Pretty good

I wasn't sure what to expect from this because I haven't watched the anime and all I've heard from reviews was that it's really funny. So it was a pretty weird first episode because I kept trying to understand the scenario while watching. The synopsis didn't quite make it very clear so I had many "aaaah" moments throughout this... But whenever I thought I understood something another thing came up to confuse me. Or it may just be that I'm really sleepy at the moment lol

I really enjoyed it though, once it got clearer in my head. It feels weird for that type of appearance change to revert so quickly. In most films the person stays that way once they're changed. I'm curious to see how this will develop. And she's so not ugly O.O If that girl is hiding under a cape because she's ugly I should just go live underground -_-

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Jul 22, 2012

I really like Yoon and Ahri.

There are a number of highlights to this episode, including the way things are finally looking up for Yoon and Ahri. I am very fond of them. Of course, even here the drama reaches for some cliches. But as long as it's going to work itself out, I can accept it, and it;s not too far fetched, actually it does work. DoJin smartens up, good for them. I feel osrry for the others. Tea San has issues to work through, he is being very controlling and the other marriage too. The ending to this episode is cliche but works so well and it's a killer. It was about time to yoon to start listening to himself, he needed to come out of his shell. I have very good feeling about ep 18...with the exception of tea San. He needs to loosen up and be happy, he is making himself unhappy, but he is very sympathetic in this plight, for his own sake and Sera's, not just for others around him, he needs a wake up call. Fortutnately with episode 17 the drama picks up again and there are moments in this episode that can make adult women gigle like teenagers, if they are in the mood for such cuteness. I do like the cuteness in this particular drama. I do so like this drama.

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Jul 22, 2012

This what I'm talking about!!!!

This ep is just wonderful!!!!! Every one of the couple are beginning to make more stagnant relationships!!!

Hong Se Ra and Im Tae San are doing just great...Plus I think their relationship would greatly influence the outcome of Yoon and Meahri's relationship.... positively of course.

Rok is beginning to get sincere with Park Min Sook.....but why do I doubt his sincerity??? I sincerely hope he isn't pulling any prank...

Now to the main couple of the year.... We've waited long enough for the make-up of Do Jin and Yi Soo, but they extended it by some minutes due to a prank that was pulled by Do Jin himself... That was one sweet make-up ~swools~

Who thought Yoon would make that move.... That MOVE made my day!!!

I envy the friendship between the F40 and I also feel sad at the same time.....In as much as I want their friendship to last still as to be put through some trying times..

The preview of ep 18 doesn't look good for some couples... ~sigh~

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Jul 22, 2012

The calm before the storm

This episode is awesome in many ways, and it's extremely sweet to see all the couples finally getting along together.

When Do Jin did the prank to Yeo Soo, I thought it was going to be another ride on the rollercoaster of misunderstandings, but I'm happy it was only a small matter.

But this episode is just soothing before other big events take place later on, and I love how they seem to be leaving more and more drama to the last episodes.

Now I don't regret watching the boring episodes from 13 to 15!
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Jul 22, 2012

Oh nooo..

Woah, I seriously felt SO bad for Beom. No way. :(

As if he didn't have enough problems already. I hope this will be resolved reaaally fast!

And Yunho and Minjung are so cute, hehe.
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Jul 22, 2012

Finally going somewhere

So in this episode finally all couples are moving forward and solving their problems. Do Jin stops being so idiotic and accepts that maybe having a 19 year old son (who you never knew nothing about) AND a girlfriend is POSSIBLE. Yoon finally (thanks God) does something for him an Meahri. I don't like this couple, Yoon should make her feel good and pretty and loved, but he only makes her cry. Se Ra and Tae San are getting married. I don't like this couple either, Tae San is a jerk who has no regard for anyone's feelings but his own. And Rok and Min Sook are trying to have a baby :D I love seeing the sweet side of their relationship, and that they're changing it after 10 years of a REALLY sucky marriage

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Jul 22, 2012

What Just Happened?

AHHHH! Where did that come from??! That, my friends, was one of the best kiss scenes ever. Maybe the kiss wasn't the best, but how it was executed sure was. Here they are standing, singing in front a room full of people, and then! WHAM!!! Smakaroonies! It was amazing!! I was giggling like the little school girl I am. Loved it.
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Jul 22, 2012


So now the actual Ramyun Shop Story will begin? Interesting.

I hate the pairing of Chi Soo and Eun Bi! Seriously, it's horrible. :(
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Jul 22, 2012


Aww! Looks like she'll be with the big guy after all.
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Jul 22, 2012


I really want her to end up with the big guy. Does he have a name? :P

And Chi Soo should give up. On the swan girl, too.. :)
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Jul 22, 2012


Cha Chi Soo! Can one be so ignorant??

And who's the tall guy? Is he her husband or does he think he's her husband or her husband-to-be?

And the end was sooo sad.. :(
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Jul 22, 2012


Ohh I hate it! Please just find a guy your age. T_T

And Chi Soo is so horrible. I mean, I can't hate him but what he's doing to Da Ool.. Woah.
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Jul 21, 2012


Jung Il-Woo! I mean Cha Chi Soo.. He definitely made this episode. Nice. :D

But the woman is a little annoying. :P
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Jul 21, 2012

of all the cheesy stupid....

Sky writing? really? i'm not even going to talk about it except to say i'm fast forwarding and pretending it never happened, who's with me?

the longer this goes on the less emotion there is in Shu's performance. at first his eyes seemed to ooze emotion but some where along the line it all faded out. my heart bled for ShinWoo when he was rejected. Shu, well i just want to politely ask him if he can go stand and look constipated off camera.
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Jul 21, 2012

Another Good Episode

This episode had me roaring with laughter! Taipi is doing such a good job at being a goofball that it's becoming rather endearing. Also, most of the supporting cast is pulling its weight by bringing roundness to each of their characters. I have a feeling that this show is only going to get better, as it looks like the female officer and the Director may be scheming about something involving the students in the "S" class. I'm definitely looking forward to episode three, and finding out just what makes Tachibana who he is.
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