
  • Last Online: Nov 26, 2023
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  • Location: The Morgue
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  • Join Date: June 23, 2012


The Morgue


The Morgue
public list

I am a bit cheap with my ratings and I do admit that. However, when I give a drama or a film less than 5 then it means that it was pretty bad…

83 titles 4 loves
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Beloved Actors: Acting can be bad but who cares?

These are the ones I know they're not very good actors but I still like them anyway. Of course I don't like them more than my favorite actors…

73 people
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Thriller: Top Favourite Genre

Since Thriller is one of my top favourite genres, I had my good share of it and I still can't get enough. This list will only contain films…

72 titles 6 loves
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Classic Japanese Films: The Golden Cinema

I am a great fan of the golden Japanese cinema, the good old days. You may have noticed that in the favourite actors' list since I listed Mifune…

69 titles 15 loves 1 comment
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Gangster Cinema

This is my list of Gangster films. It's was always a favourite genre of mine. Most of the list contain yakuza pictures and even the oldest classic…

62 titles 12 loves
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Action: Top Favourite Genre

I am really an action junkie. I always need my dose of good action and explosions. Forget about the plot in most action films because it's not…

62 titles
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Japanese Actors

This is one my personal favorite actors' lists that's categorized by country. The favorite actors' lists contain the people that I find them…

60 people
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Favorite Actors

This is the general favorite actors list. I won't keep it long since I will be making other favorite actors' lists for each country.

49 people
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Eyecandies: The Pretty/Handsome faces

These are the actors I find them good-looking, smoking hot and the rest of the fangirling terms so it has nothing to do with acting. At the…

48 people 1 love
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Funny & Silly

I like comedy; I mean who doesn't like to laugh from time to time? But my sense of comedy is rather different from others. For me, Japanese…

40 titles 1 love
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Samurai & Swords

Samurai is one of my favorite genres even before I started discovering Japanese golden cinema. Samurai films are divided into two parts: 1.Jidaigeki:…

35 titles
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Favorite Movies

This is the general list of favorite films. As for other specific favorites, I will just add few personal lists about them.

35 titles
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These are the dramas I expected a lot from them but they disappointed me one way or the other. They didn't deliver well and made me regret having…

34 titles 1 love
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Korean Actors

This is one my personal favourite actors' lists that's categorized by country. The favourite actors' list contains the people that I find them…

34 people 1 love
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Who Said Revenge is Wrong?

Are you familiar with the quotes: "Revenge Breeds another revenge" "While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself" "There is no revenge…

33 titles 1 love
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Favorite Dramas

Another general favorite list from all genres. The specific favorites will be listed in other personal lists.

32 titles
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HKC Actors

This is one my personal favorite actors' lists that's categorized by country. The favorite actors' lists contain the people that I find them…

31 people
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Detective/Investigation Dramas

As I mentioned in one of my reviews; most people feel itchy around Detective dramas while they happen to be one of my favorite genres. Yes,…

30 titles 5 loves
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Underrated Dramas

These are the dramas I believe they're very underrated. They don't get the proper attention mainly because they're usually romance free or belong…

29 titles 1 love
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Bloody Madness

I am a sucker of gore cinema. Splatter gore, extreme torture, blood splash, heads rolling, dismemberment, cutting parts and pushing the human…

28 titles 7 loves
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Actors I don't know what to feel about them

These are the actors I really don't know where to classify them. Sometimes, I like them then I dislike them. It has nothing to do with the character…

28 people
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You know there aren't only eyecadies out there, there are also ear-candies, the actors with incredibly smexy deep and sometimes dark voices.…

26 people 27 loves 8 comments
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Immortal Attractiveness

These are older actors that I consider them attractive. They're all ahjussi's, Oji-san tachi and middle-aged men that are very charming in my…

25 people 1 love
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Downloaded Korean Films

I almost never watch online, I always download my dramas and films. These are the filmss in my Hard Drive that are waiting to be watched. Some…

23 titles
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Downloaded Dramas to Watch

I almost never watch online, I always download my dramas and films. These are the dramas in my Hard Drive that are waiting to be watched. Some…

21 titles
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Avoided Actors: The annoying existence.

The avoided actors are the actors I may know they're good but I avoid watching them as much as possible. They're not black-listed but I consider…

21 people 1 love
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Overrated Dramas

These are the dramas I believe they're utterly overrated. I know many people love these but I don't share the same feelings. I really tend to…

18 titles 2 loves
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Downloaded Japanese Films

I almost never watch online, I always download my dramas and films. These are the films in my Hard Drive that are waiting to be watched. Some…

17 titles
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Yakuza Actors

This list contains the actors I admire in Yakuza eiga. Most of them are the stars of the classic Japanese era.

16 people
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Hateful Male Leads

I completely love hateful male leads! I know it may sound a bit weird but sadist, cold-blooded male leads fall under my field of interest. By…

16 titles 10 loves
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Downloaded Hong Kong/Chinese Films

I almost never watch online, I always download my dramas and films. These are the films in my Hard Drive that are waiting to be watched. Some…

14 titles
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Vampires & Blood!

Vampires are interesting creatures to me and I love the theme so much (And no, I am not Twilight person, I hated that one). Although Asia don't…

10 titles 1 love
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Black-Listed Actors: The Red Line

So here are the actors that I won't watch their dramas ever again even if you pay me! I know many like these actors and so on but for me they're…

9 people 1 comment
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First Dramas

My journey into Dramaland started by several steps. The first step was about 12 or 13 years ago when they used to broadcast Korean dramas (mainly…

9 titles
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Martial Arts Films to Re-watch

Unlike dramas, I re-watch films. I don't rewatch Japanese and Korean films because it hasn't been a long time since I started watching them…

8 titles 1 love
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Taiwanese Actors

This is one my personal favorite actors' lists that's categorized by country. The favorite actors' list contains the people that I find them…

8 people
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Thai Actors

This is one my personal favorite actors' lists that's categorized by country. The favorite actors' list contains the people that I find them…

5 people