’t have scars. Jing was tortured for about 3 yrs? But has many scars and a limp. Was it just because Hou used some special water to prevent the wounds from healing? Is there any other reason why Jing doesn’t care to heal his leg (other than because XY doesn’t mind it)?

Yes, Hou used a special type of something that did not let the wounds heal correctly.


The eyes✨😍😍

I know right...spark.. 🦊🦊💞

@AH oh thanks for sharing! I was just concerned because Jing’s health was affected as an aftermath to Hou’s torture from years prior, and after this incident, I’m just worried that he won’t live long enough to live with XY. I know they don’t really talk about the couple’s life after marriage but I hope they will live a long life together (would be devastating if he dies before her and she is left alone at an old age). 

That makes sense. You're right that the novel doesn't tell us. But hopefully since XY doesn't seem concerned about that, there isn't anything for us to be concerned about?

I am curious tho, XY was tortured for an even longer period of time and experience  a lot of injuries, yet doesn’t have scars. Jing was tortured for about 3 yrs? But has many scars and a limp. Was it just because Hou used some special water to prevent the wounds from healing?

The water Hou used was definitely a factor for TSJ's external scars, but also the types of torture were different. The physical wounds that Hou inflicted were intended to cause pain, humiliation, and de-humanization and to make TSJ "useless". Hou injured TSJ's hands and throat in ways that ensured that "Jing could never sing or play the melodious tunes again" which were "actually an enchanting skill that Jing developed since childhood".

Whereas the nine-tailed fox mainly tortured XY by making her ingest various substances that would benefit him when he ate her, including medicine that removed her powers and diffused them into her blood. So the lasting effect for XY was the loss of most of her powers, rather than a limp or not being able to use her hands or voice in the same way as before.  

“That evil fox wanted to not waste my powers so he used medicine to suck it out of me and then slowly drip it through my blood so its better when he eats me.”

“He used various special creatures to feed to me, forcing me to eat many disgusting things, all so that he could make me nice and plump before eating me. He intended to use my mythical blood to help him recover his lost powers….”

Is there any other reason why Jing doesn’t care to heal his leg (other than because XY doesn’t mind it)?

Yes. In chapter 14, Jing says:

“My body, my voice… do you know why I never got my crippled leg healed even knowing I can? Because I know that even when I’m healed, the real injury is inside that no medicine can heal. I can wear clothes to cover up my hideous scars, I can use rare medicine to cure my crippled leg, I can talk less to conceal my voice, I can lie to everyone that I am still the dashing Young Master of Qing Qiu, but I can’t lie to myself… Xiao Yao, I’m not good enough for you! This time, there will be many handsome, smart, physically whole young men…”

Question about the lover's bug in the drama. 

XY was able to implant the bug in CX because they both love each other, right? She tried to implant it in XL first, but it didn't work. Does this mean she didn't love him or he's immune to the bug as well (he's immune to poison)? 

In order to transfer the bug to another person, the receiver must have love in his heart. So we know that XL loves XY because he was able to receive it. Does XY need to love XL back in order for the bug to get transfered? If this is true, then XL knows XY loves him, right?