However, I have seen a different interpretation of that whole Cang Xuan scene.  This interpretation said that Cang Xuan didn't actually experienced/felt Xiao Yao feelings in that moment, but rather he was interpretating it as arousal because he’s a man. Essentially, Xiao Yao wasn't aroused. Cang Xuan just think that she was.

I thought that too, but it was her reaction after it, that had me convinced, one she would not have had if she felt nothing, remembering how he had fed on her various times before, even voluntarily offering her blood when he was wounded previously:


Xiao Liu had been acting like a rascal waiting to be picked on, but suddenly he shrunk and slid downwards. He unconsciously wanted to block his chest with both hands, but immediately controlled his abnormal behaviour, and remained seated there with a careless demeanour.

-- Vol 1 Ch6

I'm actually quite curious how the other side interprets some of these things that we see as obvious signs that Xiao Yao loves Xiang Liu.

I think I'll pass. I think there is enough YaoLiu content to keep me occupied, as well as the leaked script. Rumours have it we might see S2 in Jan. Please let it be so... I need to move on.

@liddi tolong..

不知道大家有没有注意到我视频一开头用篆书写了个“夭柳文化有限公司 Yaoliu Culture” 以及 关于《不负相思意》的英文翻译With you forever是《长相思》的英译“Lost you forever”的反义词

There was a scene someone posted here with him and Xiao Xiao and she's laying next to him and he's stroking her hair, and I thought someone said, yes, they were sleeping together.

This happened in the Middle Plains during the Plum Forest assassination, before he was married. At the time, he was leaning on the couch with Xiao Xiao docilely laying her head on his knee, and he absently caressed her hair while listening to reports about the palace renovations. He suddenly felt very anxious, almost unable to breathe because he sensed that Xiao Yao was in trouble.

I am not certain he was sleeping with Xiao Xiao but at the time, his position had not been consolidated yet. However, we do know that prior to him going to the Middle Plains, he was forced to play the part of a degenerate womaniser, hated having to sleep with women he did not like, and tried to remove their smell from his body afterwards.

不知道大家有没有注意到我视频一开头用篆书写了个“夭柳文化有限公司 Yaoliu Culture” 以及 关于《不负相思意》的英文翻译With you forever是《长相思》的英译“Lost you forever”的反义词

It says this:

I don't know if everyone noticed that at the beginning of my video, I stated "YaoLiu Culture Co. Ltd". In addition, the English translation for《不负相思意》is With You Forever, which is the antonym of《长相思》's English translation "Lost You Forever".

This sounds like it is referring to a video that was made based on the fanfic I once shared about Xiao Yao going back in time after Xiang Liu's death thanks to the shengsheng mirror, and changing her choices, in hopes of changing the outcome.


Did the person get accused for misleading the viewers, when she already placed disclaimers about the source material of the video?


This happened in the Middle Plains during the Plum Forest assassination, before he was married. At the time, he was leaning on the couch with Xiao Xiao docilely laying her head on his knee, and he absently caressed her hair while listening to reports about the palace renovations. He suddenly felt very anxious, almost unable to breathe because he sensed that Xiao Yao was in trouble.

I am not certain he was sleeping with Xiao Xiao but at the time, his position had not been consolidated yet. However, we do know that prior to him going to the Middle Plains, he was forced to play the part of a degenerate womaniser, hated having to sleep with women he did not like, and tried to remove their smell from his body afterwards.

Ah, thank you, liddi!

That was the scene.  It had me raising my eyebrows.  But I think he likes Xiao Xiao, doesn't he?

Poor CX.  Having to play a degenerate womaniser ... meanwhile, Fang Feng Bei ...


Ah, thank you, liddi!

That was the scene.  It had me raising my eyebrows.  But I think he likes Xiao Xiao, doesn't he?

Poor CX.  Having to play a degenerate womaniser ... mean, Fang Feng Bei ...

I don't think he likes XX that way. I know he slept with other women but XX and other maid was just for show. One was his secret guard and other his secret info collector.

That was the scene.  It had me raising my eyebrows.  But I think he likes Xiao Xiao, doesn't he?


I don't think he likes XX that way. I know he slept with other women but XX and other maid was just for show. One was his secret guard and other his secret info collector.

No, Cang Xuan do not have any romantic feelings for Jin Xuan, described as a true beauty, and Xiao Xiao, who was described as seductive. Nor did he make them his consorts when he became king, and they continued to serve in the same capacity as before. Except that in the end Jin Xuan chose to leave his side, because she had fallen in love with him but knew he would never feel the same about her, and she did not wish to lose herself in the process.


I don't think he likes XX that way. I know he slept with other women but XX and other maid was just for show. One was his secret guard and other his secret info collector.

Could definitely be.  But he definitely was 'womanizing.'  I don't think he has a problem understanding what XY is feeling through that link.


No, Cang Xuan do not have any romantic feelings for Jin Xuan, described as a true beauty, and Xiao Xiao, who was described as seductive. Nor did he make them his consorts when he became king, and they continued to serve in the same capacity as before. Except that in the end Jin Xuan chose to leave his side, because she had fallen in love with him but knew he would never feel the same about her, and she did not wish to lose herself in the process.

I liked Jin Xuan.  She was a character who I felt had so much potential ... alot of story hooks.

I don't mean he loved Xiao Xiao romantically, but IF he slept with her, I wouldn't think she was someone he didn't like.


I liked Jin Xuan.  She was a character who I felt had so much potential ... alot of story hooks.

I don't mean he loved Xiao Xiao romantically, but IF he slept with her, I wouldn't think she was someone he didn't like.

I really like that Jin Xuan made decisions that allowed her to retain her dignity, instead of allowing her love to take away who she is. She certainly fits the bill of the strong, independent woman that Tong Hua advocates.

Both Jin Xuan and Xiao Xiao are loyal to a fault. Xiao Xiao would kill herself if Cang Xuan demanded it. That scene does seem to indicate that they were physically intimate, though I do not know whether it was just a smokescreen for prying eyes.


I really like that Jin Xuan made decisions that allowed her to retain her dignity, instead of allowing her love to take away who she is. She certainly fits the bill of the strong, independent woman that Tong Hua advocates.

Both Jin Xuan and Xiao Xiao are loyal to a fault. Xiao Xiao would kill herself if Cang Xuan demanded it. That scene does seem to indicate that they were physically intimate, though I do not know whether it was just a smokescreen for prying eyes.

I don't remember which chapter that she left CX. 

She was one of the two woman who came back with CX as his coursin's gift or compensation for the searching incident ( when FFB revealed his true identity).

Of course CX had knew her before and she worked for him. However, he found disgusting to be intimate with those 2 women when he talked with XY.

I don't remember which chapter that she left CX. 

Xiao Yao met Jin Xuan in Gao Xin in Vol 3 Ch6 (Chapter 39) where she was sent by Cang Xuan to provide Jing with information he required. By then, Cang Xuan had already allowed her to leave instead of continuing to serve by his side.

Leaked script   Ep12, Ep13 scenes 2,3,8

[Cang Xuan declared war on Gao Xin.

Tushan Jing planned to propose to Xiao Yao against a backdrop of an illusion of Hui Chun clinic, but was foiled when she thought he knew she was going to work on compiling medical texts with all the medical practitioners, which would take a long time and required her to rush around, pushing their wedding back, and was showing her the vision of the clinic to encourage her.

Xiao Yao was kept in the dark about the impending war until she noticed the strange behaviour of the physicians she was working with. In the end Cang Xuan told her the truth, including his personal reasons for attacking Gao Xin.

Although she understood the decisions that were made by everyone she loved, Xiao Yao was grieved that when it came down to it, no one cared how it would affect her.

In the end, Tushan Jing used the metaphor of a silkworm eating a mulberry leaf to tell her that the war will be a drawn-out one lasting at least ten to twenty years, and Xuan Yuan will not use brute force but slowly take over Gao Xin. As such, the battle to the death she feared would not immediately happen, and there was a chance for the conflict to be resolved during that time.

Jin Xuan saw how Xin Yue had given herself over to jealousy over Cang Xuan's love for Xiao Yao. She asked to leave Cang Xuan, and willingly took what she thought was poisoned wine that he offered. Thinking she was dying anyway, she finally revealed her love for him. She told him that although he had treated her very well, he could never give her what she wanted, and she wanted to leave before she lost her real self to vain hopes, bitterness and jealousy. To her surprise, the wine was not poisoned. Cang Xuan told her that since he dared to use her, he naturally trusted her. In addition, he had never done anything that went against his conscience, so he had no reason to kill her to guard his secrets

In the end, he reassigned Jin Xuan to collect intel on his behalf all over the Great Wilderness, which she readily accepted. He told her that in this vast world, she was sure to find someone she loved, which she agreed, saying that in a new environment, meeting new people, she would be able to forget him. ]

Ep13  scenes 2,3

Tushan Jing is in the study of Tushan manor in Zhi Yi city, looking extremely haggard, without a trace of a smile on his face, as he listened to Hu Zhen's report.

HZ: Clan leader, I have consulted people well-versed with poisonous bugs. What the princess has is likely the legendary male-female bugs from Bai Li. If a person is wounded, the other person will also be implicated.
TSJ (worried): Implicated to what extent? If a person dies, will the other person die too?
HZ (hesitant): No one has personally seen this happen. It is a possibility... that they will die.

Tushan Jing was stunned, his expression worried and distressed.

TSJ (VO): It is only a matter of time before Xuan Yuan laid siege on the Shen Nong remnant army. When the time comes, I fear Xiang Liu will... the poisonous bug in Xiao Yao's body must be removed as soon as possible.


Xiang Liu, all in white, was standing at the simple, wooden watchtower, looking expressionlessly over the thousands of lights dotting the camp, and the soldiers patrolling below.
A messenger bird flew over and Xiang Liu reached out his hand to catch it. The message had the seal of the nine-tailed fox, and Xiang Liu listened to the message without expression.
Hong Jiang walked over.

XL: Adoptive father, why are you still not resting so late at night?
HJ: Aren't you not resting either?
XL: I just came out for a random check.

Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu  side by side at the watchtower, looking at the lights of the camp.

HJ (sighing with deep emotion): How much longer can we see the sight of the thousand lights in the camp. If Xuan Yuan emerges victorious in the Xuan Yuan-Gao Xin war, we will be the next target.

Xiang Liu showed no emotion.

HJ: You should know we have no chance of winning against the Xuan Yuan army.
XL (calmly): I know.
HJ (gently): We are Shen Nong citizens. Fighting to the last man is our duty, but you need not join us in facing certain death. Everything you have done for the Shen Nong remnant army has long made up for the kindness I showed you. You...
XL: Adoptive father.

Xiang Liu interrupted Hong Jiang's words and quietly looked at him. Hong Jiang locked eyes with him, and knowing that he could not persuade him to leave, patted his arm in gratitude and regret.

HJ: Alright then. It is only death, nothing to it.

Hong Jiang laughed and sang the desolate battle hymn.


[This is followed by the scene where Tushan Jing met Xiang Liu in the Lirong gambling den to request that he removed the lovers bug, and Xiao Yao recognised Xiang Liu even though he was disguised]


Ep13 scene 8

As Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing walked along the streets in Zhi Yi city, they started trying to explain what each other were doing earlier.

XY: I did not wish to see Cang Xuan, so I deliberately wanted to go back late. I was walking about when I went to the gambling den. I did not know Xiang Liu was there too.
TSJ: After my meeting with Xiang Liu, we left separately to avoid drawing attention to ourselves. I saw that you were there, so I followed you, at the same time distracting Miao Pu elsewhere.
XY: You don't have to worry about the poisonous bug anymore. Things will work out when the time comes, there will surely be a way to deal with it.
TSJ: Alright.

Cang Xuan stood at a nearby shop, watching Xiao Yao smiling happily with Tushan Jing, talking and smiling as they walked side by side. His face was in the shadows as he watched them approach with a thunderous expression on his face. Unable to take their intimate behaviour anymore, he suddenly stepped out, and it was only then that they realised he was present.
Cang Xuan walked over, a smile on his face. Tushan Jing bowed hurriedly.

TSJ: Your Majesty.

Cang Xuan smiled warmly at Tushan Jing, without any hint of animosity.

CX (affably): You are one of the family, there is no need to stand on ceremony.
TSJ: Yes.

Tushan Jing looked at Xiao Yao in embarrassment, but his expression was filled with joy.

CX: Xiao Yao, it's so late and you have not returned so I was worried and came to fetch you.

Xiao Yao looked at Cang Xuan and their eyes met. At Cang Xuan's ingratiating smile, Xiao Yao avoided his gaze and turned to Tushan Jing.

XY: I go back first.
TSJ (smiling): Alright.

Xiao Yao walked over to Cang Xuan and left with him, with Tushan Jing's eyes following them.

TSJ (VO): It is fortunate that Cang Xuan cares deeply for Xiao Yao. Should the day comes and the bug still could not be removed, Cang Xuan would surely spare Xiang Liu for Xiao Yao's sake.

Tushan Jing smiled in relief.


Speaking of that...
A few months ago, I saw on TikTok a video clip of LYF that Jingger posted.
I forgot what episode.
But the picture is taken from inside the room to the outside, outside shows Tsj walking towards the room where XY is,
From the outside it looked like Jing was walking fine/normal/not limping, but when he was about to enter the room and Xy saw, his walking changed to a limp.
I still clearly remember that video, and jingger wrote the caption: how sweet Jing is, he always tries to be Ye Siqi for xy.
have you ever noticed it?
After thinking about it, it turns out how cunning Jing is...woaaah...I want to find that video again.

i saw that too. LOL. yesterday i posted the part where he didn’t want to treat his limp.

Is this the video you guys were talking about? I can't embed Facebook video, but here's the link


I really like that Jin Xuan made decisions that allowed her to retain her dignity, instead of allowing her love to take away who she is. She certainly fits the bill of the strong, independent woman that Tong Hua advocates.

Both Jin Xuan and Xiao Xiao are loyal to a fault. Xiao Xiao would kill herself if Cang Xuan demanded it. That scene does seem to indicate that they were physically intimate, though I do not know whether it was just a smokescreen for prying eyes.

Yes!  Jin Xuan didn't have many appearances, but she made an impression on me ... she was a key player in CX's plans.  That she would leave, instead of pining after CX sounds very much like her.

I'll have to pay attention in a rewatch, but I didn't recall seeing Xiao Xiao and CX being that friendly in the drama.