Jul 26, 2012


Omg BEST ENDING EVER! The fight at the end was so intense! I hope Mok Dan realises he did everything for her. OMG the ending was Daebak! Lol Can't wait til next week it sucks we have to wait another whole week though. I hope Mok Dan fully trust Kang To now!
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Ghost Episode 17
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 26, 2012

Playing catch up

This just keeps getting better. I swear that Hyun Min is one step ahead of them all the time.

It is so good to know that Woo Hyun wasn't a dirty cop. I figured it would be something like that. Although we only get to see his characteristics for a short time, it seemed he was too strict to be bad.
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Jul 26, 2012


...oooooooooooo !!!

How could they torture us like that ?! How can we wait a whole week for the next ep ! :'(

Why why why whyyyy ? the Olympics haven't even started, they could've aired ep 18 today !

I'm SO frustrated !

But here's my (real)review : this episode was damn good !
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Jul 26, 2012

Was unbelievably good !

WOW! She knows now!!! This was one of the awesomest episode , I hope that Mok Dan stays by his side from now on!!!!

eotteoke!!!!! can't wait for the next episode :DD
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Jul 26, 2012

omo omo omo! ^^

I don't think i can't wait 'till next week. :D

The last scene was the best!!!!(Of course, right before the ending of the episode... xD) I was scared that Kang To cannot safe himself and Mok Dan.. That Katsuyama is very strong and skilled unfortunately...

Now i hope MD won't fight with KT anymore. Since she got to know who Bridal Mask is. :D

Can't wait for ep 18^^
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Jul 26, 2012


yes, Mok Dan saw who the heck is bridal mask already. hope, she won't get any other weird ideas... Yes, Bridal Mask is epic drama and every episode is really interesting and shocking but the last ones are more than awesome. if i could i would rate this ep with more than 10 points... i waited for this moment for so long and yes, today I was able to see it. i'm so exited that i can't collect my mind. truly outstanding episode...
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Jul 26, 2012

Torn between two lovers!

I said that I was Team Ji Hoon, but Seok Hyun you're making it so hard to stay faithful!! You're a raging jerk Seok Hyun but you're so sweet and vulnerable on the inside. I can't help but want you and Yeol Mae to be together forever when you stare at her with those pitiful eyes of yours which scream I LOVE YOU YEOL MAE! I finally found a flaw in the JiMae couple. Yeol Mae becomes someone she isn't because of Ji Hoon. That isn't right. If you're in a relationship with someone you should show them your true self not try and fit the image they have of you. That's probably why I'm so torn between Ji Hoon and Seok Hyun.

Moving on. Ahh Ji Hee and Mr. Nosy!!! So cute!! Mr. Nosy def likes her!!

Jae Kyung and her lover noo!!! Why are you two both so stubborn. I swear this series gets better with each episode!!

Read More

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Jul 26, 2012


This was all I wanted and more. The acting in this is nothing short of perfect. And yes, the fight scene and ending are amazing!
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Jul 26, 2012

I was planning to sleep after this episode.. but to hell with sleep!

Why did they end the episode like that?!! I felt so sorry for those poor Joseon people, Kang to is a bitch sometimes-.- and Hyung omg!! I love him, he is cool when he's Gakistal. Anyway this episode kicked ass, and I was actually screaming at the screen, I loved this freaaking episode!! If every episodes gets better, I wonder how I'm going to deal with the finale, when I'm already hyped up by episode 3? o.O
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Jul 26, 2012

Clapping like a retarded seal! Brilliant!!

So the retarded brother is Gakistal.. huhu, I knew it!! There was something fishy about him. What's going to happen next?? Brother vs. Brother?? Kang to what will you do? Shunji was awesome in this episode, he went against his brother and father to save Kang To, way to go! And Mak Do, at first I was a little annoyed by her because I thought her role would be the love interest that creates drama.. but I really hope she has a different role.. I can accept love, but not to much focus on it ^^ The other story is exciting! *Rushes to next episode..
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Jul 25, 2012

Depressing as hell...

It really remindes me of anime Jigoku Shojo. Its dark, twisted, mysterious. The first episode is very interesting, but also very depressing. The ending felt a little bit unfair for a poor guy, who suffered because of others.

The main lady in the office is just amazing. Her mind seems to be twisted just as the whole drama. Her smile really brought me shivers :D

It was definately one of the most interesting first episodes of J-dramas i have ever seen :)
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Jul 25, 2012

Aw yeeeeaah!

Right on! Awesome first episode :D

I honestly thought the first episode was going to be boring, because it had to introduce all the new characters and the story.. but Bridal Mask did it in a clever way. From the first seconds the episode began I knew that this was going to be good! The action parts were amazing - and this is coming from a romcom junkie who barely watches action series. Joo Woon is AMAZING!!

Can't wait for ep 2 :DD
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Jul 25, 2012

Not bad, but not exceptional like the first episode.

I'd like to see more reason as to why Toru is starting to like

Sawaki Chihiro.
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Big Episode 16
18 people found this review helpful
Jul 25, 2012

Wait a sec : What was that ?!!!

I'm an ending lover so when an ending goes the wrong way, sometimes the whole drama goes the wrong way and Big last episodes didn't encourage me to think about the whole drama in a good way.

Not only that we didn't get to see Kang Kyung Joon in his own body but we had some bad as very bad moments during the ep.

From all the dramas that i've seen so far, this drama's ending must have the worst ever *sigh*
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Big Episode 16
13 people found this review helpful
Jul 25, 2012


If the director decided to show KKJ to us in YJ's body then it was a fcuking bad idea. At least some screentime should have been given to Shin Won Ho! I'm totally disappointed and what's with the 1 year gap? Jesus.
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