The Other Half of Me and You
0 people found this review helpful
by Duckk
Jul 26, 2021
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Well then

This drama was so short and so strange that I don’t even know what to say about it. I appreciate the drama’s overall message about how we shouldn’t let our gender decide how we want to live our lives, despite the fact that the gender roles were often quite overexaggerated. I don’t know about China, but no one in my family is limiting my career choices to secretary or flight attendant or trying to marry me off to a nice, rich man. Despite the flaws, especially the really weird and incomplete ending, this was a very enjoyable 3 hours for me, and it’s always fun to watch some “trash” dramas every once in a while. Would recommend.

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Nirvana in Fire
0 people found this review helpful
by ivybis
Jul 6, 2023
54 of 54 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

The Epitome of the Bromance

If you are looking for a drama that centers around bromance, this is the one for you. Lin Shu is a young man from a respected family who suffers a terrible tragedy. He returns seeking revenge on those who wronged him by being a master of strategy in the game of thrones. By staying one step ahead of his opponents, he is able to close in on them one by one.

The best part of this drama is the well written plot line. It flows well and manages to keep you engaged even when main characters go missing for large chunks of the series. The storylines continue to change while still keeping the focus on the male lead. His relationships with his friends and subordinates are what makes this drama worth watching. This is not a romance at all. The female lead is underused and, for the most part, largely absent. Most of the female characters have supporting roles, but they, too, are well written. The performances were all noteworthy and I was very pleased to see such great talents in one drama. At times, characters disappear and then reappear without explanation and there is little to no wrap up in some of plot lines. I took a star off for that.

Costumes where beautiful and the soundtrack was gorgeous. You know you have a hit when fans find themselves humming the musical score. It is so unique that I would remember the title of the drama just by hearing the piece of music. In general a great series.

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Hospital Playlist
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 10, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

A perfect slice of life!! Lovely drama!!

I totally love this drama, the story is so good and original in its realism, without the unnecessary drama of some other series. Completely love the medical stories, albeit they were sometime heartbreaking.

It was a great story focused on the life of 5 doctor friends, who've been there for each other so much that they are essentially family to each other. I loved the interactions they had when together and how each one has their own style when dealing with patients and other medical professionals and staff. The medical stories were great, so well explained that a non-medical professional could easily follow it and so greatly immersed in the overall plot that was so well planned.

Now, regarding the love stories, it was fascinating how they were developed, from the get go we know Dr. Jang Gyeo Wool has a big crush on one of the big 5 (Dr. Ahn Jung Won), who is less than impressed with her people and empathy skills. She then proceeds to slowly change in the course of this first season and continue to grow as a doctor. On the other hand, we have Dr. Chae Song Hwa, which I will admit, at first I thought that Dr. Kim Jun Wan had a thing for her, but as the show keeps developing, we can see he always saw her as a friend, unlike the other 2 guys of the group, Dr. Lee Ik Jun and Dr. Yang Suk Hyung. In this case Song Hwa had already rejected Suk Hyung, and Ik Jun to not hurt his friend further didn't confess, but now as he divorces his cheating ex wife, finds himself falling again for Song Hwa, and now he cannot avoid confessing. It turns out that she already has a someone crushing on her, her resident Dr Ahn Chi Hong, whom she is at first unaware of his feelings and later on has to deal with him. I find very interesting how the relationship of Jun Wan and Lee Ik Sun will develop with her out of the country for years on her master's degree in the UK, hopefully they will not break up. I am also eating too see what Suk Hyung ex-wife wants with him and why he says he feels apologetic towards her, I honestly hope that at the end Dr. Chu Min Ha finds someone deserving of her, I think she is a great character that deserves someone who appreciates what she can offer. As anyone can see the relationships are complicated, but they get very well developed and one can totally see how they go forward. I am waiting impatiently for the second season.

Great acting from all the main and secondary cast, even the guest actors were great. All the dramatic scenes were very well developed and managed to transmit the feelings that they must. I think that when a drama can make you cry watching it, it is a great one and a sign of amazing acting ability by the actors. They all show different feelings and do not remain static (like Jun Wan being tsundere all the time, he sometimes acts cute and silly), this shows amazing acting ability and allows the audience to see how far the actors can go.

So pretty and the message that they convey great for the scenes and episodes where they are used. The Ost consists of a lot of different songs, which I realize are oldies in South Korea, but are so good to the ear as they are not the typical K-pop songs we are used to now.

Rewatch Value:
Very High, I continue watching it because I love it so much.

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Ongoing 16/16
Queen of Tears
0 people found this review helpful
by ory
May 12, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers


(not sure if this counts as spoiler but just in case)

i havent actually finished it and i think its quite a good drama, tho i wouldnt watch it again, not because i think theres something bad with it but because everytime i started a new ep (mostly near the end of the drama) i got reminded of the way i HATE eunsung. i know its literally part of the drama, the story, but i think i havent hated someone THAT much, he stressed me out, how he lied to haein when she woke up from her surgery and tried to hell her how bad her family and hyunwoo "actually" were. his mother also stressed me out but i think at least not that much, i got pissed more about haein's grandpa bc of the choices he made (giving everything to eunsung's mother) ?? and because beomja tried to warn him but never listened to her (this reminded me to that spanish saying "ojo de loca no se equivoca")

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King the Land
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Feel good romantic comedy

Overall it's a good series. Main lead and supporting casts delivered well. The storyline is not new but it still warms the heart. There are a few tear jerker moments as well. The only thing I'm really surprised is that although both Jun-ho and Yoon-ah did a good job, i really can't feel their chemistry. I can't pinpoint it but i wasn't convinced that they love each other in the series. Their kisses didn't excite me as much as i would have expected. But putting the lack of chemistry aside, its a good series to watch especially if you are looking for a feel good rom-com.

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Crash Landing on You
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 31, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

hyun bin can crash land on me anytime ;)

Wow I did not expect to like this drama as much as I did! Hyun Bin is a household name in the kdrama world but now I see where he gets his reputation from! <3

The chemistry between Son Ye Jin (Seri) and Hyun Bin (Junghyuk) was some of the best I've seen in a kdrama! From their first encounter with Junghyuk's powerful gazes and Seri's light, fun humor I knew this couple would have me hooked. Not to go on a rant but wow Ri Junghyuk has really ruined me. Lol whoever wrote his character and cast Hyun Bin knew what they were doing, what a man! Also this show has one of the best second couple leads I've ever seen in a kdrama, the chemistry between Seo Dan and Seungjun was also amazing! I think the highlight of this drama was amazing characters, and it also had a good mix of comedy, action, and romance.

The comedic timing of the show is unmatched and I think is what makes the first half of the show especially amazing. I started watching the drama because saw a clip of the show on YT and I immediately searched it because the clip was super funny! The chemistry between Seri and the soldiers is amazing and I always laughed whenever they were on screen. Also Seri's personality in general and interactions with other characters almost always leads to a laugh when she is on screen. Having a female lead character that is not only pretty but has a bomb personality is something this drama has perfected and I hope to see more lively female characters in other dramas!

Some parts of the plotline were little iffy for me, like the whole fate plotline was driven too hard. I think with some minor adjustments to the plotline the drama could seem more believable, which I think helps make the chemistry between the characters appear more genuine. Let's not even talk about how she got to NK because that was wild!

I'm not gonna lie, I was not that interested in most of the other plotlines besides the main two couples' relationships. Also towards the 11-13th episodes the whole conflict with cho cheol gang was becoming tiresome and dragged out. *SPOILER* tbh for me I got tired of seeing someone ending up in the hospital after getting shot *SPOILER ENDS* I personally would have liked to have seen more screentime with the couples together than some of the action stuff. I think this show had too many villains, like being in North Korea is rough enough but then they added on all these extra plotlines with villains. At a certain point, I kind of got confused on who were the villains, especially on the NK side.

The ending made me feel wistful but I think that it compliments the drama well. I think that as a melodrama the way the characters end up fits the drama's theme. Anyways, overall I think this is a great drama, especially for older kdrama fans, and after you finish I definitely recommend watching behind the scenes on youtube because it is very funny!

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Why R U?
0 people found this review helpful
by Jairo
Jan 21, 2021
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Enemies to lovers, and much more.

OK first of all, let me tell you that this show got some delays in production because of COVID-19 and it kind of derail a little bit the story at the end but, overall it got the job done, so if you are interested in watching this show... watch it it’s really worth it and it’s satisfying to watch until the very end. And I think it’s much needed after this whole Covid thing that we’ve been going through. Now to the review:

The story it’s great, but it suffers due to bad execution. I don’t think the problems with the show where actually with the story itself, the problems I found where problems with production because I think they had a really good story laid out but because of the problems I mentioned before due to Covid, I think they weren’t able to trace the story as neatly as they could have. I could see that there were some parts that were cut and some parts were pieced together in like the last four or five episodes, I think in the middle there were some *moments* were left in the cutting board and I think that really hurt the story of secondary characters but, from beginning to end the story actually develops itself, sometimes rather quickly sometimes with a slow pace but, I always wanted to watch what was gonna happen next. And so will you.

OK this is a good one, the actors they were ALL GREAT, even the female actors and I usually don’t like the female actors especially if it’s a BL story I mean I just wanna watch the cute guys fall in love LOL. But these girls (Zol’s actress and Hwa’s actress) were killing it in every scene they were in. They were funny, they were interesting, they were amazing. Now, I had a problem with Zon’s actor, I don’t know why but I did not like him I mean I found him to be kind of all over the place, he made faces reacting to some things that I don’t think were right for the moments that were happening. I think Saint (Tutor’s actor, I love hiiiiim soo much) has been working on his acting a lot since his previous BL, Love by Chance, but I think that he is still trying to figure out how to cry properly in different characters, every time he was crying (maybe it was just my view of it) but I sense he was holding back a little and like trying to figure out what to do with his face a lot, but it didn’t happen all the time.

Favorites: Tutor, Fighter, Japan, Tanthai, Soda and Zen (he deserved more screentime (╥_╥) )

I really like the opening, I don’t usually like them but I actually really like this one. I don’t know why they changed it towards the middle of the show, I was like “I’m just getting used to this opening and you’re going to change it on me all of a sudden”, I don’t get that, and the rest of the music I didn’t really care for it.

I will definitely watch again in a couple months, when it’s not so fresh in my memory.

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The K2
0 people found this review helpful
by Y_M
Jan 3, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
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I'll keep this review short.

Have you every had an empty feeling after watching a great show? After watching The K2, I felt a deep void. This show is amazing and I loved watching it the first time especially because everything was fresh to me. The second time I watched it I couldn't have the same feeling ever again because I already knew what was going to, which is why I felt that empty feeling when I finished that last episode. I actually watched this show a few months ago and I still really love it. The one this I didn't like was the An na character. She was kinda annoying in the show and I didn't really like her ending up with K2. I loved Choi Yoo Jin so much and I felt kinda disappointed when she didn't end up with the ML. I felt such good chemistry with Yoo Jin and K2 way more than K2 and Anna. Anyway, I was still satisfied by the ending and anyone who hasn't watched it should watch it.

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True Beauty
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Love Triangle = Must Watch Rom-Com!

I don't care what anyone tells me, I have always been Team Suho since episode 1, even if True Beauty did try their very best to sway me, I still couldn't be swayed because I still held on for my man until the very ending!

To me, this drama did not disappoint me whatsoever. This drama was everything I could have ever asked for. I loved it so much, took me back to my High School years when I was cyberbullied for either being too fat or not being a good writer, so I connected with Lim Joo Gyung so well.

There were lots of laughter and crying along the way, I had my favorite scenes I could re-watch all the time. This will be one of those shows where it's a great starter. This show really was a good way to open up the door for future kdrama.

To me, I never read the Webtoon and honestly, I'm glad I didn't read the webtoon, otherwise, I would have REALLY been torn between our two male leads.

In the end, everyone got their happy ending, even if it wasn't the ending that some might have hoped for, but to me, it was everything. Thank you so much, TvN for such a rollercoaster drama.

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Why R U?
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 25, 2021
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

This is still cute despite visible flaws

The series is cute and lovable and the cinematography is very beautiful. The problem is the cast because some of supporting characters are still unrecognizable to me. I was still confused who is who, I only know Saint, Zee, Tommy, Jimmy, Perth and Goy. The rest, forgettable. I was really turned off everytime where there are scenes with many cringy sound effects. The production to this series in terms of effects is overdone. The last few episodes kinda turn me down but still good at the end. The soundtrack is beautiful. Story-wise, not the most concrete but still good to follow

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The King: Eternal Monarch
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 6, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Confusion between "complexity" and "lazy writing"

I have seen other works of writer-nim, which i did enjoy, hence i had to use the term "lazy". I was watching a lots of negetive comments stating that it was "Complex" but from my POV, i found it quite easy to understand once i got the rythm. Don't get me wrong, me finding it easy added nothing to my viewing experience, it just made me wait longer for something to happen that i would find appealing.

I have a very emotional bond with Lee min ho coz the first kdrama ever watched was City hunter and he was my first oppa, but Second lead stole all the thunder. His character was the Only interesting thing in the whole series and i found myself waiting for his screentime.

I am not a bitch.. i will acknowledge the effort to make a vivid time travel sci-fi story and it would have succeeded if the makers attempted to tie up million loose ends and made the characters true to their original traits( even though there is no character development). I personally didn't like the FL even tho kim Go Eun tried her best.

So only watch if u have time to kill. You won't miss much by skipping.

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Cheese in the Trap
0 people found this review helpful
by xmapav
Jun 20, 2016
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
All I can say is - everything can happen. A well written drama with toned down characters. It wasn't over dramatic and they showed the real university life and the hardships behind it.
Over the episodes you really get to know the characters and realize that nobody is perfect here. Everybody has some baggage that comes in and disturbs the present.
All of your favourites will be challenged in here so be warned! Watch this with no expectations. It's a really good trip to take in the dramaland!
This of it as the Korean 'Game of Thrones'! :)
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Eternal Love
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 18, 2019
58 of 58 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This show is so much quality, I rarely ever write reviews but I think for this show it is a must. It is one of the best shows I have ever seen and everything about it is amazing I mean the cast hands down was amazing and the storyline so unique and so well executed.
I am so thankful to have come across this show and being able to have seen it. I legit would tell everyone to see this it is worth it all. Words CANNOT describe or even come close to doing justice for this show it has the right amount of everything and is one I will watch again. <3333333
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0 people found this review helpful
May 16, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

sweet as hell

as a french person, i couldn't be happier ! i discovered a lovely drama, with a bit of french in it, but honestly, even if it wasn't about France, i would still love it. it's so heartwarming and full of love.

i loved the chemistry between force & book, this only made the drama funnier to watch. i truly enjoyed every episode, it became a real comfort zone.

akk's sweetness and kindness (and his patience !) made my heart melt. book's character was charming too, even tho he disappointed me at the end.
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Eternal Love of Dream
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 26, 2024
56 of 56 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


my fengjiu, i have never loved a cdrama character like the way i loved bai fengjiu. dijun and fengjiu are perfect and their love story is so beautiful. the slowburn and angst was so worth it, their chemistry was insane and i'm glad we got 56 episodes of swoon worthy moments.

Another wonderful thing to watch was the character growth both donghua dijun and bsi fengjiu went through. fengjiu went from her childish and naive countenance to a queen who could hold her own. donghua learned to accept love for what it is and opened up his heart for the woman he loved.

i was fully satisfied with my grumpy boyfriend x sunshine girlfriend trope here. ❤️

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