Chains of Heart
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 8, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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Lost potential

This was a huge loss of potential. The story was halfway decent but, due to poor directing choices and editing, it fell flat. The acting was good, especially the leads. But, Lordy, this had some of the worst fight scenes I have ever seen. Did the director actually think they looked believable? Let’s put a guy in the middle of 5 gunmen shooting at him and he decides it would be a good idea to take off his motorcycle helmet. I guess I was more disappointed because mafia series are my favorite. This won’t be in my list. All this, and the ending was crap.
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Oct 27, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

refreshing and cute

Do you hear that scream? yes, that was me screaming and squealing and it has been only 3 episodes. Am I overreacting? NO. It is THAT good. I have watched my fair share of Japanese live-action BLs and I have always admired them as they just have a different atmosphere from other BLs. They don't overuse sound effects and the camerawork is commendable.
I have really high hopes for this series.
The theme is really unique and easy to follow. The story is about a 30-year-old virgin who can hear other people's thoughts by touch and one day discovers that his co-worker has a crush on him.
I like how the thoughts of the co-worker are all so appropriate and humble. He sounds so whipped for the main lead but yet so respectful. I am looking forward to learning how he exactly fell in love and what will happen if he finds out that the main lead can hear his thoughts.
So much avenue for story development. I am really excited for the coming episodes.
Honestly, each scene, each dialogue is so well executed. The microexpressions of the main leads, the chemistry, the pacing, the visuals, I have yet to find anything lacking.
Even the second leads seem to be getting their own side story and I look forward to how both the stories will develop. I am a little skeptical about the side story as it revolves around the same theme, Hopefully, it will stand out and not just become filler material.
The actors are just all stunning. The dynamics, the portrayal of their characters, I have seen the manga and they could not have chosen a better cast for this BL.
There are 2 songs(intro and outro) till now and both are really good. Already added to my playlist.
Rewatch value:
3 episodes and I have rewatched them around 2 times already.
I'm gonna go wait in the corner and cry until the next episode comes out.

okay, so I finished it today. I am a little disappointed, hence I changed my rating from a 9.5 to 9. I think the ending episodes just became a little bland, to put it more clearly, it was like really good food but not a lot of salt so I would still eat it but its not something that I will remember the next day. This is only the last few episodes though.

I know there are a few Japanese BLs and I'm really happy that they are starting to produce more BLs, and I LOVED IT DON'T GET ME WRONG ...BUT.. we didn't even get one kiss..just the subtle hint that they kissed. The drama was less: there was the cliche break up then get back together scene; the second leads all but disappeared during the last few episodes. Except for this, I think they did a solid job. Maybe I'm just thirsty lol.

side note: I wish they did more with the whole 'reading minds' thing.

I stand by what I said in my previous(above) review. I still enjoyed the series. Both the characters were loveable, and as a couple, they had great chemistry. A very mature and adorable slice of life series with a hint of magic. The character development is admirable and the relationship is healthy with no toxicity at all. The actors did such a great job and they are sooo gorgeous to look at too.

side note: one of the main cast is also in a new show called "Alice in borderland". He did such a great job there. Check it out if you want.

I would recommend watching it. Don't get your hopes up for a kiss scene or anything but the hugs are cute and the story is light and funny. The character development is satisfying and by the end, I assure you, you will find yourself smiling from ear to ear.

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I Told Sunset about You
5 people found this review helpful
by sarah
Nov 30, 2020
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


This was truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I will never be the same after watching this and no i am not over-exaggerating it rly is a masterpiece. To be able to make the viewer feel SO MUCH with a plot that lacks in the typical tools used to make people FEEL things (such as death and major tragedy) truly makes this so wonderfully unique and poignant. Honestly I couldn't even watch episodes unless I was in the right state of mind bc of the emotional pull every episode had. 10/10 and not just bkpp but everyone's (special shout outs to the actors for tan and hoon) acting was so thoughtful and believable. I'm honestly curious what they'll do with a 2nd season but I'm sure it'll be another emotional rollercoaster that I WILL be signing up for

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Love Mechanics
6 people found this review helpful
Dec 25, 2022
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 4.5

Despite reservations, the leads were perfect. But there was a weight that they couldnt shake.

I was/am quite the fan of "En of Love." Namely, "En of Love: Tossara" which I have rewatched more times than I can count. In that series, I was never a fan of Mark and Vee. But after this series, I'm realizing that it was because they didn't have the screen time necessary for their story. There's so much more here than just [Mark who can't take no for an answer] and [Vee who fell out of love with his girlfriend but is too used to her to leave]. So so much more. And I did not expect to cry coming into this adaptation, but cry I did. Major kudos to the 2 actors and the script writer.

The first thing that comes to mind with this series is the underlying plot of how deeply insecure Vee is. Because of how he sees himself and his social/wealth status, he thinks he can't get anything better than what he has. So he doesn't strive for anything. He accepts everything as it comes to him. The only thing he believes he has to offer is being kind, caring, and selfless. Mark helps him realize that he has value beyond this. Which is super touching, considering Mark's own status. He never once uses that fact to wave it in front of Vee's face or to try and get an upperhand in their relationship. In fact, he is always willing to try new things with Vee. It is Vee who always brings up their social class difference - really demonstrating how insecure and self-conscious he is about it.

On the other hand, I hated how this drama handles some of its messages. Primarily, the seemingly overarching message about taking no for an answer when pursuing someone. And keeping that person's feelings in mind. Because several times we see conversations about backing off when they get annoyed. And it doesn't matter what deal you may have made with someone else, the only person who can make the call about being together is the person being pursued. But this was repeated SUPER often. And it seems that the writers believe that the only sign that a person is getting annoyed with being courted, is if they have a boyfriend. Not when they say no. Not when then flat out say they want to be left alone. No. The only time their feelings are respected is when they say (and sometimes PROVE) they have a boyfriend.

I did like how it operated in grey territory though. None of the characters are intending to do bad. And they're all aware they are, and feel guilty about it. But circumstances keep getting in the way. And because of how everything is uncertain, it has everyone's emotions going haywire. So it was all very well written. And, for the most part, well handled.

I say for the most part, because the writing seems to want us to sympathize with Ploy. But there's not much there to sympathize with. She's a hypocrite. And that sweet persona feels very purposeful as a result. But surprisingly, as much as I hate hypocrites, I didn't find her the worst character here.

That honor goes to Siwaa. She had me FUMING like no other in this drama. Frequently. The script may have been telling us she was well-intentioned. But she had NO business getting involved like she did. And if she thinks THAT poorly about Vee, her friend, she should stop trying to call herself his friend. But perhaps she continues to do so so that she can have "grounds" to stay involved in his business. She does whatever she pleases with no mind paid to what the people involved will feel as a result. And if her digs are what Vee has listened to since they became friends, it's no wonder AT ALL why he's as insecure as he is. With friends like her, who needs enemies? I wanted to smack that grin off her face on many occasions. I kept waiting for someone to call her out on it. But no one did.

On a side note, I am AMAZED at how well they chose this new actor for Bar. He felt near exactly the same, but with an overall screen presence that fit much more. I also loved the inclusion of one of the regional Thai dialects with Vee's family.

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The King’s Avatar
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 19, 2020
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
Welcome to my first review! I enjoyed this drama so much I have to recommend it to other viewers. I was skeptical because I found a lot of things I didn't enjoy about Love O2O, another drama based on gaming. I decided to give it a try after reading other reviews that said it was not the same and was not a romance. I like romance sometimes. This drama is great without it. I don't want to beat up on Love O2O too much. However if you were drawn to that program with certain expectations because it was about gaming and you felt let down, The King's Avatar won't suddenly disappoint you halfway through the episodes.

That's not to say that The King's Avatar is only about gaming. The gaming aspect will tie some people's interests to the show but it is still about the characters and their struggles to find themselves. The characters are the most compelling aspect of the drama. No one is out and out evil although many start out unlikable. Nothing is painted in black and white and even the most unlikable people begin to learn and grow. I especially like that there isn't a focus on romance because the three central female characters deserve to be portrayed as people who are trying to find their destinies just as much as the male characters. They don't turn into props for the male characters. They stand on their own. This is only the second drama that has left me wanting to see more seasons. I can't wait to see how these characters are further developed.

The only aspect of the drama that I found off-putting was the very beginning. We stopped watching in the middle of the first episode because we worried that the competition aspect was going to be over the top cheesy. Luckily we came back to it because it was worth watching once we got past the beginning. I don't know that they could have begun any other way and it was more balanced and made sense as we watched further into the episodes.

The game play was not realistic but I didn't see this as a problem. I felt like it was represented in a way that maintained the development of the story without being too distracting. The notions of game play such as strategy, strengths and weaknesses of different fighter classes, finding the right equipment and team work were all very realistic. The time spent playing the game over the course of the drama is significant enough that the story would have suffered if they hadn't animated it to reveal the emotions of the players behind the game characters. They made it work extremely well.

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Cat Street
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 26, 2013
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.5
If you're a fan of the manga this drama will frustrate you. Kuichi and Rei are smashed together into one character. Considering those two characters are polar opposites it makes the male lead unbalanced and unlikable. And since they needed to round out the number of people they created a completely new character. The ending with El Liston is also very different. I'm usually very forgiving when it comes to changes between the original and the drama/movie, but this time they just didn't make sense.

That being said Keito and Momoji are very well portrayed. The first few volumes of the manga are almost unchanged in the drama.

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71: Into the Fire
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 20, 2013
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This movie is so powerful, strong and amazing.
The fact that this movie was based on a real story, I am speechless! This is what makes this movie so special and better.

The acting was superb, I felt with them, I cried with them, I smiled with them and every emotion they where going trough. And really, that is a hard thing to accomplish in a movie.
The music fitted every scene and was outstanding! It gave some scenes even more power than it already had.

You'll cry and smile and at the end you will have some weird feelings in your stomach. This movie was amazing and I could definitely rewatch this anytime! I would recommend it to anybody who searches a amazing storyline, a powerful movie and outstanding acting!

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Kim Ji Young: Born 1982
5 people found this review helpful
Apr 19, 2020
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
I've been intrigued by this movie ever since I saw the trailer last year and finally got to watch it after some months have passed. It did not disappoint at all and exceeded my expectations for it.

The first scenes will hit you like a trainwreck on how close it is to women's daily lives (whether they're raising a family or treading their career) in general. A lot of the main character's problems are those we (women) have encountered one way or the other. The unfairness of what she has to go through is relatable and raw, you'll just end up crying because it's true, or because you've experienced it as well.

Jung Yumi and Gong Yoo's acting in this movie is definitely worth the praise. How they communicated their characters have you convinced they have experienced it themselves, or are currently going through similar troubles in life. Delicate scenes in the movie dealing with heavy emotions were also on point and have you feeling the right connection to their characters. Succinct and crisp dialogues between them make you hooked but sufficiently satisfied because it was the right words for each interaction they had as a couple.

This is definitely a movie you must watch for the sake of being reminded about how heavy we should take gender equality in society. It offers insight into the emotions a wife, a mother, a student, a worker would have during the times they're forced to grow up, and situations they cannot control because of the lack of respect for them in their family and in public.

Pack some tissues while you're at it. You'll need it while watching this.

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Country Boy 2
6 people found this review helpful
Apr 7, 2022
2 of 2 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Sure, it's good... but a 10? YES!

Anyone that has read my other reviews may have noticed that I am not particularly generous with 9s and 10s when it comes to ratings. So why a 10 for this one? I will do my best to explain below. Here are my pros and cons:


THE MAIN COUPLE. They are as wholesome and endearing as it gets. Nubdao (Mon) is not only beautiful, but shows a real vulnerability as well. Keptawan (Oak) is the real star here. As the uneducated country boy, he plays the part with what, at first, might come across as over-the-top acting, but it ends up working. You can't help but root for him, he totally sold me on his character.

MESSAGES. This short gay love story conveys some important messages. Keptawan shows us that, despite life's slings and arrows, maintaining a positive attitude can get us through just about anything. His mother is a wonderful role model as a supportive parent of a naive, gay son. And Nubdao shows us that love can strike unannounced, when you least expect it. (One of my favorite moments was when Keptawan found Nubdao waiting in his room, and Keptawan's reaction.)

THEME SONG. Can't get enough of it. Mon sings so nicely.


BREVITY. The plot line is just fine, but it would have been nice to know more of the background of the characters. What happened to Keptawan's dad? Why does the uncle harbor such hostility toward the mother? Did Nubdao abandon his career to stay with Keptawan? None of these are dealbreakers for me, but it would have nice to know a bit more.

When I watched the first Country Boy, I thought it was sweet but wasn't quite sold on it -- I think I gave it a 7.0 rating -- mainly because it was hinting at romance but delivered more of a bromance. And, since it seemed like that might be it, I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I don't need skinship and make out/sex sessions to enjoy a BL series. But I was a little confused as to what we were supposed to get out of it, other than a cute story. Thankfully, Country Boy 2 changed all that for me.

At the end of the day, I found myself not only anticipating these episodes much more than I have with some other, more high budget (and longer) popular BL series. And I've already rewatched both episodes a few times and will continue to do so. I'd love it if they come up with Country Boy 3. Can't get enough of these two!

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Cherry Blossoms after Winter
6 people found this review helpful
by Bex
Apr 14, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

So goddamn fluffy it’ll make you puke rainbows

Cherry Blossoms After Winter is an incredibly fitting title for this show, yet not at all seemingly relevant. It was so colorful and so soft. I can’t describe this show as anything other than mind-numbingly gentle. Objectively, I see this show as incredibly mediocre, but subjectively I was entranced.

Looking back, the story wasn’t jampacked, but that’s okay. The first 5 episodes followed their life in high school and how they slowly transitioned into something more than friends. The last 3 followed their university life with some bigger (but not *that* big) problems. I think the 25-minute episodes were a great length, and it felt neither rushed nor dragged in my opinion. However, one big thing about the story that I wish they explored, was the fact that the two of them grew up as brothers. It’s no secret that Tae-seong had like Hae-bom ever since they were kids, but they didn't explore their past relation-dynamic enough. Since they barely talked as they grew older, and they practically grew up as brothers, shouldn’t there have been a little more conflict from that regarding their feelings for each other? It's not often you end up falling in love with someone who was raised as your brother, you know. This is coming from a non-Webtoon reader, so I’m sure there are a bunch of time skips and holes that only people who have read the Webtoon understand.

As for acting, it was alright. I wouldn’t necessarily say that the acting was great as much as the leads’ chemistry was great. There were quite a few moments where the acting felt awkward when the characters were shy or flustered, but it didn’t make the show worse. Nevertheless, THEIR CHEMISTRY!!! I loved that it didn’t just have one or two fish kisses and one deep kiss like most K-BLs do. They did what people in relationships do: hold hands, give small and quick pecks on the lips, and give random hugs. It was nice.

The production of this show was good compared to what they had. The budget was higher than the average K-BL, but it’s obvious we’re not so far in the game that we have big companies as sponsors. But it was nice that the sets were varied. And OH MY, Tae-sung’s family must be so goddamn rich for them to have that house. Occasionally throughout the drama, I suspect the audio was ADR'ed. Probably because it was too windy sometimes so they had to re-record some lines. But it was fine.

Random small things that I enjoyed:
- I love it when BLs use the word gay. I feel like most of them shy away from the actual topic of homosexuality.
- The blatant product placement in episode 6 was so funny to me, like the three scenes in a row where the characters used that weird jumbo lipstick. I usually dislike obvious product placement, but it was just SO apparent that I enjoyed it.
- Their friends were surprised but supportive of their relationship.
- I laughed every single time they were like "Ugh, I can't sleep" and all of the lights around them were turned on.

Overall, this show was great. More than great. Even though it was so average. This is what I call a simple watch, not because of the length but because of the content. A lot of K-BLs try to pack in way too much story into 120 minutes of TV. Cherry Blossoms After Winter nailed the story-duration ratio. If you’re interested, give it a try!

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Glory of Special Forces
6 people found this review helpful
Apr 29, 2022
45 of 45 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

You must watch this drama

I don't know how to describe this drama. But I will tell you, throughout the episode you will feel tense, angry, emotional, laughing, to crying. Seeing every character that comes and goes, sacrifices and struggles makes the audience very touched. the development of each character in the box is very epic. I think this drama is not only Yang Yang who successfully portrayed the character Yan Po Yue, but all the actors who brought each character in this drama also had great success. Their acting is amazing. 给他们致敬
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Suicide Circle
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 1, 2016
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
Which should I go with? - Mind-Destroying, Heart-Crushing, or Thought-Provoking? I'm so mixed on this one. I would love to recommend it for the brilliance of the plot, but hate to recommend it because of the brutality of the effects.

I'm sorry folks, I almost couldn't watch this one. To be honest, I'm not all that impressed with myself that I could. What does that say about me? I still skipped past a couple of the more gruesome moments. Just couldn't watch. Thank God, I think if I hadn't been so disgusted I would have lost faith in myself somehow. If you can watch this without feeling horror (and no not the scary kind), then you need to take a good long look at yourself.

Mixed reviews on the acting. It's truly possible that some of the bad acting was intentional -- it actually fit the scenes in some strange way. In most of the movie, the acting was actually pretty good--so I'm a little divided on what to say there.

For the time when the film was made, the gore was pretty gory and the blood and guts appropriately freaky. In modern film-making it would probably be considered cheesy, but it successfully wigged me out. I dunno, I'm a little sensitive to this and am easy wigged. All together, I'd say well-made for its era, if perhaps a bit behind the times now.

No. I'm can maybe accept watching it once for the plot, but desiring to watch it a second time is probably a sign of sadistic tendencies.

STORY/MUSIC (They were too intertwined to discuss separately): This will be a little long because the topic is personal to me.

There are only two types of people I can see enjoying this film (please don't actually enjoy it--seriously). 1) People who get a perverse kick out of watching people/animals die in gruesome ways and 2) People willing to suffer through the revolting scenes for the sake of a good philosophical discussion. And this was a brilliant film from a thematical point of view.

See, the main topic of this film is Suicide, and the various people effected or involved.

It analyzes the victims and the many reasons driving people to this traumatic point of no return--lack of self-confidence, sense of pointlessness, peer pressure, relationship issues, murders disguised as suicide, etc. Even those who seemingly go for no apparent reason whatsoever.

At the same time, intermingled within the plot are the bystanders, families, police responders, and general members of society. The film captures so perfectly the modern sense of unconnectedness; many people feel watching tragic things happen to other people. People are watching the events unfold show a range of responses from cultish enthusiasm, total disinterest, dispassioned interest, and a passionate desire to become one of the club. The characters demonstrate both social unconcern about the deaths that are happening and the utter fascination many have with the topic of death and the afterlife. People are concerned about everything except the actual loss that has occurred. Although the Genesis scene (you'll see) comes across as mad and rather weird, it is truly a brilliant work of psychological art. It horrifically depicts the psychotic mindset of those people who become so caught up in the beauty and dream-like view of death's supernaturalism that they have already lost any living humanity.

The movie leaps between extremely realistic and graphic to slightly fantastical and almost in-sensitive. But that simply adds to the theme and the power of its message! For example, the use of cheery, thoughtless, innocent, teenage pop music as the background for many of the more graphic scenes. And the use of children to pose some of the more difficult questions. Suicide is a dark, horrible, destructive event. It is a thing of horror and it is very, very real. But so often we approach the topic or view such events in a distant, unconcerned viewpoint. Oh How Tragic, as we move on. It's like we are watching a movie that has no impact on our lives and does not affect our own innocence at all. People don't realize the magnitude of what each life lost really means to this world. This film seeks to warn against such hypocrisy. Which is why it pulls in important messages later in the film.

For example, the question - "What is your connection to you?" It's true. Suicide will only stop when people start to find the value of themselves from within. This movie asks you to stop looking outside of yourself for completion, mercy, validation, forgiveness, support, and a future. The world may give it to you or the world may not. Fate (and the human race) can be a b****. If you are relying on your answers to life to come from outside, it may never come. I love the part where the person says: "If you die, your connection with your wife will remain. So will your connection with your children. But if you die, you will lose the connection with yourself." That is very, very true. The memories will remain amongst those left alive. They will always remember how important you were and how you changed their lives. But suicide happens when a person loses that connection with themselves--when they forget how important they and the people in their lives are. Find your value from within and never let it go.

There is also the fact that we, the viewers watched it. In a way depicting precisely one of the main problems the movie is talking about. Many people have an unhealthy fascination with suicide, almost sadistically intrigued in the topic. Others simply view it with passing notice, as something not affecting themselves and thus unimportant. When there is a murder, we are concerned because of the danger it poses to ourselves. But with suicide the assailant is gone. So we move on, going about our lives as though nothing happened. But, as the kid asks "Why couldn't you feel the pain of others the way you feel your own? . . . You are the true criminal." What if it was your son or high school daughter or wife or husband? Would you feel the same way then? If the answer is yes, then something is wrong. If the answer is no, then now is the time to change.

This film was intended to address a growing problem in the world today. It is no coincidence that it begins with the death of so many young people jumping in front of a train. That is a very, very real threat in Japan. I remember taking the train once in Yokohama, when it stopped. The announcement was that we were being re-directed due to issues with the track. The woman next to me said it was probably "another suicide, whenever we have one, they have to change to another route" Seriously, this happens often enough, there is a standard operating procedure that residents are familiar with? I've seen and felt the effect of suicide myself through the loss of my father. It's a very real issue and I think this film does a great way of capturing all the flaws in the current way we treat this problem.

Is the film bloody? Yes. Is it gruesome? Yes. Is it entertaining? No. Is it something we should enjoy watching? No. But does it offer a good message, one that more people should take a moment and hear? YES.

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To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories
6 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2022
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

I liked it but....

So, I didn't like where this season went but I have to say it did have a lot of depth to it and it did tackle a bunch of issues that exist in relationships. The gay and straight ones both. I just fell in love with the character Seo Joon in season one, so I was devastated when Ji Woo left. I felt Seo Joon's pain like it was my own. Congrats to Woo Hyun. As for Kang Mon I'm not sure if he really acted well or not because I was too into the story. I keep hoping Ji Woo would go see a psychotherapist. I guess Kang Mon did do well. Again, very strong story with secondary's being just as strong and relevant. My only issue is the reconciliation. I really didn't see the point when or where that change occurred or what triggered it. I also actually thought there was too much damage to the relationship. Again, I'm just happy that Seo Joon was happy in the end. Shout out for the little girl and to the CEO for best supporting actor/actress in this series.

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The Long Ballad
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 8, 2021
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
I want to start by saying that I was looking forward to this series. The amazing cast and the hype around this series were the two things that made me add the series to my watchlist. From the OST clips I’ve seen, I thought the series was a full-on romance with a little bit of politics with the royal family. I was extremely disappointed to find out it was the exact opposite – more politics and very light on the romance.

What I like about the series:

Liu Yu Ning’s character of Hao Du, I was rooting for him the entire time. I couldn't help but notice the way he looked at the Princess the first time. I am so glad there was one thing from the series that did not disappoint me.

The storyline was very well thought out, there were a lot of side characters that were added each time FL faced a trial that developed her character growth.

The OST. Lately, I have this tendency to listen to OST before watching the series. I love fan-made clips of the series, sneak peeks always get me excited and I look forward to these scenes. I also love how Sa Dinding’s If you come back was used in a lot of “dramatic” scenes. It was probably one of the songs I had to look up right away.

Did I mention Hao Du? My favorite scene of his was when Hao Du jumped in fighting off the She Er to win the princess's hand in marriage.

The cinematography did not disappoint, the one thing I really enjoyed was how some scenes transition from live-action to manga. I found this to be very refreshing. I prefer having this transition rather than an overload of CG.
The cast, I am familiar with some of these actors and actresses so I was super excited to watch this. The last I’ve seen any of Dilraba work was in Ten Miles of Peach Blossom and the spin-off Eternal Love of Dream. Zhao Lu Si has been one of the actresses I’ve been following this past year. A lot of her series was light and romantic, thus I was looking forward to seeing her in this role. Other familiar cast played minor roles but it was enjoyable to see them.

The bad:

This is more personal, and I think most folks will either hate or like this. I skipped a lot mainly because I’m not into politics and the military strategy and the scheme. I was bored out of my mind as I kept skipping these sections, which was a good chunk of the series. I probably grasped onto enough to understand what was happening and didn’t care for the minute details.

They're probably more that I didn’t like but I am not going to list them all. I don’t have a long list to make a case and to justify that it made the series bad, it was more of my personal preference.

Personally, my rating is 6.5/10. I think the second lead made the series enjoyable, I looked forward to seeing how Hao Du slowly changed from this cold heartless man to someone dear and loving. But they only play a small role, the entire series was on Sun and Chang ge, and simply I just didn’t like the politics. As much as I love the second leads, I know I won’t re-watch this series.

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The Lone Ume Tree
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 6, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Acceptance of difference and problems caused by those quick to judge

Cho-san has both learning disabilities and autism, needs his routines and works in a supported facility. He also has a great mum and difficult neighbours.

Every bit of this rings true with my experience working and volunteering with people with learning disabilities, including the complicated decisions aging parents make to ensure their sons and daughters are settled.

Please don't watch this to be heart-warmed. Please watch this to better understand a bit more of the extra difficulties so unnecessarily created by those who see difference and look for reasons to condemn.

(The tags currently include mental illness. There is no mental illness depicted in this film. The distress felt by Cho-san and some of the housemates when confronted by loud noises, angry neighbours or disruption to their routine is part of their learning disabilities, not mental illness. These are distinct things.)

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