The Oath of Love
23 people found this review helpful
Mar 18, 2022
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I just love this masterpiece ... ?

At first, I thought story is different from novel. But later on, I love this drama version. It's a combination of humourous and emotional feelings. The cast is perfect for their roles.
Xiao Zhan is such a gentleman and Yang Zi is like a cute and funny girl as well as kind hearted. Their interaction makes me fall in love with them. Just some rational talking is making them very romantic.
Everyone contributed their 100% in this drama. In just a few episodes, I'm laughing ? and crying ? with them. Personally I don't like melo and overboard romantic drama stories which is beyond the real life stories.
This story made me feel close to real life.
I felt their saying some romantic words and doing some extra things is not necessary for falling in love. Just staying loyal and sincere to someone for the rest of their is enough.
Highly recommend.

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Hidden Love
24 people found this review helpful
by May007
Jul 6, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This drama is a Happy Hormone Booster everyone needed.

I am a vivid Chinese novel reader. I have read and loved this novel since 2021.
Last yr, I heard they will make this novel drama adaptation. I was so happy because it happened to be ZLS , whose acting is excellent for me, will act as FL.
But I had some worries at that time too bcoz the storyline is so straightforward and simple with no plot twist whatsoever that I am afraid many will find it boring.

Turn out I was wrong totally.
Because the way the script go, the way the actors act and even OST are so perfect that you forget what you are doing, where you are or what time is it.
I am so surprised by what this drama makes me feel. It is even better than the novel.
I am completely addicted to it now and will rewatch for a thousand time whenever I feel so down in my life.

I really hope people will give this drama a chance too. Because you know what, in reality our life are so harsh and stressful. We need to watch perfect ML and perfect FL in love with each other and living in a perfect fairy world surrounded by their loved one happily forever.

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HIStory4: Close to You
24 people found this review helpful
May 18, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Are Y'all Kidding Me?

How are so many of you giving this so many stars and good reviews?!?
Yong Jie got Xing Si (his stepbrother) drunk, raped him, filmed it, and showed the film to their father. Their mother admitted to knowing what Yong Jie was going to do and not stopping him because she thought they'd make a good couple. This is absolutely ridiculous. Xing Si is worried that he forced his little brother, but when he realizes it was the other way around, he slaps him twice. That's the end of it. Yong Jie then proceeds to romance and win over Xing Si and get him to agree to date him. NO, absolutely NOT. Is this okay to the writers and viewers because Xing Si is a man? Think about this storyline with Xing Si as a female being drugged and raped by her step brother. It is never okay to have sex with a person and/or film anything without 100% non coerced consent. I felt that Xing Si was being pressured to do whatever it took to keep his family together, even if that meant being the sex toy of his little brother. The story line was disturbing at best, disgusting at worst.

Now let's talk about Li Cheng and Mu Ren. Pretending to date to get a girl? How asinine! Also, it's 2021 arguing over top/bottom needs to be put in the past. Sexual relationships are rarely so straight forward with permanently assigned roles. Sometimes, I wonder if anyone writing, acting in, directing, or producing a BL has even had anal sex. The misconceptions abound. Also, there are tons of sexual activities for two men other than anal penetration. This trope needs to go!

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25 Ji, Akasaka de
24 people found this review helpful
Apr 19, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Absolutely yes

Basically fake dating but make it Gay. Count me in. The chemistry is definitely there and the whole cast seems to be well trained in acting. The camera work is good although some of the editing is questionable and slightly odd. I am a big fan of plots like this bc we pick up the pace with the main leads. You get the vibe that the super hot popular costar secretly watched and like his lesser popular and slightly awkward junior. I’m definitely a sucker for plots like this! There’s two filler-ish episodes to the end but the ending is totally worth it!!! One of the best dramas this year!

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The Trainee
24 people found this review helpful
Jun 30, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

a coming of age ensemble series (not a BL series)

Overall: I re-watched the trailer to see if my expectations were way off but the trailer was narrated by Ryan and showed mostly Ryan/Jane moments. While I enjoyed the quirky humor, the misleading trailer and writing was disappointing. Aired on GMMTVs YouTube Channel, playlist link:

Content Warning: sexual harassment

Watch Suggestions (I don't have the energy to go back thru the first 8 episodes, here are timings to focus on Jane & Ryan's romance)
- watch episode 9 part 4 7:45-end
- watch episode 10 part 1 beginning to the credits then 8-end
- watch episode 10 part 2 5:20-end
- watch episode 10 part 3 beginning to 1m 10s
- watch episode 10 part 4 8:30-end
- watch episode 11 part 2 beginning to 2:30
- watch episode 11 part 3 4:45-end
- watch episode 11 part 4 2:30-3:45 and 6:30-end
- watch episode 12 part 2
- watch episode 12 part 4 1min to 2:55 and 15:30-the end

What I Liked
- relatable main character (not knowing what he wanted to do in life)
- editing style, not sure how describe it, really vibrant colors
- laughed a few times
- informational bonus scenes at the end
- good that they touched on sexual harassment and I think this series passed the Bechdel test
- characters apologized

Room For Improvement
- misleading trailer
- pacing could have been tighter
- disappointed with a character/pair arc
- not all of the humor worked for me
- a character said "never ask me anything" and later said "if you don't know something ask me"
- Ryan was too incompetent such as not knowing how to silence or turn off his cell phone
- underwhelming/camera blocked kisses
- in episode 12 the time jump was totally not needed, technology exists, they didn't need to write a pair's relationship in that way

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Ice Fantasy
21 people found this review helpful
Oct 28, 2016
62 of 62 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Magical. Beautiful. Really enjoyed it. I didn't fast forward at any time, never skipped any part.
Remember it is fantasy when you watch it, and enjoy!
Also, only annoying character, the mermaid princess. But over time you'll understand.
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Reply 1997
24 people found this review helpful
Oct 8, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Are you like me? You adore watching dramas but sometimes you get into a rut because you feel a lot of plots are recycled, clichés become over done or characters start to blend? So you find yourself looking for those rare dramas that stand out! Then, when someone recommends something different or, even better, you accidentally stumble upon a drama that is completely different, you feel like you have hit the jackpot! This is the way I felt about Coffee Prince and Soulmate. This is exactly how I would describe Reply 1997. A find! A Gem! Close to perfection!

The writing is wonderful. I like that the show was bold enough to change some of the feeling, locations and situations as the characters grew and their lives transitioned. And yet, the core of their personalities, friendships and relationships remained steadfast. This show touched my heart. I didn't need to be immersed and well versed with the cultural norms, and especially the pop culture of the day in Korea. Their teenage angst, first love woes, parental conflicts were totally universal. To me, that is good writing. The editing and execution of the plot was so fresh; a completely enjoyable mix of drama and hilarious comedy that often felt so natural to every circumstance. There were truly hilarious laugh out loud moments but it was relatable comedy. The kind where you watch and you laugh because you understand...this has happened to you! Slapstick comedy is so fun and has it's place but Reply 1997's comedy was often hysterical because it seemed real. I never had a bored moment watching this show.

So in Guk and Jung Eun Ji do a great job! I am really looking forward to seeing more from both of them. Sung Dong Il , who played Shi Won’s father, stole the show with every scene he was in.
One of the magical things about this show was the chemistry of the actors. The caliber of a great drama is sometimes that intangible element that cannot be predicted. There was great chemistry across all the different relationship combinations: the father and mother, Shi won and her Dad, the two leads, the bromance, the true friendship between the two girls, the love and loyalty between the brothers.

The music was great. This is one of those dramas where you quickly start looking up the songs and ultimately want the OST. Every song was fitting, relatable and enjoyable. I want this OST so bad!

Re-watch value is a total 10. I would re-watch this drama in a heartbeat. No question.

If you want to watch a truly well done, touching, hilarious, special drama. If you are looking for something that is a cut above the crowd. If you want something that stands out in the stew pot of other pretty good dramas out there… Give this show a try. You will NOT regret watching this 'close to perfect' little show.

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21 people found this review helpful
Dec 6, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

A forced, useless love triangle that dominated the true value of the title

So, another disappointing drama by Netflix. I was totally enjoying this from the beginning but as each episode passed i realised that the writer got confused and had no idea what was happening with the story. In my humble opinion i felt like the writer focused to much on the "love" story and 'love triangle" than the actual START UP of the companies. Too much unnecessary love lines that could have been omitted in order to make way for the failure and growth of the different companies.

what I've observed is that the writer did try to redeem the image and title of the drama but the episodes were to advanced to make a realistic bounce back hence those draggy romance scenes.


1. way too much emphasis placed on unnecessary photographic shots of the leads. Yes, i get and we know they are beautiful but i did not start this drama to be captivated by their beauty if i did i would go re watch Gangnam beauty, i came for the story and they barely sold it to me. Those +20s shots could have gone into the leads realisation of a needed character development.

2. There was no character development by the leads. As a title as eye catching and a story that's appealing to us young adults, I felt like character development was very much lacking from the leads. The title is START UP, the main genre is BUSINESS and it's targeted audience are youths & young adults who are very much interested in getting into that career or find it interesting overall. Instead they focused on some wimpy kindergarten love triangle that had no essence or substance.
To The FL & ML friends. One cannot simply succeed in BUSINESS with pettiness especially if that business is a startup with limited funding, FL was very petty. Signing a contract without FULLY understanding its content is rather foolish and does not depict the characteristics of a businessman/woman. the 2nd ML was the only one who had a nice solid growth; from rags to riches while remaining HUMBLE and passing down knowledge.

3. Pity, pity and more pity. That's the word that comes to mind when i think of the ML. When ever he faced a difficult situation all he does is hold his head and cry, wallow in pity like the world is ending for only him. His descriptive character states that he is a FOUNDER of a company and a math genius which clearly means that he is very well academically versed. Even though i observed he lacks social skills that should not make him also lack COMMON SENSE. For goodness sakes how can he keep making the same mistakes without reflecting and trying to make himself a better person and BUSINESS MAN. HE THINKS HE knows it all but don't know shit because someone always has to pick him up every time he makes his foolish decisions. He was not humble so he could not see his weakness, acknowledge and allow himself to grow as a man and businessman.

I really loved the storyline but the romance over shadowed it. I wanted more startup competitions, more appearance of other business ideas, the rise and fall of other businesses, character development. It's not really a bad drama but my expectation of it was too high so it is a disappointment for me. I would recommend to people who wish to see what a lack of commonsense and humbleness can do to you if you refuse advise from the wise heads who are well established in a career field you are now getting into. The ending was so-so, so i guess its fairly okay.

sidenote: i'm just getting into suzy bae but what ive observed is that she lacks facial expression. i could not truly gauge her expression without a smile or tears, facial expressions can sell a scene to it's audience. A little more work is needed there.

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Flower Boy Next Door
24 people found this review helpful
May 4, 2013
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I was unsure about this drama from the start, and the high review scores vs people warning me not to waste my time didn't help. I finally decided to keep watching marathon style, since I was stuck at home for medical reasons, I thought I would relate to the isolated main character a little. The first few episodes were cute, and interesting, but then it all went down hill for me.

Flower Boy Next Door is all about unrequited love triangles, and stalkers. Almost every character harbors a one-sided crush for another character. At the center is Go Dok Mi. She is a super emo recluse, who I had a very hard time rooting for, or liking. Eventually we learn about the event that traumatized her, and made her so distrusting of people, but it never quite excused her selfish behavior for me.

For some reason, in spite of her personality, she has two men fighting to win her affection. One is the equally emo Oh Jin Rak, who has been obsessed with her for years. The other is the extremely hyper, über cute, and sometimes annoying Enrique played by Yoon Shi Yoon. Yoon Shi Yoon is the main reason I watched this drama, and he was the highlight for me. He is the glue that holds this KDrama together.

The supporting cast was also pretty entertaining, particularly the the web-toon director and Dong Hoon (my favorite couple), though I am not sure what purpose Chef Watanabe actually served. The character Cha Do Hwi was extremely annoying, so she did a great job. I gave the cast a 7, because I could not find any fault with the acting. They did their best with what they had, which was not much.

The main downfall of this drama is the story, or lack thereof. The love triangles initially were interesting but became predictable, and boring, quickly. Even the big reveal about Dok Mi's past started to annoy me after a while. I wanted to yell "get over it" at the screen so many times. I get that it was a really bad thing for her, but they relied on flashing back to that story a bit too much. Then they tried to throw in a pitiful storyline about video game obsessed fans, but it was too ridiculous to be believed.

Although this is mainly a romance, the main couple was less interesting as time went on. It seemed like such a one-sided relationship. Watching Enrique try to cheer up Dok Mi every episode was really frustrating, and they didn't have an exciting chemistry either. It was a struggle to watch the final episodes. They just seemed to stretch out what was already going to be the obvious conclusion. The cheesy expressions of love didn't help either. At the end they tried to tie up the love lives of each character, and even that was super cheesy and predictable. Again, what was the point of Watanabe?

Overall, I did not like this drama enough to recommend it to anyone. I guess huge fans of the actors will be entertained enough to justify the bad plot. It really was a great start in my opinion, but once the couples became clear, the writer apparently had no clue what to do next. If you think you'll like seeing Park Shin Hye and Kim Ji Hoon play two emotionally detached characters who wax poetic about love, then maybe you'll like this more than I did. If Yoon Shi Yoon's smile is all the entertainment you need, then by all means watch this. I barely made it through the first time, so rewatching this is not an option. Maybe I'd youtube a cute Enrique moment, but that's about it.

For everyone else, don't believe the hype. I'll just pass the advice that I should have heeded myself "don't waste 16 hours of your life".

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Hidden Love
23 people found this review helpful
Aug 8, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 3.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Wish ZLS would stop picking these roles

Being a ZLS fan I wish she'd be more selective with her roles.

Troubled drama:
1. Single line story line. It's fine if its paper thin story line with some witty dialogue but .... you can sum this up in 1 line so why so many episodes?
2. Wrong age casting: Little zls played by a great young actress but she's 10 playing a 14 yr old. In love like galaxy ZLS played a 15 year old just fine. Total avoidable pedophile feel.
3. ML keep on referring himself as "Ge ge" in 3rd person. Like no one talks like that EVER. In English, it's like saying something like : "Big bro will take you home... " "Tell big bro blahblahblah" "Big bro refer to self as big bro...."
4. ZLS downplay her age way too much. Her voice is always baby sounding even when she reached college age.
5. She keeps saying "I am adult now." "I am mature now." while sounding 14.....
5. Making big deal on 5 year difference even in college. That's just silly....

Few positives:
1. Her parents are both characters I loved in Love like Galaxy. Both positive parenting in this drama.
2. Her real brother scenes are funny, like a real brother "Big Dumb Dog"
3. ZLS's hair. She has great hair, beautiful highlights.

I can see 12 year olds would probably like this drama....

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Lovely Runner
72 people found this review helpful
Jun 15, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Overly dramatic acting, this series is definitely for teenagers

Honestly the male lead has carried the show, because the female lead’s acting is too overly dramatic and it made me cringe. It’s definitely one that makes a teenager’s heart flutter and I can totally understand that but realistically speaking, a lot of the story seems to be really forced, especially the way they find their way back together.
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Dropped 13/14
Woo Ri the Virgin
8 people found this review helpful
Jun 21, 2022
13 of 14 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Very Disappointed

I really had high hopes for this drama but its more about the crime scene plot than about the FL being pregnant. I also think the Fl needs to stay single and not choose either of the guys. I wasted time watching this train wreck of a drama. Then you have both ex's from the leads who are just as bad as the leads are. I like the actors themselves but their characters are what I dont like. The only two episodes that Iiked where the first two and thats it. Woori's mo was also a big problem for me and needed to mind her business half the time.
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Ongoing 33/34
Boss & Me
11 people found this review helpful
by Mars
Jul 5, 2018
33 of 34 episodes seen
Ongoing 2
Overall 5.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
I desperately wanted to love this drama. I adored Love O2O and after reading all the reviews for Boss & Me, I was excited to watch it. It was very disappointing to find that it was 33 episodes with only 2 episodes where interesting things happened the entire time.

The first episode felt very rushed but after that the whole drama felt slow. I skipped through so much because of how boring it was. While there were a number of cute scenes, it wasn't enough to maintain the drama. The last few episodes were quite interesting and cute but getting there was such a struggle.

The Story:
Honestly, the majority of the plot can be summed up as 'girl doesn't know what her boyfriend means/is thinking but never asks him (and seems to ask everyone else).' Miscommunication is a staple in drama but this was so incredibly dull and boring and played to the point of stupidity.

The fact that Shan Shan is adorable is all that kept me watching it at first. By episode 8 I was fairly certain I wanted to drop it and at that point stuck it out purely out of stubbornness. There were some storylines that were a little more interesting but even so this drama was simply not a hit for me.

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Lovely Runner
95 people found this review helpful
by Gigi
May 28, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers
An amazing start, but...

1. Something about "fix me" stories as it relates to people with disabilities just doesn't sit right with me, I was hoping the part of the story about the FL being a wheelchair user would return, at the very least because it was wrapped very quickly, but instead it was mainly used to further the plot, with few moments focused on representation, which was disappointing.

2. The serial killer plot dragged on for sooooo long and it ended in such an anticlimactic way, it felt like in the end the writer didn't know what to do with the guy.

3. The constant timeline changes killed the momentum, especially the last one because I absolutely despise the amnesia trope, I find it usually useless because it puts a stop at the character/relationship development.

All of that means that if the drama was shorter, around 12 episodes, some of the issues with the storytelling could have been resolved, at least for me. All in all though, I did enjoy the lead couple immensely, no matter the little things I disliked, their chemistry always made up for it in the end.

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Lovely Runner
69 people found this review helpful
Jun 13, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

cansei :(

as viagens do tempo sem sentido, os flashbacks desnecessários, a falta de lógica e a construção rasa do vilão me cansaram e eu não consegui terminar :(

mas no início eu realmente me diverti muito com a história do casal principal e adorei cada personagem.

acho que como comédia romântica ele cumpre razoavelmente o papel porque a protagonista passa pelas situações mais constrangedoras possíveis e as cenas do casal são ótimas.

acho uma pena sabe, tinha potencial. se as viagens no tempo tivessem uma lógica, se o vilão fosse bem construído eu acredito que seria uns 8,5/10

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