The lyrics of "Favor mortal fireworks"

M: I preay for the possession of this life, but I want love to be on the left and you to be on the right. Eternal thoughts brewed into wine, we take a walk in the mortal world together.

W: I pray for the possession of the future, but I want to hand over in an instant so that love can last forever. The joy and sorrows of a moment in an ever-changing world, we embrace each other in reincarnation at the end of the sky

M: Marriage has lost its shell*and karma has faded from the color of when  first met you.

Together: The edge of the live is sketched out and the sun and the moon accompany us to sing a song with wine

W: The heart is empty the color is adjusted, a crescent moon falls. Sorrows and joy are perturbed, wind and rain send love to stray

Together: I hope the brows will be clear, the eyes will be warm and there will be a splendid heart river.

 M: Blooming flowers favor mortal

Together:  fireworks

Note: (*) this english version that I saw on youtube translated this sentence as such. However, one of the clips with vietnamese substile that sentence was translated as " fate was buried in the shell" which clearly indicates this song for XL-XY

@Liddi, if you have time, can you take a look at the lyrics in chinese. 

偏爱人间烟火 (Favor Mortal Fireworks) - 杨紫 (Yang Zi), 檀健次 (Tan Jianci)《长相思 Lost You Forever》Chi/Eng/Pinyin - YouTube 

Edit: I found the Chinese lyrics: 

我祈求此生的拥有. 偏要长情在左 你在右. 永恒的思念 酿成酒. 相偕在人间 走一走
我祈求来日的拥有. 偏要 瞬间拱手 让爱永久, 须臾的悲欢 寄苍狗, 相拥在轮回 天尽头
姻去了壳结因果, 褪了初见你时的颜色
缘线勾勒笔带过, 日月陪你我对酒当歌
心 空了格 调了色 一弯新月落, 悲欢忐忑 风雨送相思流落
愿 眉清澈 目温热 锦绣心河, 繁花朵朵 偏爱人间烟火

Willow Gu's Pain

Xiaotian suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu said: "Don't believe it?"

Xiaotian's heart felt as if it had been penetrated by a sharp sword, and there was a sharp pain. Her limbs ached from the pain, and she fell limp to the ground, her muscles lying on the grass.

Xiang Liu seemed to be holding a divine tablet that could see her life and death. He looked down at her indifferently and said, "If you don't want to die, don't say anything you shouldn't say."

Xiaotian's face turned pale from the pain, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he raised his face and said with a smile: "Is this why you don't have time to go to Baibang to lift the watch? Control my life and death, and one day come to help me? What a good person. Your noble General Xiang Liu!"

Xiang Lai smiled coldly, turned around and left. With a loud roar, he stepped on Bai Hei's back, soared up and disappeared into the clouds.

Xiaotian's heartache disappeared, but the pain was too severe just now, and her body still had no strength. After a while, she regained some strength, slowly got up, and walked step by step toward the viewing p
The pain of death

Suddenly she couldn't hold it in, Xiao Yao felt a sharp dagger pierce her chest and her ears rang. The pain in her heart exploded and the wine cup in his hand fell.

Jing worried shouted, "Xiao Yao!"

Xiao Yao muttered "Impossible! Impossible! He couldn't just die like that! I don't feel anything, I can't feel anything anymore......" She suddenly remembered that the Lover Bug had been removed by the Royal Mother so she obviously couldn't feel the connection anymore. Xiao Yao's eyes rolled back into his head and she fell backwards.

Jing grabbed Xiao Yao "Let's go back to Xuan Yuan Mountain first, let Miao Pu take the Grand Emperor's badge to gather information."

Xiao Yao felt dizzy and frisky, she kept saying "Impossible."

@liddi, please help to translate it..^^















Prefer human fireworks

Yang Su/ Tan Jianci




"Prefer Human Fireworks" [The promotional song of the costume drama "Long Love" is sung by Yang Zi and Tan Kenji, with lyrics written by veteran musician Chen Xi and music composed and produced by veteran musician Dong Dongdong. "I believe in walking in the human world and embracing each other at the end of reincarnation." Yang Zi and Tan Kenji sing together tacitly. Their clear and sweet voices and deep and magnetic voices collide in the euphemistic notes, dance together, tell each other their hearts, and interweave into one. Just like Xiaotian and Xiangliu, who they play in the play, they never know each other, but cherish each other, singing about eternity and cause and effect. "The sun and the moon accompany you, and I sing to the wine. The blossoming flowers are partial to the human fireworks." Xiaotian and Xiangliu, from playmates and bosom friends to never seeing each other again, are full of joys and sorrows. In the wind and rain, lovesickness drifts away. They want to live in a quiet and happy environment, longing for ordinary human fireworks. They only wish to be clear and warm, and to sing to the wine again in the future. Be sensible

I can't post the picture, but this song was made for Yaoliu.
I'll ask @nathsketch to post it later.

Xiaoyao not knowing that it's a lover's bug and voodo king said that the lover's bug is very difficult to grow, then how did she raise it?


Oh, definitely, will be responding.  The idea of XL being fridged!  Plus the reconstruction of identity touches on the gender question.  My brain is churning.

That's definitely a yes than ;-)

I had a good chuckle when I realised that Xiang Liu got Fridged according to my analysis 

Looking forward to reading about this gender and identity thing once you're ready.

Tonghua weibo



From micro interview

# 七 日 说 爱 思 # Let’s start with this question. In fact, the end of each story is not the real ending of those characters. On this issue, I am a very unrealistic person. I always feel that the story is just their life. A paragraph, even if my story ends, their lives will still continue in another space, so every story cannot have a real ending.


Tonghua weibo



From micro interview

# 七 日 说 爱 思 # Let’s start with this question. In fact, the end of each story is not the real ending of those characters. On this issue, I am a very unrealistic person. I always feel that the story is just their life. A paragraph, even if my story ends, their lives will still continue in another space, so every story cannot have a real ending.

CNetz COMMENTS : 这部剧其实开头就是结尾,玟小六和相柳说的他逗弄蛇蛇被狐妖杀死了他把狐妖杀了这就完全对应着小天涂山璟和相柳三人的利害关系就说明以后小天会杀了涂山璟,变回玟小六或者去当王母,长相思歌词里已经给出答案了:我置身于世外 垂下眉眼只观心 不听不看守着爱心系你


Xiaoyao not knowing that it's a lover's bug and voodo king said that the lover's bug is very difficult to grow, then how did she raise it?

That's a good question actually. Yeah, the Voodoo king did say that these bugs are very difficult to raise, how was it possible for XY to raise them, when she didn't even know how the bugs are called, it's quite questionable. She wasn't even that pro at Voodoo to begin with. 

@liddi, please help to translate it..^^

Just a rough translation...

"Favouring Mortal Fireworks" is a duet by Yang Zi and Tan Jianci, with lyrics by seasoned musician Chen Xi, and veteran musician Dong Dongdong composing and producing the music.

"Walking together with you in the mortal realm,
We embrace each other through cycles of life to the end."

Yang Zi and Tan Jianci sing in harmony with each other, her clear, sweet voice and his deep, magnetic tone coming together in the graceful musical strains, expressing heartfelt feelings to each other, then coming together as one. Just like their characters in the drama Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu who got to know each other through conflict, to ultimately cherishing each other, they sing of eternity, of causes and consequences.

"The sun and moon accompany us while we drink and sing,
Blooming like flowers, favouring the ordinary life in the mortal realm."

From playmates and soulmates to never meeting again, Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu experienced joy, sorrows, anxieties. In the wind and rain, they missed each other. They wished to live in a quiet, happy place, longing for the ordinary life of the mortal realm, wishing to have clear eyebrows and warm eyes, and to sing and drink together again one day.

My possibly clumsy interpretation for 偏爱人间烟火 Favouring Mortal Fireworks  / Favouring the Ordinary Life of the Mortal Realm  (feel free to correct if there are any mistakes in translations or interpretations):

偏爱人间烟火Favouring Mortal Fireworks / the Ordinary Life of the Mortal Realm
M我祈求此生的拥有I pray for possessions in this life

偏要长情在左 你在右But I prefer to have long lasting love on my left, and you on my right

永恒的思念 酿成酒Eternal yearning brewed into wine,

相偕在人间 走一走Walking together with you in the mortal realm

F我祈求来日的拥有I pray for possessions in the future

偏要 瞬间拱手 让爱永久But I prefer to give it up instantly for love to last forever

须臾的悲欢 寄苍狗Moments of joy and sorrow in an ever-changing world,

相拥在轮回 天尽头We embrace each other through cycles of life to the end

M姻去了壳结因果From a marriage/love removed from its shell comes causes and consequences,

褪了初见你时的颜色Fading the colours of when we first met
All缘线勾勒笔带过The lines of fate are outlined by a brush

日月陪你我对酒当歌The sun and moon accompany us while we drink and sing

F心 空了格 调了色 一弯新月落An empty heart, mixed with colour, a new crescent moon descends

悲欢忐忑 风雨送相思流落Sorrow, joy and anxiety; yearning sent by the wind and rain
All愿 眉清澈 目温热 锦绣心河May your eyebrows be clear, your eyes warm, your heart beautiful

繁花朵朵 偏爱人间烟火Blooming like flowers, favouring the ordinary life of the mortal realm.

thank you very much @liddi..that is the original singer's post.


thank you very much @liddi..that is the original singer's post.

Really? Whose post was this? Hu Xia? or Zhang Zining?


Xiaoyao not knowing that it's a lover's bug and voodo king said that the lover's bug is very difficult to grow, then how did she raise it?

She raised the bug with her blood and flesh (I am not sure about the flesh). Probably, she used the knowledge of raising normal bug for the bug she had. I believe she didn't know the type/name of the bug in the beginning. 


What is XY's knowlege about Poison bug Art? 

Her mother left "Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual" which specialized on the use of Poison and Voodoo (bug) Art (or method). XY was taught Jiu Li voodoo language so that she could read and learn by heart and memorize the book thoroughly. 

Xiao Yao heard of a voodoo spell where a person could use their life in exchange for another. If Xiang Liu used his life to save hers, she hoped that he really had nine-lives because then if he gave her one it wouldn’t be too detrimental for him. 

Xiao Yao answered “I was unconscious the entire time so I don’t know the specifics. Likely due to the voodoo bug connecting us, so his life was the thread that kept me alive, and then he used a certain type of voodoo blood spell and exchanged his life to continue mine. 

She had learnt by heart the Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual which contained all the spells about using poison and bugs.  


When my mother put me in Yushan, she hung a jade slip around my neck, which contained "Shennong's Materia Medica", my mother's experience of medical skills, and the "Jiuli Poison Voodoo Manual" written by the Witch King of the Jiuli Clan, which specializes in the use of poison and the use of Gu art. When the Queen Mother found out, she said that these things were a great scourge, and if they were known, they would only cause me trouble, and ordered me to recite them every day. When I memorized them thoroughly, she destroyed the jade slips. Xiao Yao remembered that she cried a lot at that time, and she didn't talk to the queen mother for half a year, hating the queen mother for destroying what her mother left her. (Chapter 22, Translation by Bing)



Xiao Yao learned some Jiu Li voodoo language when she was small from her mom so she could read what the Voodoo King wrote in his manual, but she never lived in Jiu Li so she couldn’t speak it and could only somewhat understand it.


Xiao Yao guessed a bit and slowly tried to explain “I am not the next voodoo king, I’m just…..” If it wasn’t for the poison manual left for her by her mom that was written by the Jiu Li Voodoo King, she’d be long dead by now, so it was accurate to say the Voodoo King saved her and Xiao Yao felt great respect for him “The Voodoo King saved my life and taught me poison and voodoo art. I know you didn’t harm anyone and the Voodoo King will not punish you.


Xiao Yao smiled sheepishly, Se Mai Er was really a true believer of the Voodoo King! She made this promise even before Xiao Yao could diagnose her, but with the knowledge in her brain of the Sheng Nong Herb Manual and the Jiu Liu Poison Voodoo Manual, plus with Se Mai Er around, Xiao Yao was fairly certain she could lessen her pain.  (Chapter 24)

Se Mai Er looked around to make sure they were alone and then said “The voodoo bug the Princess mentioned before, I thought and thought and still have no idea what it is. But I did remember a legend that circulated in Jiu Li about a very rare voodoo bug.”

Xiao Yao perked up and listened carefully “What kind of bug?”

Se Mai Er explained “Most voodoo bugs are parent-child bugs. The parent bug can control the child bug, and this kind of bug is easy to raise and easy to plant. But legend has it there is a rare extremely difficult to raise and plant bug. That bug has a gender difference and is split into a male bug and a female bug. It is hard to raise and even harder to plant. If a woman raised the bug, she needs to find a man to plant it. If a man raised the bug, he needs to find a woman to plant it. Almost always this bug is raised but cannot be planted even in a lifetime. So this bug remains just a legend in Jiu Li.”

“What kind of bug is it?”

“I don’t know what kind of bug it is but I do know its name. It’s called a Lover’s Bug and legend says “Lover’s Bug, Heart to Heart.” It sounds a lot like what Princess described.” (Chapter 26)


So before going to JiuLi in chapter 37, XY already knew that the bug in her and XL's body was likely Lover's bug. Is there any information about that bug in "Jiu Li Poison Voodoo Manual"? She knew XL used the bug connection and voodoo blood spell to exchange his life for renewing her life. That knowledge may be included in the book. Maybe there were several bugs which enable this. However, if the book mentioned about Lovers' bug and she had an idea of candidate for her bug. She might have known quite certain knowledge about it before meeting Voodoo king to confirm the type of bug. 

Note: After hearing the bug could be lovers bugs, she thought of XL (looked toward QS town direction, then she felt sorrow, bored with while looking at the panorama of Zijin palace. Later, she talked to CX about 2 things that people could not control: Birth and death. So it seems that she knew her death seemed to tie with XL's

Xiao Yao watched until Se Mai Er’s figure was gone from sight and she turned to look East where Qing Shui Town was, and beyond that, where the vast ocean laid. Xiao Yao murmured “Lover’s Bug?”

Xiao Yao had so many thoughts going through her mind so she sent Shan Hu and Miao Pu back first so she could slowly walk up the mountain path back to Zhi Jin Summit.

Seeing the looming grandeur of the Palace, Xiao Yao suddenly felt extremely fatigued, so fatigued she might shatter. She wearily sat down on a stone step.

“Life! Death! We can’t control our birth and can’t control our death. Sometimes I think since we can’t control the biggest two things in our lives, why fight for all the little insignificant things? It feels so pointless!” 


Really? Whose post was this? Hu Xia? or Zhang Zining?

I sent the image link via inbox

Morning guys!  windiaaa041293 asked me to share this image about the 偏爱人间烟火 song: