please recommend dramas not in romance genre, but with even slight but really good romance story line. I mean not just someone likes someone and they start dating, but really memorable chemistry.

Romance focused dramas often  are more clieche, primitive and same plot/relationships over and over again; 

But not romance focused dramas with other interesting main plot, may have really original, more taboo free or with more raw emotions romance, even with less screen time or/and not fulfilled (stayed platonic, but still full with emotions) romance it can have very strong feelings and amazing chemistry.

So if you remember Kdramas or Cdramas like this, please recommend.

without romance genre/tag dramas like:

Lucifer so emotional

Kill It platonic but still very emotional

Mad Dog flirty and sweet

Angry Mom ok, it wasn't romance but still this one sided love perfectly played by Ji Soo was best part of this drama

Also pleas recommend dramas which have romance tag on MDL but aren't romance focused, but have REALLY great romance like:

Cruel City romance isn't main theme but still one of best/emotional/hot romance story
Giant SML had one of the best romance story.

Kidnapping Game  - I absolutely loved the romance here. Heck it was better than in most pure romance dramas. There is however a romance tag. 

Tientsin Mystic - really good chemistry between the 2 lead couples. Plus the drama is just awesome. no romance tag. 


Taxi Driver - There is hardly any romance, as in nothing. But there is a subtile hint. + we get a 2nd season so hope is there. Nonetheless its a great drama. no romance tag. 


  • First Half of Life
  • Goodbye to Goodbye
  • Lies of Lies
  • Train
  • Romantic doctor teacher kim
  • Land on Sandstorm
  • Date my daughter
  • The final match
  • Arsenal Militaru Academy
  • Grudge: revenge of the Gumiho

Ooooh your recommendation topic is so similar to mine. I too am looking for  show with a more subtle love story. You know the kind where the leads don't have to say I love you for the viewers to feel the chemistry. It also helps in keeping focus on plot. So given how you seem to like shows similar to what I like I'll recommend some that I thought had amazing chemistry:

Liar game: you won't find a romance tag in this show and many viewers think that the relationship between the leads was purely platonic but I thought their chemistry was way too palpable for it to be platonic. The show also keeps you on the edge with twist and turns. 

Kairos: the plot is similar to signal however the time gap here is 1 month. Leads had good chemistry and I loved how every episode had you wondering if the characters would make it our alive. This was my favourite 2020 show. Also spoiler Your friend is confessing to you and go to stand next to the male lead? Yeah I see what the makers did there :P never liked the friend anyway 

Train: the show is about parallel worlds and the butterfly effect. However what I never expected to find was the beautiful chemistry that the leads had. The male lead is deeply in love with the FL and protects her with everything he's got (she's no damsel though). I came for the plot but the chemistry was so natural that even though the leads never say love you, you feel their love for each other in a deep level. 

The Ghost Detective: sooooo underrated. I was so upset to find out that the show did not get ratings at the time it was airing but maaan this show has a beautiful love story hidden beneath all the horror and darkness. The first time the leads hug will have you smiling like an idiot. The two leads also never confess their love or anything but their willingness to sacrifice themselves for one another was enough proof. Also 'special relationship ' seems to be a good replacement for I love you lol. Yeah the show has some plot holes but definitely not the kind that will make you dislike the show. It's the kind of show that leaves you to deduce most of the answers for yourself and I was fine with that. 

Voice season 2 and 3: the two lead actors have been friends since 2006 and this translates to the chemistry we get from their characters in the show. The show is dark gritty and yet you find yourself happy at small moments of affection they sometimes (very rarely) show for one another. This is a pure action thriller and can get disturbingly violent sometimes. I know many people think do kang woo and kang center were platonic but I always thought they definitely liked each other. I also think (spoiler: do kang woo is alive and is getting treated for his condition)

The guest: horror, excellent plot and lots if action. I honestly thought there were sparks between Mateo and detective kang gil and as a whole the trio was just way too adorable together. This can get a little scary sometimes (it wasn't for me but I know some people did find it scary)

Sell your haunted house: again another horror show with definite chemistry between the leads though we never see them talk about their feelings with each other. We do get the occasional staring into each others' eyes moments and in the last episode their feelings were a little more apparent but again there's never any Confession. You just kinda know (plus the male lead is very obvious about his crush). Jang Nara also nails her role so that's definitely something to look forward to.

My mister: this show is a little different from my other recs. This isn't a thriller or horror  nor a crime/action drama. This is a show about two people healing each other and finally emerging from a place of darkness. I never thought I would love this show as much as I did but this show is now my number 1. People are left to interpret whether the leads remained platonic or had a relationship. I choose to believe that they ended up in a relationship because despite the age gap, they were so....pure. their love for each other was obvious and very pure. They were soul mates and would be the best partner for each other.

Stranger: platonic partners, female police officer and male prosecutor who feels no emotions. Their chemistry was awesome and the plot was just amaaaaazing. This had 2 seasons and both are excellent. Keeps you on the edge nor because of action sequences but because of the way everything unravels

Circle: another criminally underrated show. The leads are adorable together (the switch between past and present confused some but I thought it was done well). The plot is also something I haven't seen repeated many times in korean dramas. It's pretty unusual and I liked it a lot. But again no love confessions or anything. The characters are way too busy for that. But their crush is adorable. 

Children of nobody (not to be mixed up with children of a lesser god): this is a dark show and trigger warning (child abuse) It's kinda obvious that the male lead really likes the female lead. 

Law school: a show about the struggles faced by law students and to spice things up, there's a murder to solve as well. I loved how all the cases discussed in their classes were relevant to the two main cases. Everything was interconnected and the makers did a good job of wrapping things up in the last episode. What I never expected to see in the show when I first started watching it was the adorable chemistry between kang sol A and ham joon who. Their banter was hilarious and even though we get no clue about whether they ended up together (not even a confession) I was content with it because I didn't come for the love story and the chemistry between them was enough for me to enjoy the show. Plus who's to say they aren't together? If the show didn't tell us that they are a couple, we'll they didn't say they are NOT a couple either. This and beyond evil have been my favourite 2021 shows (till now, I haven't watched Taxi driver or devil judge but I do plan on it)

These are all for now (I have some more but these are the top ones). In my opinion if the leads have good chemistry, you can interpret their relationship in whatever way you want. Especially if the makers leave the question of romantic feelings untouched. I prefer it that way. Sort of like an unspoken love?

so similar to mine. I too am looking for  show with a more subtle love story. You know the kind where the leads don't have to say I love you for the viewers to feel the chemistry.

<3 you get point! I love good romances, also interesting other plot, I love when characters aren't perfect and are more human/realistic, same goes to relationships, but in most romantic dramas  love story/relationships are same and quite cliche, have some frames, when not romance focused dramas have more free stories, more unpredictable, more realistic, more passionate and strong chemistry.

I like unspoken love when you can't even be sure are they together at the end or not, but I also love spoken and passionate chemistry too, best example is romance in Cruel City (but would be good not tragic end, I'm not saying happy end is always must, but when characters suffer so much in whole drama, at list the end could be better, I had same feeling about "A love to kill").

I know Liar game and Kairos, because I adore Shin sung rok ))) very good dramas.
I'll try Train, I ML actor.  I like mains of Voice too! I'll try The Ghost Detective, I've heard about My mister too, seems like high quality drama. I have Circle in gtw I love that kind plot, have seen everything on that subject in western tv series, also SML was great in A Man's Story it is also that kind drama what we are talking about in this topic, you would like it.

I didn't knew Children of nobody, seems interesting, so detective likes child counselor?

@NiSkywalker <3 you get point! I love good romances, also interesting other plot, I love when characters aren't perfect and are more human/realistic, same goes to relationships, but in most romantic dramas  love story/relationships are same and quite cliche, have some frames, when not romance focused dramas have more free stories, more unpredictable, more realistic, more passionate and strong chemistry.

Yes precisely, I completely agree with you! Also I too prefer happy endings. See being a doctor I see so much of death and despair every day and I really don't want to see it when I sit down to relax with a show. I mean it's okay if a show is dark and gritty and stuff but atleast the end should make you smile and leave with good thoughts rather than make you feel heavy.

You should definitely try train and ghost detective. Didn't expect these shows to hit me as hard as they did. And I know that ghost detective has some things that people didn't understand but in my opinion it's because viewers did not pay attention when they explained about 80% of it.

Children of nobody is mainly about the case but spoiler: in the first  few episodes we find out that the main leads' spouses are cheating on them with one another (though I think in the detective's case it was girlfriend not spouse) the leads kinda find out at the same time and since the female lead had recently miscarried she was in a bad state. He becomes sort of a emotional support for her but you really gotta squint to see the romantic feelings. I certainly felt that the feelings were there especially from the male leads side.

also the guest is highly recommended as well. It was horror well done and the last episode, as in the last 20 minutes or they were so touching. I've never seen something like that in another kdrama. You'll know it when you see it. The ost is so haunting and beautiful

I have heard of A man's Story and I kinda had a good laugh about how similar it sounds to goodbye Mr Black especially since one of the actors is in both :P I'll give that a try!

Good Luck!! - slice of life jdrama about pilots and aviation. It is romance genre, but main focus is not on it. The romance there is more like a side story, but it is good.

I completely agree with you!

<3 i'll try all your recommendations, it's just horror isn't mine, I mean light ones ok, but real horror scares me ))))
if you don't mind I'll add you as friend so we could exchange more recommendations time after time ^^


Good Luck!! - slice of life jdrama about pilots and aviation. It is romance genre, but main focus is not on it. The romance there is more like a side story, but it is good.

thank you!!!

mystic pop-up bar Its not under the romance tag but it has a decent amount of romance. The plot's solid. Fantasy with a touch of comedy.

Dear my friends I am not sure if this is for everyone since alot of it revolves around the lives of aged people but its still really heart warming. Plus the daughter's love story, and jo in sung are a solid 10

Extracurricular The plot line is insane. It keeps you hooked. The romance is hardly there but feelings are made clear.

Into the ring Again not for everyone. It revolves around politics but the reason it still works is due to the amazing chemistry between the main leads. It is under romance tag, but it is a healthy balance between romance and the actual plot. Bonus,  strong female lead.

Life  Medical drama with slight romance. The story had me hooked. One of the rare dramas where I didn't skip a lot.

The uncanny encounter I mean the shows amazing. It doesn't need more explanation. More of one sided love (or not), could develop into something more in season 2.  

I wasn't gonna mention taxi driver because its already mentioned by someone but still I love the show. It doesn't have any hint of romance, its more of companionship and genuine care for each other. You still feel their love, mostly platonic (or maybe? a little more than platonic? maybe? *shrug*). Also, its hard not to love lee je hoon.!

Insect detective(China)

The stranded(Thai)


I’m Tee, me too ( Thai, well romance is quite a side plot)

jo in sung

love him so much!

very interesting recommendations, thank you. I watched Life few weeks ago and was good, I'll check others ^^

thank you

Fermentation Family (same screenwriter as Lucifer), The Return of Iljimae, and Healer aren't primarily romance dramas but all have great chemistry (and actual physical contact) between the leads.

  • +1 My Mister - In its own way. Arguably not really romance, but there's definitely some form of love / a very strong connection involved. 
  • Misty - There are three male love interests who are all secondary to the FL's own story, but one of them really did it for me. 
  • Hello Monster
  • Ms. Perfect