Lump of Sugar
6 people found this review helpful
Mar 7, 2013
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This movie overall was pretty much your standard fair for a horse movie and if you're an admirer of horses, horse racing, or a touching story you'll enjoy it. I also thought that this movie portrayed some of the struggles of being a female jockey pretty accurately. The movie also shows how the bond between a girl and her horse can last. The thrills and dangers that go along with horse racing are highlighted as well. -if you know or knew nothing about horse racing this movie is sort of like a basic intro to the "dark side" of racing per say.

The plot had both strong and weak points, but they averaged out into an okay movie. The first 20 or so minutes was excellent and so adorable that I thought 'so far this is a 10'. However it was followed by some nasty turns of events that made me drop it down to an 7-8. Then it got better again with a turn of events that brought it back up to an 8. Yet at the very end I just couldn't quite justify the 8, yet again due to a turn of events, and dropped it back to a 7. -That probably wasn't very helpful, but if I gave you details it would spoil the movie. Just so you know this movie has it's tear jerking moments as well, and while it didn't have me crying it gave me a mild case of the sniffles.

Music was fine and the rewatch value is pretty low because although I would rewatch it, it would not take a high spot in priority. There are movies I would much rather rewatch first.

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Tiny Times 3
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 14, 2014
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
I've personally been a fan of Tiny Times since the beginning. As a young adult, the glamour of the scenes is appealing to the eyes and of course, the eye candy can't be left out. In the third movie of this "trilogy" (there will be a fourth movie coming out Spring 2015), the cg effects continue along with new eye candy. However, it must be pointed out that Tiny Times 3.0 does bring us valuable perspectives into the lives of teens entering adulthood. A glamorous movie that makes you laugh and cry, envy the lives of the characters, drama-packed, but not too in-depth about certain things (which annoys me but I looked up those certain things afterwards). I wouldn't recommend this as a good movie that would provide you a lot of substance but it is a movie that allows you to dream and fantasize about.
Although trailers bring a lot of attention to Lin Xiao, there's a lot of focus on Gu Li as well. Gu Li's family members come back after her father's death. Finding out more information about her father's assets, it begins the adventure of unraveling more secrets whether it's about the company M.G., or about each person they call a friend or family. Although a bit messy with the story line, they broadly wrap up situations that can happen in a life that is not impossible, just highly unlikely. Loan sharks chasing after debts, girlfriends stealing boyfriends, boyfriends faking deaths, parents forcing their children to do whatever is told, and ultimately, friends keeping secrets from each other to protect each other. Looking aside from the cg effects and the slow motion scenes (in my opinion, were too much), director Guo Jing MIng incorporates life lessons and shows us that you can't judge situations just from one perspective. Seeing one situation from all the characters make you realize that a lot of problems in life have multiple sides and you have to think from another person's shoes. Once again, a bit messy and alternates between different scenes. It also didn't go as much in-depth as I would have liked about the new characters introduced.
There's really not much to say about the acting but Yang Mi's stomach really shows. If you didn't know, Yang Mi was still carrying her child during filming, and thankfully her baby is now born and really healthy, despite the cold scenes! I'm satisfied that she came back to film Lin Xiao though because as Guo Jing Ming once stated in an interview, Tiny Times isn't the same without the four girls. Vivian Dawson wasn't bad as Gong Ming so kudos to him! Chen Xue Dong as an M.G. model is a nice change. You can see his character conflicting between Zhou Chong Guang and Lu Shao (his new identity) and I personally don't feel good when I see his face scrunched up in pain, especially when he can't confront Lin Xiao and tell her everything. Bea as Nan Xiang has more scenes this time around and definitely shows us infinitely more sides to her innocent, goddess-like aura. Even Xie Yi Lin as Tang Wan Ru brings more to the table than being a happy simpleton.
Also, Chen Xue Dong's "Never or Ever" (lit. translation "No Goodbye") and Sodagreen's "Glimmer" are amazing additions to the Tiny Times OST. Overall, a wonderful movie to pass time and reminisce about certain relationships.

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Yamada Taro Monogatari
6 people found this review helpful
by Iwyn
May 19, 2016
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
I started to watch this drama on a whim, but for some reason, I couldn't stop at the the first or second episode, so I finished the whole thing in just one day!

The plot doesn't seem much at first and it actually may appear to be very superficial, but sometimes appearences may fool you and I think so was this case with this drama. Even though the story is indeed very light and easy-going, the peculiar thing about it is the way it portrays human relationships, not with all the drama and troubles, but the way they're supposed to be - simple and based on understanding and mutual help. Sometimes, we need light-hearted stories to remind us to be optimistic and forget about our daily problems and this drama it did its job. It's very heart-warming and touching at times, so you'll find yourself quickly drawn into the story and root for the characters. And it's also very hilarious - the kind of funny that it both makes you laugh and touches your heart.

There are a variety of characters - from the poor, nice, family-oriented boy to the rich, but distant guy. Again, they might seem too standard at first, but they actually grow on you. They go through some things, they learn what's important and by the end of the day, their view on life, no matter their differences, changes. There's actually a lot of debate on whether it's good or not to be poor as long you still have a loving family beside you, or being rich, but not being able to express yourself and get closer to the ones you cherish.

The male leads are really the ones who make this drama what it is and I have to say what else would you expect from two great actors such as Ninomiya Kazunari and Sakurai Sho. The character that Ninomiya plays might seem the usual happy-go-lucky type of guy, but he's really very thoughtful and caring, not to mention pretty much a genius; while Sho's character is more of a cold, reserved guy, he actually starts to come more out of his shell and embrace all of his emotions, without refraining himself from anything. Taro's family is also a big part of the story and you can't help but loving each one of them, especially those adorable kids who always try their best for their brother and don't cause any problems. The only character that annoyed me was Ikegami Takako, the female lead, who kept her strong belief in superficial things such as money and popularity almost all the way through the end, so I just ignored her.

There's also a lot of bromance not only between the main characters, but also from a supporting character as well, or should I say, especially from one of the supporting characters... you'll get my point if you watch it! I just loved their relationship because it was so simple, yet so strong... it was really a good add to this drama!

I definitely would rewatch this sometime in the future because it's very entertaining and warm, and just a nice way to spend your time!

I know some of the supporting characters were annoying and their reactions were a bit exaggerated, but overall I enjoyed this drama. You should give it a try if you're in the mood for something light and funny, but also with a bit of insightful message!

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Age of Youth
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2016
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
all i have to say is this drama is freaking beautiful awesome amazing whatever you say BUT just watch it and you won't regret it it gave me those feels especially if you are a girl it just makes you want to go to college and have roomates that care about you like in this drama its beautiful sooooooo watch it ! enjoy !!!
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A Tale of Thousand Stars
5 people found this review helpful
Apr 10, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

What is essential in life?

I see that a lot of positive things have already been written about this wonderful series and I do not think that I can add much. From early on, I had the feeling that this could finally be a 10/10 again (ten stars for the Thousand Stars), and I was not disappointed.

Was it without flaws? No. The series suffered from some annoying product placement, as we are used to from GMMTV. Also, the dialogues had their weaker moments and the music, while really memorable and fitting overall, was a bit over the top at times.

However, the flaws are forgivable. What I took away from “A Tale of Thousand Stars” was romanticism in its purest form. It did not stop at the slow-burn, yet still intense romance between the main characters, but involved the whole setting and storytelling. The story could have been about leaving one’s comfortable and predictable life behind to be with the person one loves, but it was just as much a story about personal growth after being confronted with what is essential in life. I admit that the way the series looked at the “simple life in the countryside” was naive and idealised, but in that it followed the traditional romanticist ideas about nature. Adding a romantic tale/myth to the mix worked very well. Thankfully, the format of the series allowed for a slow progressing of the plot and proper character development; every episode was able to deliver both strong emotions and true peace of mind.

The series made me think about my own life more than I could have imagined. What is essential and what are we willing to give up in our lives? For what reasons? Definitely a strong recommendation; I need to rewatch it myself as well!

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River of Murder
6 people found this review helpful
by TheJ
Nov 17, 2012
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
First off, I'd like to preface this by saying that the description on this site is so far off. I was expecting something completely different after reading it. So, if the description is what's keeping you from watching this, think it over again.

Now then, on to the review.

Story: The story...was incredibly confusing for the first half hour or so. I was just not sure what was going on. One thing would happen, and that would lead to a flashback, and then we'd be back to the present, but we aren't even sure if it's actually the present or what; seriously, it was confusing.

The speed with which it was told wasn't too horrible. It let's you kind of get used to what's happening before time jumping a few years and leaving you a little confused again.

The story itself isn't really much. Two friends like the same girl and that causes a rift between them that goes on for years. Nothing new.

Acting: The acting wasn't too bad. It was probably the best part of the movie, even if it wasn't that spectacular.

Kim Da Hyun, I feel, did an awesome job in his role. The same goes for Shin Sung Rok. The rest of the cast didn't really do much for me.

Music: Other than one song that seems to get played/sung a lot, I don't remember a single song or any of the music. As for the one song I do remember, I definitely disliked it.

Rewatch Value: I'm not really sure if I'd ever want to watch it again, but I figure I probably wouldn't say no if anybody ever asked me to watch it with them or something.

Overall: Unfortunately, I don't really have much to say about this movie. It didn't really leave a huge impact on me or anything. If you can get over the confusing parts of the movie though, I think you could probably enjoy this a lot more than I did.

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Love's Deception
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 28, 2024
22 of 22 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

The mini series without a plot

This series is a mini series, 22 total episodes, supposedly 10 minutes each but it’s really about 7 minutes each. It revolves around a fairy/food deity being sent to the human world for punishment but it talked a turn because upon her arrival there is slight chaos in the home and apparently she is already fated. Okay, I know it sounds weird but this short story has so many plot holes that it was really hard to figure out the point of anything. As we get to the end, we are life with an unprecedented cliff hanger and it appears purposefully done. Although the cast were leads were good in appearance it couldn’t make up for this choppy series and ended like it was a commercial break.
Is it worth the watch? No, not in my book.
Why? Nothing made since and it was too choppy to really understand things. On top of that no growth making it hard to like anyone.
Would I recommend? No because their was no plot or reason,
Is it romantic? Nope
Is it cute? Nope, just people dressed up nicely.

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Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go
6 people found this review helpful
Apr 20, 2023
2 of 2 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

So silly I liked it

First I was really hopping Palm doesn't call nueng diao as young master or the Mr he did...I enjoyed seeing them being accual boyfriend...most pple won't agree with me but i wish it was longer...I could take another four episodes...the comedy the silliness.. Pond in that silk costume...aah yes...
My highlight in the a huge Marc fan and seeing him again with pawin was a suprise that I needed to add up in the special episode....
Will i rewatch it...yes a couple of million times....what a fantastic way to end the era of NEVER LET ME GO...
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Leh Ratree
6 people found this review helpful
May 22, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Uneccesary remake, of a dated story-line.

The settling of a debt: the sins of the father laid upon one child. One punishment for having jerks for parents? Selling off your child and future grandchild in an all-in-one human trafficking moment. But then, both families were 'a piece of work' in both versions (2001, 2015) of this drama.

I do appreciate they toned down little sis' need to be the male lead's mistress in this version. Though early cringe moments can be heard as inappropriate shadows, left in dialog. As for the 2001 original rape scene; 2015 same scene, slightly consensual context (FL touches ML's back in fadeout), & same outcome. A bad remake, of a dated story-line. Not recommended.

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Long Vacation
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 11, 2015
11 of 11 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
one of the oldest yet one of the best dorama, once i watched it, i got so drown into it and simply cannot stop.
the story itself is about a guy and a girl who accidentally have to live under the same roof in the midst of situation where everything they do just don't work out right. the kind of story you can relate to yourself at some point of your life, although not exactly the same

All supporting characters as such Shinji & Momoko have strong presence throughout the drama, and the chemistry between Kimutaku & Tomoko Yamaguchi just feels right. no more-no less, simply a deep connection without having to express much.

There are some parts of the conversation in the drama when you can instantly relate to your own experience. That's the simplicity of this drama that makes it simply unforgettable.

Rewatch? Absolutely.
Recommend? Without a doubt.

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Drama Special Season 5: I'm Dying Soon
6 people found this review helpful
Dec 31, 2015
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
It's really good movie and i found it funny overall the actors and actress did it well, every single scene is must watch i didn't skip even a second cause it's really good, the plot got my heart and definitely watch it again and again.

Everyone will realize when you're in his position watch it so you'll know what i am talking about, it's just 1 hour and 15 minutes pretty short but it's full of emotions.

I found this special drama because of kim seulgi she's really good also jungse i already saw some of his dramas/movies and he's a good actor over all they're excellent.

If you're thinking to watch this then do it right away!

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6 people found this review helpful
Mar 26, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Cyrano 'au contraire'

I guess you all know the plot of Cyrano de Bergerac, one of the most iconic love stories ever written in history...
The beauty of that romantic novel - model for a thousand of love stories written afterwards, looking at it as an inspiration- resides in one simple concept: the pure, true, unselfish, generous love of Cyrano at the end is recognised by the woman he loves and it's , somehow, rewarded.
Well, turn it upside-down and you get the plot of 'Start-up'.
Here, instead, the selfish, aggressive, deceitful, serial-liar male character gets the too-good-for-him-girl and the generous boy gets nothing but a slap on his face.
I don't know what's the personal problem of the writer, or if the director has gone through a difficult relationship , but it looks like their intent is to destroy an otherwise potentially beautiful love story about two people who were ment to be together, bound by destiny; I bet most of the K-drama fans who were watching the first episodes expected that natural outcome. But, no:, the director and writers went the other way: nstead of giving us a story with a meaningful message (honesty and generosity will be rewarded) and an happy ending, they decided to ruin our mood by giving us an ugly ending (dishonesty and lies win the heart of the Beauty).
Personally, I'm a huge fan on Bae Suzy because I find her possibly the most attractive and cute Korean actress ever. Therefore, I am pissed off by seeing again and again that the film-makers in korean indusrty keep on giving her 'cinderella' roles, where she plays always the role of a fragile young woman who has to be saved by the Prince. And it's not just any ordinary Cinderella, she depicts a stupid one, at that: in this serie's plot, just tell me please how can an intelligent person accept to be together with such a liar? How can't she recognise where real love comes from? So disturbing!
It's not the first serie where Bae Suzy ends up with the wrong guy; in 'While you were sleeping' she gives herself away too easily to a dull, narcissistic and childish male lead (in that case it was the always boring, boysh, one-expression-only-in-the-whole-film, Lee Jong-suk; he's probably like that in real life, I guess) .
Please, give her a better male lead next time, some real, grown-up man.

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To the Moon and Back
6 people found this review helpful
Jul 19, 2023
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 10

Favorite Thai Drama To Date!!!

This is an ongoing drama, so I haven't seen the end yet. But I felt compelled to write a review of this drama from what I've seen so far. The male lead is absolutely amazing! He's so adorable, and as the drama goes on, you can see the look of love in his eyes when he sees the female lead. He is green flags everywhere. I love how accepting he is of the female lead despite her crazy family and weird personality. I absolutely love it. The female lead, I absolutely love her too! She's adorable, kind, funny, and brings out more goodness in the male lead. She also gives him love that he never received while growing up. They are such a perfect match for each other.

The story line is impeccable. The cast is so well picked, and the characters are so funny! They just add to the story. If you are considering watching this, I definitely say, "GO FOR IT!" I can't wait to see how the story will end.


I have officially finished the drama and let me tell you. This drama is worth watching. Most people say it's a slow burn romance, which... it is. But for me it didn't feel that way. It didn't feel that way because I was entertained the whole show. The main leads romance was cute and adorable, and I loved seeing how the ML fell first. Were there characters that got on my nerves? Sure. But there are always characters we don't like. I enjoyed pretty much the whole cast, and they did a splendid job with this drama. If you like romance with green flag main leads, which includes a cute and perky FL who helps the ML break out of his shell, with fun friends, coworkers, and family, this drama is definitely for you. Watch this drama, you won't regret it.

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6 people found this review helpful
Aug 22, 2021
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 3.0
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It lacked something

While there is realism in this drama, jae eon's complete turn from an f-boy to a loyal partner (as depicted in the end) is just not believable and out of character. Na bi on the other hand was a realistic and well written character.Whether we agreed with her actions or not, we could definitely picture a real life person going through her struggles and making her mistakes.
There were too many scenes with the protagonists spacing out while music was playing in the background. I don't need to watch jae eon staring at his butterflies for 5 minutes. All in all, something was lacking and I found myself fast forwading some scenes.
P.s I am glad potato boy didn't end up with Na bi, It would be out of character for Na bi, since she didn't feel any sparks and he deserved someone who could love him completely and Na bi was not that person.

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Lawless Lawyer
6 people found this review helpful
by ivybis
Nov 16, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 6.5

A Must for Lee Joon Gi Fans

I recently discovered actor Lee Joon Gi in the drama series Flower of Evil and I was so impressed with his performance that I set out to find other of his titles available on Viki. Lawless Lawyer is not nearly as well written as FOE, and not a genre (crime/detective drama) that I usually watch. I don't tend to enjoy gritty crime dramas, but both LJG and Seo Je Yi are two actors whom I have seen in other dramas and enjoyed their work. Both MLs are gorgeous and engaging to watch.

Both actors delivered fine performances as the tough gangster-turned-lawyer out for revenge and the young starry-eyed attorney who discovers realty is a bitter pill to swallow when the people she trusts are not who they seem. The past brings these two together and both become involved in a dangerous game to bring bad characters to justice. There are many comedic elements that serve to lighten the mood when the plot gets too heavy. Our MLs seem to enjoy each other and they have good chemistry.

There are some strong performances from our MLs as well as the supporting cast, yet the writing is not so tight. Many implausibilities, plot holes and underused characters weakened its impact. It's still very entertaining, but when I question some of the characters' choices, I know the plot just isn't as good as it could have been. The end seems to get a little sloppy and loses its heart. As much as I love Lee Joon Gi's wide set eyes and intense gaze that reminds me of a cobra about to strike, I would much rather see him in better written dramas that showcase his immense talent.

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